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Lifes bullsed up and now had my licence revoked

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Im goin to start off by saying im sorry to the people I messed around on here!


Last year my life was perfect had everything i wanted or could of ever dreamed off! I went out with a mate had a moment of stupidity i over took him and didnt have enough time to pull back in front so had to go around a traffic light so on the wrong side of the road it was at around 1 so i knew and could see there was no other cars but police see it happen went to court 15 month ban, put on tag for 3 months, £85 fine and its taken them up to today to ring me and say my licence is going to be revoked this is my first ever crime! ive never done a single thing wrong, now ive lost everything my job, my car, my shotgun, so now my lifes ruined i just want all you younger people to think twice and not be as stupid as i was!!


Alot of people will now judge me because of this and im not that kind of person, but after all you commenting saying its my fault which i no it is! Trust me i do!


i just want to no if you think that its fair i lose my shotgun too ive lost everything else i feel they made an example outta me?!


Sorry if you read this and laugh or say that was pointless i just have to get it off my chest and you fellas have always been here to help!!

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Firstly I am sorry , but my opinion ( and only my opinion) is that yes I think its fair you lost your licence you proved by your reckless actions that you are not or was not a " responsible " person.

You say you did not have time to pull in after over taking your mate , so i guess you were racing ? ok so it was one in the morning but would you have had time to stop if a pedestrian had been in the way , it could have ended so much worse .

Having said that I feel sorry that this lack of sense has cost you so dearly and the obvious effect is going to have on your life for the next few years , you seem decent enough to admit your short coming and dont want others to make your mistake so fair play to you , hopefully in a few years you will be able to get your SGC back.

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It's exactly the same situation as happened in shrewsbury several years ago.

A young boy was crossing a road at a set of traffic lights. He was looking left and the car hit him from the right, going the wrong side of the keep left side and pedestrian refuge. The 10yr old boy was killed instantly.

The car driver was overtaking a friend and assumed at 1am that no pedestrians would be crossing, he never saw the young boy until he hit him. That took one life, and ruined several others.

You were so lucky getting away with it, it could be so much different.

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Here's the thing, a car is a massive lump of metal that can easily kill. You were doing something stupid, that COULD have killed you or someone else. What if someone ran the other red light, or some drunk person ran in the road, or a dog and you swerved etc etc. So I can see the whole train of thought whre, if you will make the decision to do something silly like that, willl you (in a moment of stupidity) take a silly shot, toward a hedge, where you cant see if there is someone the other side, or play silly ******* with a mate again, and do something unsafe.

You may well think, OF COURSE NOT, ITS A GUN, but how can the police know that? They have to take the whole populations safety into account.

Then again we all do things that are silly sometimes, mostly not in public, or with dangerous weapons or vehicles. Then again most of the time the police dont witness them.

Overall my personal opinion is I dont think they should remove your shotgun licence. Not forever. How long has it been since the driving ban? If it has taken them ages to decide to remove your shotgun then its silly, if you were going to do something silly, surely you would have done it by now? And if they truly think your a reckless idiot, who is unsafe, then they wouldn't give yoru driving license back after 15 months. If they had originally said, we are removing your driving license for 15 months and your gun licence for 24 months, then i would understand. Thats my thoughts anyway.

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That`s not my understanding


As I said "if" he is not regarded as a prohibited person , then he can do any of the suggested --------- but there is a good chance he will be deemed prohibited as is often the case with punishment within the community (in his case a tag ).

It is a bit of a mine field and he needs proper advice.

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That is a really stiff punishment for overtaking and going the wrong side of a traffic light (not that I disagree), I can't believe that a British court would give that punishment out unless there were other factors involved such as racing, excess speed or drink. Are we getting the whole story?


Everybody makes mistakes but when you are driving a ton plus pile of metal about you have the same responsibilities as when you have a gun in your hand. I see families devastated at least a few times every month when stunts like you pulled go wrong and you wipe yourself out or even worse, innocent parties.


I guess your FEO has taken the line that if you do that type of thing in a car then you may take risks with a gun, but at least you admit that it was a stupid thing to do so hopefully you will be able to put back in for your licence at some point.

Edited by Livefast123
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I am not saying what you did is right but I think drink driving is just as bad and people get off with less for that!!


Dose any one here think he has any chance with an Appel for his sgc I don't know never needed to


I think what you got was what you deserved in regards tag ban ect but not so sure you should have lost your sgc



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Based on the declared facts, I think the punishment is fair. I also share the view that we are getting less than the full script.


No details for traffic conditions, pedestrians about, actual speed when going through the lights, speed limit etc. Before the OP says he thought it was safe, his judgement is plainly rubbish. He misjudged his speed and that of his mate. He should have been able to brake and stop where he was - albeit on the wrong side. If he couldn't stop - it again raises questions about speed.


The sentence from the court - tag and length of ban suggest that this is a whole lot more.

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Sounds to me like he got convicted of dangerous driving. This carries a mandatory minimum 12 month disqualification.

Also sounds to me like he was driving like a **** and not has to pay the penalty.

Would I want someone shooting with me who thinks its ok to risk people's lives so he can have a a bit of fun in his car.....No.

Your lucky you got caught because it might just save you from killing yourself or someone else on the road.


Learn from it.



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It was a 30mph zone i was doing 42 mph the statement said i was racing i wasnt but my word against police is nothing there always going to listen to them!


I happily accept the punishment but i dont want to lose my shotgun just before christmas i bought new netting and everything but i dont no what to do!?

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Solicitor not talk about impact statements? Any appeal? Its hard but its not the act of a responsible person and you now have to live with that and yes suffer the consequences- so easily they could have been far worse in which case you would be facing a long stretch inside.

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I am sorry to say I think it is fair punishment.

And yes i know of a drink driver who got less...that was unfair, they should get a whole lot more.


The sentences/fines/bans given are a joke, to many drink drivers walking away with a 'nice' slap on the wrists.

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