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For all those muzzleloaders hiding in the shadows.


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Cracking pics Underdog, might I ask if you are using BP or a modern substitute? I am also curious about what is the best to use as a wad? I have just picked up a Pedersoli double 12g and have yet to fire it. I am planning on using something like Pyrodex or Hodgson Shooter Powder, but have no real idea about wadding.

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very nice..that gun looks a monster!!!


is it the same as a 12g? i know its a muzzle loader but does it shoot the same amount of shot ??


Yes Sir, 12g. I use from 7/8oz to 1&1/4oz of shot in it.


Cracking pics Underdog, might I ask if you are using BP or a modern substitute? I am also curious about what is the best to use as a wad? I have just picked up a Pedersoli double 12g and have yet to fire it. I am planning on using something like Pyrodex or Hodgson Shooter Powder, but have no real idea about wadding.

I only just got a BP licence after years of using Pyrodex. I should of done it sooner! Much much better!


Wads, just used four or so over shot cards or a fiber wad or as I have done many times a 2" square of news paper scrunched into a ball, watch for fires on hot days with that one though. Don't use plastic unless a fiber wad seperates the powder from it, the heat melts them!





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A couple of snaps from this weekend.



I must of been having fun by the colour of my hands!




After two weekends of shooting it was time to clean the gun, thick black water kept coming out the right tube as black as a crow's ,,,,,err bottom! Strips of lead too!


This Saturday the front stuffer got me three woodcock, six pheasants and a really high pigeon. I missed about three pheasants and a woodcock. Most the morning was spent stalking a fallow doe of which could of been mine a few times with a rifle but it was still good to track and stalk.


Had I used a breech loader these past two weekends I doubt I would of been as satisfied, don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get out with my new side lock ejector but the extra effort required with a muzzleloader just keeps giving :good:



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Hi Underdog,,I also fire a Pedersoli ,also my flintlock,,The muzzle loaders are always good for pigeon shooting as i have found that you dont miss too much because of the "true cylinder" which gives you a nice spread ..Good luck m8 ..


I am starting to desire a flintlock myself, one day one day.




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Great stuff boys nice to see some muzzle loaders on here ! so much better than cheap tacky camo pogo sticks ! ! when are you going to try it on the geese ? :good:

Pole Star


ps great camp ! pps got a mate who comes up every year & brings his big bore muzzle loaders & he all ways goes home with geese

Edited by Pole Star
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Tempted to go Muzzle loader! I have started reloading my own carts but guess its reloading on the move with these! I really like the older style hunting guns! I just got a double hammer SxS I want to polish up but I think I may invest in a ML next year :good:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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i wish my permission owners were that understanding. You have it good U!

:hmm: Take it you must surly mean the camp & barbie as opposed the black powder guns ???:hmm: nothing like sleeping by a camp fire in the woods is there ? so long as it don't start to bloody rain !!! have not done that since a night in January on a hill in the Chilterns in 1975 as a 16 year old . :lol: .

Atb Pole Star

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Thanks Gents, good to see I am not alone :good:


I have stood for geese but not had a blessing as of yet.


Some pheasant days I will load BP shells for a breach loader to make the event more memorable.


M/Lers are simple, a few simple tools most of which can be home made and a bag and off you go.


Most folk comment that they know I am out by the distinct sound in the distance.


When amongst strangers who don't know where the sulpherous smell is coming from start to accuse their peers of passing wind!


Remember only gentlemen only ever enter from the front, heathens like to enter as do dogs! LOL



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Thanks Gents, good to see I am not alone :good:


I have stood for geese but not had a blessing as of yet.


Some pheasant days I will load BP shells for a breach loader to make the event more memorable.


M/Lers are simple, a few simple tools most of which can be home made and a bag and off you go.


Most folk comment that they know I am out by the distinct sound in the distance.


When amongst strangers who don't know where the sulpherous smell is coming from start to accuse their peers of passing wind!


Remember only gentlemen only ever enter from the front, heathens like to enter as do dogs! LOL



YEP ! we need some more users of black posting on pw & if you are a closet black stuff user / sniffer don't be shy coz we promise you that you are not alone :lol: .

Pole Star & the stuff stinks ! even better than Old Spice ! :good:

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