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Driving without a TAX disc!


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Hi folks


I've just ordered my car tax online and it said that it could take up to 5 days to arrive.

My question is, if I print the receipt and the email I received off the DVLA confirming the start date, number and car reg. Will I still be able to drive the car legally?


Won't be needing the car this weekend to be honest but would be nice to know incase something comes up.





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Displaying your tax disc


Your vehicle tax disc must be displayed on the passenger side (kerb side) of the vehicle’s windscreen. If there’s no windscreen or you have a motorcycle or sidecar, you should display the tax disc on the kerb side of the vehicle.

A current tax disc must be displayed on the vehicle it was bought for. If you buy a new tax disc before your current tax disc expires, you should not display the new one until the old one has expired. The new tax disc is only valid from the first day of the month you have taxed from. The maximum penalty for failure to display a current tax disc is £200. The tax disc can not be transferred between vehicles.

If you use the electronic vehicle licensing service or tax by post at the end of the month, there’s now an exemption for not displaying a tax disc. This exemption covers the first five working days of the month to allow time for the new disc to arrive in the post. While you are still waiting for your tax disc you will need to display your current tax disc. The exemption only applies if applications are made before the current tax disc or SORN expires.

Edited by Gordon R
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You can be done for not displaying whether its taxed or not. I have been stopped before for speeding without displaying but the lappy in the fuzz wagon picked up that it was taxed. They were cool about it. They seemed to change their abrupt tone when my SGC flashed up on there as well.

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I was warned by a policeman that the offence is 'Failure to display a valid tax disc', but as he had done a PNC check and confirmed that I had taxed it he would let me go on my way with no further inconvenience or penalty.


I have driven several times since, and my motorbike hasn't had a disc on display for years...beacuase the local scrotes kept nicking them! I've never yet been fined for it.



Blimey there's some quick fingered individuals on here, didn't know about the exemption so I stand corrected! :lol:

Edited by -Mongrel-
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I always get my road tax disk from the local post office and I get it when I pay for it so no bother waiting for it to come in the post also I feel that I am doing my bit to help keep our post office open.


I do not no what the situation is today but many years ago I was driving to work and a police man on a motor bike when't past me in the opposite direction and somehow he spotted that my tax disc was not on my windscreen and he turned around and stopped me it was on the flour so I was ok but he told me to get it stuck on the windscreen or I would be in trouble the next time that he saw me.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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Glad you reminded me mine is still downstairs even though I got it on the 2nd woops, but everybody who I no has got caught without displaying has got a friendly warning and let on there way this is after they had brought online because they have normally checked this before they pull you over anyway.......

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It depend on your feelings about your local post office if you live in a large town then it probably dose not matter that much but if you live in the country and value have a local post office.


I say use it as its no good complaining that you have to drive miles to post a parcel etc when it is closed down because people did not use it one car tax would not mack much difference but one hundred could just make the difference.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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its fine if you've paid online and got the receipt printed you'd be extremely unlucky to get pulled for failure to display and even if you you could go to court and it would get over turned. Being tax it will start from the beginning of the month anyway

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there is a 5 day grace period re tax discs ( apparently somewhat more but don't quote me). As long as you have ordered it online and payment was accepted you have the disc. The offence of failing to display a valid tax disc isint really a criminal offence, just enforceable (anythig re owing the government money is seriously enforceable) ,you would be fined any outstanding tax owed, which in your case may be nothing provided u taxed the vehicle in time. I wouldnt worry about it, a pnc check would show the vehicle taxed so don't worrt too much cameras wouldn't pick it up as it shows taxed on the system. Pm me if you want clarification.

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