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Eley lightening. Ultra high performance steel.


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ive ordered some today the 36 gm 3 inch no 3 shot, after ringing eley to find a local norfolk dealer which turned out to be thetford gun and clothing based in thetford norfolk, the prices quoted was £70.70 for 250, approx .28 pence each and should be with me by the weekend, will give a report on how i get on with them after a trip or two on the wash

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Guest cookoff013

the powder that is used is to reduce the pressure to within safe pressure limits and still give the shot /wad charge good speed.

eley are part of the maxam group who supply there own powders. this has been specially formulated to shoot steel fast at lower pressures than traditional powders.


because of the nature of ballistics, you ll notice that the powder charge is larger than normal weights.


im actually glad that eley have taken a huge stand on these, the shot speed exceeds the maximum set by the CIP. but the pressure needs to still be in the safe zone.


the only thing that slightly bugs me is the shotsizes of 5s but 32g of fast 5s are alot better than 4s at 800fps. that is a world of difference.

i cant wait to see comercial reply / from hull, lylevale, gamebore, and all the big continental names like rio,rc, etc.


most manufacturers make shells that breech CIP speeds anyway, they just are not for sale in the uk. now that eley have 'lead' the way.(excuse the pun)

i have noticed that a manufacturer took off their website, one of the shells that isnt. it stated non uk.


i would expect price wars or speed wars. but shooting anything 1700fps is going to hurt both ends.

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Guest cookoff013

i have been using the 36g Lighting for the last two week and can confirm the qouted speed They defo hit Geese hard but NOT HARD on the shoulder ( no more than 3" Gamebore 36g ) shot through a pump and O/U :good:


was the speed actually 1700fps, most manufactured cartridges never hit the quoted speed. the speeds are very funny as they are taken from 2.5m from muzzel and calculated back. usually an estimated fps is added. this used to be approx 100fps, but i had a chat with a very knowlegable chap, and 50fps is the realistic addition to the 2.5m fps reading.

when a cartridge series are tested usually one shell is acclimatised to a set temperature to make sure the shells never get above maximum pressure in the summer months. as this shell is warmer, it experiences more pressure and more fps, so theoretically and actually observed so can be published.

but i get your point, about the recoil being comparative. i would have assumed that the recoil being more due to the speed, but untill its put on a N/S scale, and tested, we wouldnt know for sure.

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Does this increase in speed mean a need for different proofing or choking? I saw a post saying the pressure was kept low, but you're still pushing non deformable steel at greater speed through a constricting barrel and choke.





Normal rules for high performance steel loads apply, that's all.

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I'm told eley are knocking them out as fast as they can one chap who had some of the original batch had ordered 15000 and two others 5000 each

I got 500 lightning ultra on Tuesday 36 and 32 gramm the delay was getting the components from Europe with the Spanish on strike the earlier last week


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Fowlers running round like headless chickens trying to get hold of cartridges that very few have tried, even fewer have put through a chrono, the only report i've seen of a chrono reading of the 36g had them at 1450fsp so no where near the claimed 1600, how on earth did we manage before, only good thing is it will hopefully make mammoths easier to get hold of.

Ordering 15000 is just stupid its creating a problem just like the fuel crisis that never was.

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Fowlers running round like headless chickens trying to get hold of cartridges that very few have tried, even fewer have put through a chrono, the only report i've seen of a chrono reading of the 36g had them at 1450fsp so no where near the claimed 1600, how on earth did we manage before, only good thing is it will hopefully make mammoths easier to get hold of.

Ordering 15000 is just stupid its creating a problem just like the fuel crisis that never was.


Amen! Can't see I'll be switching from mammoths anytime soon

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they aint gan improve ya shooting any coz tha a faster shell...people see things and automatically think tha onto a good thing.if ya a **** shot then they wont make you any betta..get a grip! :no:

I agree that ANY cartridge will not make anyone shoot better. However, if they do have the velocity that is claimed, it may make sure that any birds that are shot are hit harder, thus giving better kills.

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Guest cookoff013

yup, i think the boat has been missed by eley and the taxi home. it wouldnt surprise me if the other manufacturers released their version of speed steel before next season.

eley should have released them before august. i think the big 2 manufacturers hull and gamebore.... have some task ahead. gamebore especially as there shells must have taken a hit when the new steel shells arrived. although, they have the shells available to reply to eleys invasion of nontoxic steel market.


hull have not done much with steel, i`m kinda dissmayed, really. shame because they have always made decent shells.

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It would appear they don't.

Maybe they don't carry the quoted velocity, but i have seen very little evidence yet that suggests otherwise.




it seems that there have been a few new releases of steel shells. rio and eleyhawk are owned by the same group, maxam. the rio steel shells have the equivalents too.


hopefully these come on the market, too./

I'd give their 1 3/8 load a go.

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