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Honeycombe Inserts for Scopes?


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I have been suffering a lot of glare when lamping with my .243 since fitting a moderator - The barrel is a satin chrome finish and the moderator is stainless steel,I have wrapped the moderator with non stick camo bandage. The scopes fitted are a set of 8X56 (Make unknown) with a 3 inch sunshade on and the lamp is fitted as far back on the scopes near to the eye piece as possible. I have been told recently that you can get a honeycombe type insert that fits inside the sunshade that will help to cut out a lot of lamp glare/reflection from the moderator. Does anyone have any experience of this and can anyone suggest where I might get some from please?

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Frenchie, I have the perfect material for this. It's actually an "air lens" from a cooling system, very thin aluminium sheet formed into the honeycomb pattern.


If you can wait until mid / end January when I should be moved and unpacking my stuff from storage I'd be happy to post you some FOC.


Here's a pic I took through it last year. You'd want to give it a blast with matt black paint.






Edited by Catweazle
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Get youself down to the nearest lady's accessory shop and get youself a nice black (non shiny) scunch, Place it over your barrel up to the scope fluff it up a little so it just covers the bottom of the scope and jobs a gud un :good:

If you check back through some of my latest Foxy Funeral Pictures you will see one on the barrel.


It was a tip from Robert Bucknall :good:

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Have you tried a strip of masking tape on the bottom third of the scope Frenchie?

No, I haven't tried that yet but I certainly will try it as soon as the weather allows me to get out after dark! If it works on my set up it will be perfect as it will be so easy to put on and then remove when I want to use the rifle in daylight - Nice and cheap too as I have a big roll of black gaffer tape handy!



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Get youself down to the nearest lady's accessory shop and get youself a nice black (non shiny) scunch, Place it over your barrel up to the scope fluff it up a little so it just covers the bottom of the scope and jobs a gud un :good:

If you check back through some of my latest Foxy Funeral Pictures you will see one on the barrel.


It was a tip from Robert Bucknall :good:

Dougy, I can't seem to find the pictures of the Foxy Funeral but not to worry. When you say place it on your barrel do you mean wrap it round the barrel from the scope to the moderator (As you would with a camo bandage) or just round the barrel near the scope so that it obscures the objective lens a little please. Maybe you could explain a little more if you would.

Many thanks for the tip!

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Dougy, I can't seem to find the pictures of the Foxy Funeral but not to worry. When you say place it on your barrel do you mean wrap it round the barrel from the scope to the moderator (As you would with a camo bandage) or just round the barrel near the scope so that it obscures the objective lens a little please. Maybe you could explain a little more if you would.

Many thanks for the tip!

no no. just one of these hair band things that they use to hold their pony tails in place. use it as a washer on your barrel so the light from your lamp does not hit the back of your mod and bounce into your scope. act as a light dam.
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Get youself down to the nearest lady's accessory shop and get youself a nice black (non shiny) scunch, Place it over your barrel up to the scope fluff it up a little so it just covers the bottom of the scope and jobs a gud un :good:

If you check back through some of my latest Foxy Funeral Pictures you will see one on the barrel.


It was a tip from Robert Bucknall :good:

+1 :good: my misses has not missed hers yet :innocent:

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no no. just one of these hair band things that they use to hold their pony tails in place. use it as a washer on your barrel so the light from your lamp does not hit the back of your mod and bounce into your scope. act as a light dam.


Thanks for explaining that guys! It is certainly worth a go. I think the wife has a few stashed away on the bathroob - If she misses one I will have to say that we must have had a burgalar!

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I take it you have tried the toilet roll tube over the end of the scope?

No I haven't tried that yet. It's hard to find a toilet roll centre tube that will fit over a 56mm sunshade! If I could find something similar I would definitely use it as I am sure that it would minimise the problem!

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Frenchie I had a similar problem with the glare from the back of my Wildcat,so I painted it with blackboard paint that redce the problem radically,but I also adjusted the lamp aim down so the target is in the top of the beam and have no problems with glare.

I am sure that painting the moderator with a couple of coats of blackboard paint would sort the problem out but as the mod is stainless steel and matches the Brushed Chrome Barrel I am reluctant to paint it and spoilt the look of the rifle unless absolutely necessary, but thanks for the advice it is appreciated!

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Frenchie, before you go buy anything try and move your lamp back on the scope as the front objective will cast a shadow on the barrel and mod, if you have a flip cover then have this facing upper most as this will do the same. I know your trying to be a gun tart but the scrunchy hair thing on barrel, near the back of mod, really does work.

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