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do you use a 26" gun?

cumbrian shooter

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My first 28 bore had 26" barrels I used it to shoot most things handle quickly and was fine I prefer 28" barrels they look better but that's just me.


This height barrel thing is rubbish it's more shooting style I prefer shorter barrels but have a set of 32s for my silver actioned 682 the shot still breaks clays and kills things and I'm 6'4" so on very short

Edited by welshwarrior
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Got a 26" SX3 for fowling but like it that much I'm using it for clays.


Thought I'd bought a 28" till I looked on the barrel, with a kicks choke in its nearly the same length as my 32" 682 gold e,


Also shoot a 27" sxs never feel I need longer barrels, can hit everything I can with 32" barrels.



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26" is plenty long enough for anything - I've got 2 AYA's in 26" (both up for disposal by the way!) and a pair of English boxlocks with 25" tubes - best thing since sliced bread; light and handy and kill cleanly. Don't know where the idea they kick harder comes from, never been aware of recoil and I always use 32gramme loads. They're all side by sides as well...

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