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making the decision - when to put your dog to sleep?


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my dogs back legs started to go and she was struggling to get up and get around,she seemed ok within herself and didnt seem in any pain,went to the vets and got some pills which helped short term,for a couple of months she couldnt get upstairs,it was impossible...she slowly deteriorated and i made the decision to take her and have put to sleep...i came home at lunchtime having made a phone call to the vet so i could just take her straight in without waiting,have the injection.......i came home from work at lunchtime and she was sat in the front room trying to get up when i came in.......i went upstairs and sat on the bed and started crying cos i new what i had to do.....next thing i heard bounding upstairs and she came in the bedroom and sat in front of me and put her head on my lap and started wagging her tail...it was strange,it was like she was telling me it was ok...i picked her up ,took her to the vets held her while she had the injection..........i spent the next three days crying....she was my best mate.....still upsets me 10 yrs on



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It's all about their quality of life.


If they're not enjoying it then it's up to us to help them on their way. My/our last dog died of prostate cancer; it was fast but we still had to make the final decision for him, once we were told that he was in pain, uncomfortable, and had only a couple of weeks left to live (maximum with all drugs available) we had to make that decision; following the vet's explanation it was a "no brainer", I still hated myself for having to make it.


Much as we should be able to help relatives/ourselves in a similar situation. If I lost my sight and was cripppled with pain I wouldn't want to go on. My father in law lost all dignity in the end and hated every minute of it.


My current canine lad is getting older, I'll look after him as long as I can but won't see him suffer. It will be a decision that will leave me crying for having to make. He'll be the last, I'm too old to take the responsibilty for another, that makes me even sadder.

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Our Tammy a Heinz was 14, when we had to make the decision. Arthritis and an allergy to grass seeds which resulted in her being put on steroids causing her to become obese which exacerbated the arthritis.


Then wifes dog walking friend's German shepherd sat on her hind left quarter injuring her knee joint.


About 18 months old when the kids found her, we had her for the next 13 years or so.


She soldiered on for another four years or so after the joint injury, until she could just not be bothered, lay by my chair all day everyday day. We had to help her up and down the steps to the garden so she could go.


The vets action was to prescibe medication but with the recommendation that if a month brought no improvement then we would have to make a decision that was best for her.


Month came and went, back to the vet who confirmed no improvement and a bit of a worsening. So made the appointment for a weeks time and took Tammy home and told the family. Don't know who was most upset, son daughter or wife.


One spoiled rotten dog for the next week.


On the day took Tammy to the beach and the leazes at South Shields where she used to love going.


Then down to Shields and our vet, he was really gentle and did his job with efficient care.


Another poster said their eyes tell you, I can only agree. Drove to a quiet spot on the coast and shed more than a tear or two.


Then back in car onto motorway driving at 70 with Fleetwood Mac blasting Go Your Own Way then back home to a very subdued household.


No it is not an easy decision but it is one that will need to be made, my kindest wishes for you when you need to make it.




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Any decent vet will advise you when. I had to put my old spaniel too sleep 15years ago and haven't had a dog since. He suffered with bad joints for his last 3 yrs, and although it broke our hearts it was a relief too know he was no longer suffering.Its a hard one too call. My mate has a dog at the moment and my son loves it,so he is copnstantly on my back to get another.But its the thought of my old dog that's stopping me

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My take is as long as they can do what they want they are ok. When they have trouble with either going to bathroom or can't hold or control it, it's usually time. I also believe that they shouldn't be so far gone that they can't walk in on their own four legs to face the end with some dignity. If I have to carry them in, I've waited too long.

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Any decent vet will advise you when. I had to put my old spaniel too sleep 15years ago and haven't had a dog since. He suffered with bad joints for his last 3 yrs, and although it broke our hearts it was a relief too know he was no longer suffering.Its a hard one too call. My mate has a dog at the moment and my son loves it,so he is copnstantly on my back to get another.But its the thought of my old dog that's stopping me


I can understand that, lovely dog for ten years, three difficult years then gone. Its too much too soon. Easier not to

Edited by Vince Green
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Reading posts like these, always reminds me of a poem I once read.








If it should be that I grow frail and weak

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then will you do what must be done,

For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,

But don't let grief then stay your hand,

For on this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,

You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please, let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,

Only, stay with me till the end

And hold me firm and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you

Who has to decide this thing to do;

We've been so close -- we two -- these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.

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bry m i feel for you i had to take my lab to be put own after 18 good years and its not an easy desision to make my wife still thinks i should have done it 9 months before but i didnt at the time and still dont as long as your dog is capable of a comfortable life why not give her a longer one if she is in pain then its a no brainer its gotta be done but if you have the pain under control and she is just slow old and just not herself well we all get like that when we get old as everyone else has said you will know when its time i think you will have a good few months battling with yourself shall i shant i its a horrible time most of us on pw have done this with our dogs and we are all thinking of you just dont rush it

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We're at the stage now where she spends a lot of time in her bed - although she will not miss an opportunity to go and harass the horses when they are coming in/going out!


That's the bit that answered it for me. I'd say she's still got some time in her yet. Keep an eye on her - it's ok for a dog to be old and slow as long as they can be keen to get up at times. If she loses her thing with the horses or starts to suffer and lose control that in my opinion is going to be the time to pull the plug.

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Picked up more medication from the vet, she seems ok for now but will be keeping a close eye on her. It does feel like the end is coming soon though, but unless she is in pain or loses mobility she can enjoy her OAP status :D


Its been really useful reading the replies, definitely helped!

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Reading posts like these, always reminds me of a poem I once read.








If it should be that I grow frail and weak

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then will you do what must be done,

For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,

But don't let grief then stay your hand,

For on this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,

You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please, let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,

Only, stay with me till the end

And hold me firm and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you

Who has to decide this thing to do;

We've been so close -- we two -- these years,

Don't let your heart hold any tears.


Not ashamed to say that brought a few tears

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