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Been turned down for sgc :-(

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Well done, but take care. Without wanting to be too technical, some antidepressants can take three weeks before serum levels drop significantly, and only then can withdrawal effects be seen. Sounds like you are over the worst though, hang in there and you should be ok. If it does come back, discuss psychotherapy, rather than medication. All the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think your decision is wrong to not seek help due to fear of loosing cert makes you far more dangerous

Sorry for takin so long to reply, thy was my point.



That's the point. But dangerous to whom? A lot of 'mental illness' is nothing of the sort. It is a natural reaction to pressurised, fast moving and unhealthy lives. Struggling with some personal calamity or buckling under intolerable modern-life stress does not mean you are of unsound mind; it means you are unhappy. However society's default assumption is that anything other than blissful contentment indicates mental disorder, and mental disorder leads inevitably to violent derangement; guns and sharp objects should be locked away and the sufferer treated with patronism, exaggerated concern and toxic medication. This is the post-institutional version of the padded cell and it is nonsense. It will cause more risks and more unnecessary misery than it prevents.

With every aspect of our lives recorded on computer data bases and doctors under pressure to notify all and sundry of any development in a patient's health that might present a financial or legal risk, reaching the end of your tether, to use the old fashioned phrase, has becomed indistinquishable from serious psychotic disorder, and thousands of perfectly sane and healthy people who need help coping when life has overtaken them will be discouraged from seeking it from fear of the repercussions.

A perfect example of the law of unintended consequences. And that is dangerous.

Great post

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Hi Lee,


I've just seen this thread and have not read all the posts - but I have first hand experience of this situation.


A few years ago I was referred to Hampshire Mental Heath after a short period of depression. When the psychiatrist found out I had a shot gun she went to the police station and recommended they take it away!! I was totally stable, was not going to harm myself but she was just one of those anti gun type people. The police took my guns and revoked my certificate.


I started an appeal against the decision, but the police said that if I was discharged after one year and stable they would be happy to consider a new application. Based on this I dropped the appeal. A year later I re-applied for my certificate, I was no longer seeing the psychiatrist, had full support from my GP and a supporting report from an independent consultant. The police turned down my new application because i was still taking 1 tablet a day.


I appealed the decision and went to court. The judge ruled in my favour saying the police cannot use the fact that you may be talking medication, or seeking medical help as the grounds to refuse a certificate, however the police must show that the condition itself causes a risk to public safety. So basically I beat Hampshire police in court and I was issued a certificate. The whole experience cost me over £5,000, but it was worth every penny - and I continued on medication for a short time after. (I have stopped now)


So basically I would advise you not to go against the doctors orders - don't stop your medication it is there to help you and it is not worth you becoming really down. If you have the means then appeal the decision, if not speak to BASC they may help you with the process.

Another good post and a really interesting topic an debat e.

Good luck Harry I really hope this is the start of a journey. Don't downplay getting an air rifle, it is still sometimes my gun of choice and around farm building for pigeon.rat, rabbit and learning to be accurate little beats it ( that comment may be more controvertial than your post :-) )


Edit Note-I know there are typos, fat fingers, iPhone and can't be bothered to correct.

Edited by jamiedenny
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Well 20 days and still off the tablet,and i feel fine :)


Been to docs to make sure she has it on record when i stopped taking it so its easier next year when i re-apply for my sgc :good:



At the risk of sounding contraversial but could this not be counter productive? Would a GP record that you are not compliant with medication and have stopped taking them on your own doing rather than on the advice of a GP/CPN/psychiartrist who says that you no longer need them?

My point is the Dr may think that you're not (for want of a better word) cured and still give a similar reply to the police as the last one. I would guess that the medication is not the problem but condition it is prescribed for, taking the medication out of the equation does not take the condition out as well.

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At the risk of sounding contraversial but could this not be counter productive? Would a GP record that you are not compliant with medication and have stopped taking them on your own doing rather than on the advice of a GP/CPN/psychiartrist who says that you no longer need them?

My point is the Dr may think that you're not (for want of a better word) cured and still give a similar reply to the police as the last one. I would guess that the medication is not the problem but condition it is prescribed for, taking the medication out of the equation does not take the condition out as well.

You have a good point, i was also slightly confused. Post #205 - "Well went to see the doc and explained that i wanted to come off the tablet got to take one every other day for a month then one every 3 days etc etc,so far feel no different so think ive done the right thing

Just a waiting game now"



But in the post you quoted on... It said 20 days off the tablet? Maybe i didn't follow it properly but i thought he was implying he hadn't taken it in 20 days which is not what the doctors advised.

Edited by Malik
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At the risk of sounding contraversial but could this not be counter productive? Would a GP record that you are not compliant with medication and have stopped taking them on your own doing rather than on the advice of a GP/CPN/psychiartrist who says that you no longer need them?

My point is the Dr may think that you're not (for want of a better word) cured and still give a similar reply to the police as the last one. I would guess that the medication is not the problem but condition it is prescribed for, taking the medication out of the equation does not take the condition out as well.

A valid concern m8ty but my doctor was quite pleased i did it cold turkey so to speak :good:




You have a good point, i was also slightly confused. Post #205 - "Well went to see the doc and explained that i wanted to come off the tablet got to take one every other day for a month then one every 3 days etc etc,so far feel no different so think ive done the right thing

Just a waiting game now"



But in the post you quoted on... It said 20 days off the tablet? Maybe i didn't follow it properly but i thought the was implying he hadn't taken it in 20 days which is not what the dr advised.

Doing it the doctors way would have taken too long in my eye`s m8ty,i know my body better than any doctor and so far i feel fine B)

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A valid concern m8ty but my doctor was quite pleased i did it cold turkey so to speak :good:



Doing it the doctors way would have taken too long in my eye`s m8ty,i know my body better than any doctor and so far i feel fine B)

That is true! And youre right. Would have taken ages lol

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Forgot to say on my post how good it is to see someone acting with good grace and taking the decision on the chin rather than ranting and bad mouthing.

Getting foul mouth`d and angry wont change the police`s decision m8ty :good: i even wrote a polite letter to the chief constable,but that didn't work either lol :lol:

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Forgot to say on my post how good it is to see someone acting with good grace and taking the decision on the chin rather than ranting and bad mouthing.

The ranters are the ones who need to keep on the tablets and away from guns...... Edited by HDAV
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Good luck luck with your future health and getting your certificate.


One thing that'll help you feel much better about yourself, stop using "m8ty" :no:


"Mate" has the same number of letters and is much easier to read! :yes:




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Good luck luck with your future health and getting your certificate.


One thing that'll help you feel much better about yourself, stop using "m8ty" :no:


"Mate" has the same number of letters and is much easier to read! :yes:




Fussy sod lol :lol: :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well must be best part of 2 months now guys/gals :good: Since the last time we spoke on this topic ive joined the local gun club :) and im now a volunteer for disabled adults who want to shoot B)

Been shooting some sexy guns and boy my shoulder knows it lol :lol: the adults i help shoot are better shots than some i know :whistling: they don't half get the .22 rimfires down range at some knots :good:

When my time comes ill be verrrry surprised if they turn down my Sgc this time :innocent: Only 10 months to go and counting lol


All the best.....Lee

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Well must be best part of 2 months now guys/gals :good: Since the last time we spoke on this topic ive joined the local gun club :) and im now a volunteer for disabled adults who want to shoot B)

Been shooting some sexy guns and boy my shoulder knows it lol :lol: the adults i help shoot are better shots than some i know :whistling: they don't half get the .22 rimfires down range at some knots :good:

When my time comes ill be verrrry surprised if they turn down my Sgc this time :innocent: Only 10 months to go and counting lol


All the best.....Lee


I hope all this resolves itself in the fullness of time, but what sort of gun club is this and have you declared you have been refused a SGC?


The fact is you would not be allowed to join my club if this was the case!


Declaration as below................


Please read the following declarations carefully:

I have NOT had an application for a firearm or shotgun certificate refused by the police or had a certificate revoked.

I am NOT prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968.

It is an offence for a person who is prohibited by Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 to have a firearm or ammunition is his or her possession at any time. Section 21 applies to anyone who has been sentenced to imprisonment or to youth custody or detention in a young offender institution for three months or more. The period for which they are prohibited depends on the length of their sentence. If the sentence was longer than three years the prohibition is for life. If the sentence was three months or more, but less than three years, the prohibition lasts for five years from the date of their release.

Signature of applicant:_______________________ Date:________________

I'm not trying to be negative but no gun club in their right mind will accept a new member in your circumstances, putting it bluntly, on or needing or effected by drugs and refused a SGC!

...and like I say, I hope this all resolves itself in the fullness of time for you! :yes::good:

Edited by Dekers
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Everything was declared m8ty ahead of joining and the owner could see im not a mental case lol,he even knows the feo who refused the sgc and doesnt hold him in much high regard :/


Ps Not on any drug now m8

Edited by harry69koi
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