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what is this nasty looking creature


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Good quesion, about the stoats winter coat, i've seen both white, brown and mixed stoats in the past, i guessed it must be some sort of trigger (and according to wikipedia i'm right) seemingly to do with temp when stoat moults about Nov time, further north u go more likely to turn white, possibly quite rare to tun white down south

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here is another picture just to show its size against my hand,,nasty looking thing as said i think it has been killed when the field got ploughed,,hope they dont eat fish as my perm is next to a commercial fishery and the land owner won,t be happy

You will need to have your wits about you if these killers have invaded your permission,the baby one in your pic would of ended up about 3-4' long and they have been known to leap out at people from their abush point,usually around dusk,several people a year suffer from bites,although never fatal the wound can fester and amputation of limbs is not uncommon,around late harvest packs have been seen,these are usaully males just looking for anything to kill and its these killer packs that are to be feared, because they have none and will attack anything regardless of size.

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