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OK, What's your excuse?


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I have just had an operation on my knee and I'm pretty immobile at the moment, both painful and frustrating at the same time.


This has led me to spending more time here and getting involved with a bit of banter, I see a few other names cropping up a lot during the day, so what's your excuse for spending all your time here?



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A bit like you Dekers mate I too am a bit less mobile than I normal am or I would have been out this morning, especially as it's glorious sunshine and clear blue skies here for a change so I would like to make the most of it!

Having said that I hope to get out later this afternoon and evening with the hide for a bit of decoying - Let's hope so! ( I would have liked to go earlier but I couldn't as I have to take the wife for her blood test results at about 13:20) I do know that one of my farmers that is very local to me has been doing his second silage cut so hopefully there might be some crows about for me to harrass!

Till then i'm sat here bored to death, as no doubt you are too!

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I am that efficient at my job( ha ha ) that by 10 am all paperwork ie Risk and method statments, quotes and purchase orders etc are all complete, I then just have to manage the sub contractors and in house operatives on site, but the lads I have on site are pros so no mither off them, I am like a well oiled machine ha, ha lmao,



BORED IN WORK ALSO HA HA, It's great I get paid to do this,


ATB flynny

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Usually have a nosy around at lunch time, and then perhaps later when I come in for a brew, and then... oh yes... I spend too much time reading this damn forum !!


In my opinion, i am my own boss, but in reality, SWMBO goes out to work and doesn't know how much time I spend on here !






And, Dekers, best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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