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What would a Ukip Britain look like?


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I dont need too somebody is doing that it for us right NOW, four test reactors are up and running in the USA and this 15bn project below is coming along, fusion WILL be the answer in the not to distant future but that wont suit the back to the cave merchants




Sorry Keith... you are reading what YOU want to see in those pages...


No-one has yet managed to get any useable net energy return from cold fusion, indeed, only Rossi has had any apparent success and most of the scientific world don't believe him! At this time, it takes far more energy to get fusion than can be harvested from it. ITER is being set up and built to thest the FEASIBILITY of fusion as a power source... it's just a very big, very expensive lab experiment!

Edited by Vipa
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Sorry Keith... you are reading what YOU want to see in those pages...


No-one has yet managed to get any useable net energy return from cold fusion, indeed, only Rossi has had any apparent success and most of the scientific world don't believe him! At this time, it takes far more energy to get fusion than can be harvested from it. ITER is being set up and built to thest the FEASIBILITY of fusion as a power source... it's just a very big, very expensive lab experiment!

I forgot your the expert!



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I forgot your the expert!




No expert mate... just looked at the up to date state of cold fusion in the world via google... it's there for all to see in all of it's (non) glory!


Front page of the ITER website YOU linked to states it'a a feasibility study

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No expert mate... just looked at the up to date state of cold fusion in the world via google... it's there for all to see in all of it's (non) glory!


Front page of the ITER website YOU linked to states it'a a feasibility study

and if you had looked further you would have seen my post refered to the development of fusion not the actual up and running version, still as with all experts on all things google is yer best mate.



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One would hope that UKIP would, in these difficult financial times, at least put the brakes on some of the massive EU vanity spending on the insanely pointless Large Hadron Collider project.


Unlike the Tories who have just pumped more of your and my money, to the collective tune of £70million, into a project which will employ some 800 people.


Oh! Some jobs for the UK there then. No, sorry,it`s in Switzerland.


Whilst Greece goes into financial meltdown and the Germans complete the annexation that they failed to finish in 1945 it`s good to know that our government and the EU are spending our money wisely. Financial crisis? What financial crisis.


Never mind what the IMF thinks then Mr Osbourne, just throw some more UK workers out of employment with one hand, whilst keeping the Large Hadron Collider going round in pointless circles. You know it makes Sense!


How can UKIP possibly make things any worse?

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Whilst talking about the futile and self serving waste of taxpayers money on a gargantuan scale by the faceless and unelected EU beurocrats - the Large Hadron Collider. Whats that all about then?



Oh! Some jobs for the UK there then. No, sorry,it`s in Switzerland.


Nice find AVB....


In the UK, engineers and scientists at 20 research sites are involved in designing and building equipment and analysing data. UK researchers are involved with all four of the main detectors and the GRID. British staff based at CERN have leading roles in managing and running the collider and detectors.


UK LHC centres:
  • Brunel University (CMS)
  • Imperial College - University of London
  • Lancaster University
  • Oxford University
  • Queen Mary - University of London
  • Royal Holloway – University of London
  • STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
  • University College London
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Durham
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Sussex (theory)
  • University of Swansea
  • University of Warwick
  • University of the West of England


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  • 2 weeks later...

Factual documentaries are fine, but Al Gore's film verges on propaganda. I do believe in man made climate change, and the evidence of it is overwhelming, but they should not present only one side of the debate.


Britain is responsible for only 2% of global emissions, so what we do is irrelevant. But most scientists agree that climate change is happening and is largely man made. Some claims have been misleading and/or exaggerated, but the climate is changing and humans are a major part of it. I believe in it, but I'm not going to avoid voting UKIP just because I disagree with them on one issue. If Britain was responsible for a larger percentage of global emissions than 2% things would be different.


Besides, the UKIP website says "ban schools from using global warming propaganda such as Al Gore's film", it's not limited to one film, depsite what has been suggested. Opposing propaganda films in general in schools doesn't strike me as unreasonable.


Was the ice age man made ?

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hopefully it wont look like this they have some iffy candidates it seems http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-22349676




reaching for a friends mobile phone lol yeah ok


i still think ukip maybe the way to go due to general uselessness in the other partys but they need to get the numpty candidates out 1st, before someone says it i like the idea of ukip but this blokes as guilty as sin so i doubt its a big smear campaign and if it is he still got cought this guys just an idiot. another "hacked" account. all the partys seem to have a lot of hacked accounts these days :hmm:

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hopefully it wont look like this they have some iffy candidates it seems http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-22349676




reaching for a friends mobile phone lol yeah ok


i still think ukip maybe the way to go due to general uselessness in the other partys but they need to get the numpty candidates out 1st, before someone says it i like the idea of ukip but this blokes as guilty as sin so i doubt its a big smear campaign and if it is he still got cought this guys just an idiot. another "hacked" account. all the partys seem to have a lot of hacked accounts these days :hmm:


There's idiots in every party. Especially with new parties, newer parties tend to attract quite a few undesirables until they grow and attract serious contenders for MPs, councillors, etc instead of the idiots. All new parties go through this phase, then they grow and the problem disappears, apart from the one or two who will always slip through the net, as is the case for every party in existence. UKIP is now largely past that phase now.

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This is par for the course with council elections. There is a list of Tory, Labour and LD councillors as long as your arm who have been drummed out office and out of their parties for some scandal or other. There's been racists, homophobes, tax evaders, holocaust deniers, sex offenders, embezzlers, ballot riggers and every kind of back-hand corruption. There is very little scrutiny at local council level.

UKIP have left themselves open to embarrassment by fielding hundreds of 'democracy' candidates. That is stalking horse candidates in seats they believe they have no chance of winning to give as many voters as possible the chance to register their support for the party. Its a clever strategy because it wil reveal overall vote share, and even without victory if that share is significant UKIP policies will be forced to the top of the national political agenda. But it is also very risky as it has been impossible to vet many of these candidates. A few twerps are inevitable. No great harm is done unless against all expetations they actually start winning and then have to be expelled. But then I think Nigel Farage enjoys a spot of risk.

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