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South Dakota Teachers to be Armed...


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Just seen on the news that teachers in South Dakota can arm themselves...


Now call me mad or stupid or whatever, but surely this isn't sensible?


I understand they want to protect kids, but by giving guns to people in school seems bonkers!


How long before some teacher has has enough and wipes out the classy bully or the entire class...


Bound to happen...

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Just seen on the news that teachers in South Dakota can arm themselves...


Now call me mad or stupid or whatever, but surely this isn't sensible?


I understand they want to protect kids, but by giving guns to people in school seems bonkers!


How long before some teacher has has enough and wipes out the classy bully or the entire class...


Bound to happen...

Why is it 'bound' to happen?Many of those teachers may own personal defense firearms already,albeit at home,so I don't see where the arbitrary remark 'giving guns to people' comes in.If,in fact,some teachers are already firearms owners ,what has prevented those same teachers from bringing their own guns to school with evil intent in the past? I fail to see why the introduction of making the carrying of their own firearms in school a legitimate practice should suddenly render those same teachers more susceptible to commit murder.

If there's nothing in place to prevent someone from running amok with a gun in a school,then surely the more armed teachers there are the better.Either that or place armed guards at each school.

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I think armed guards would be a better idea. Put them in uniforms common throughout the state so they can easily be recognised.


What a tragic state this world has got into!


I don't believe it is necassary, however if you have the majority of security guards here I wouldn't want them armed with a stick let alone a gun...........

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Crazy, just crazy, wrong in so many ways and at so many levels...




next there will be the bullet proof school wear range from walmart


I remember seeing stab proof urban wear for sale over here not long ago, basically a stab proof hoodie..

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Crazy, just crazy, wrong in so many ways and at so many levels...






I remember seeing stab proof urban wear for sale over here not long ago, basically a stab proof hoodie..


yes a range is on sale with kevlar lined


I don't believe it is necassary, however if you have the majority of security guards here I wouldn't want them armed with a stick let alone a gun...........

I work in the industry and do agree

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Are they to receive the same training as police officers? In a country where the are few restrictions an anyone buying a gun, how is the suitability of an individual to be armed in a class full of kids to be assessed? People who go into teaching are generally not the sort who would choose law enforcement or the military as a career. I would not want them armed and anywhere near my kids without a great deal more thought.



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The problem is that someone that wanted to harm children would just go somewhere the children were not protected. School bus-shopping mall-and numerous other places were children gather. Some of the people doing the shootings might be mad but that doesn't mean they are stupid.

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The problem is that someone that wanted to harm children would just go somewhere the children were not protected. School bus-shopping mall-and numerous other places were children gather. Some of the people doing the shootings might be mad but that doesn't mean they are stupid.


the only reason these morons chose schools is because they are gun free zones.

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I would say that there should be a small number of handguns held in strong locked safes located in different parts of the buildings with a few trained people having the keys to get them in the event of a problem arising.


If say teachers had guns one of them would get careless and loose it or leave it unattended and it would be stolen most guns even small one can be quite heavy to have to lug about all day and we have all heard about the police in this country going to the loo and leaving there gun there so I would be against arming everyone.

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It's pointless and I think the potential for accidents far out weighs the potential benefits of stopping an attacker. I think the NRA have acted terribly in response to proposed new legislation by going on the counter attack and scaring people into thinking teachers need to be armed. A horrible fact of life is things like this happen. With incredibly high populations and human nature being what it is, there will always be some sick deranged people who do something which horrifies us. It's always been this way, mass killings are certainly not new to this world, and if anything society values human life more then it ever has before. To try and ban all guns or to try and arm every citizen isn't going to stop tragedies from happening.


However I don't think arming teachers will make it more likely that they will kill pupils, except by mishandling and misuse of firearms.

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I reckon its inevitable. I read there are 300 million 'known' guns in America, you think how many there really are. The thinking behind it is logical, what they are saying is we either fight fire with fire, or we dream that every single gun will disappear. I happen to think that profiling very young people who show signs of antisocial traits, and closely monitoring their lives could help. I think also that society needs to be much more vigilant with people who could 'fit the bill' and not be afraid to come forward.


American citizens have accepted air marshalls on jetplanes, in shopping malls, and in sports stadia, why would americans want their children in small gun free zones, when nutters who dont have gun boundaries will happily roam anywhere. Until their is a total solution i think having armed sheriffs is sensible and a small price to pay.


Dangerous dreamers wont think this, but they are happy to expose others to their idealism.

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maybe armed teachers is not the way to go but something has to be done.the schools need to do something. here in bristol you can not just walk into a primary school,they are fenced in and you have to be let in by staff,would it not be just as easy for that to be done in the states?

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I'm surprised no one has said


Yes in some respects they are flawed, and the paper work is a pain, and yes some forces are better than others but if that's the price that has to be paid for to keep mass shootings out of schools


I'm happy with that.

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I'm surprised no one has said


Yes in some respects they are flawed, and the paper work is a pain, and yes some forces are better than others but if that's the price that has to be paid for to keep mass shootings out of schools


I'm happy with that.

Yes because the uk has never had a school shooting/rampage.

Living under a rock????

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Yes because the uk has never had a school shooting/rampage.

Living under a rock????

Because I'm respectful I don't need to use insult or sarcasm


It's enough for my to ask, the answer to gun crime is more guns? .......

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