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Would I get a SGC?

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I am 36.


When I was 22 I received a caution for carrying an offensive weapon, I was a security guard, and had a 6d cell maglite, that had the spare bulb removed, and loaded with lead.


4 years ago, I was attacked in a road rage attack, I fought back, and ended up charged with common assult, I received a fine, and a 12 month conditional discharge.


Would these stop me getting a SGC?

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I was attacked in a road rage attack, I fought back, and ended up charged with common assult, I received a fine, and a 12 month conditional discharge.




10 out of 10 for the honesty though.


10 out of 10 if he made a guilty plea. If he denied the offence and was found guilty - where is the honesty?


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You know the saying, you don't ask you don't get. I guess only time will tell. If it is serious the worse case scenario you'd have to apply in 5 years time. Menawhile you could still shoot at a clayground/rifle club. Just because you don't have/can't have a firearms/shotgun licence doesn't mean you can't go shooting. It's only if you're a prohibited person (3 years inside or more) you cannot even touch a low powered airgun.

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If an individual applies for membership of a HO Approved Club, the Secretary would advise the Police of the application. In my area (S. Yorks.) the Police write back to say if they have a problem i.e. would they definitely say 'No' to the applicant. If a negative response came back, I cannot imagine any sensible Club Secretary allowing the Probationary Membership to continue. If it's a Guest Day, we would also be asked to provide names.


However, I agree, IF you are open with the Police and ask the question, you will find out and might be pleasantly surprised.



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The first incident was a long time ago and not that serious, just immaturity. the second incident is the the one that will haunt you. Im afraid the world is turning gay, You cannot fight back these days in the eyes of the law, if you do and the plod becomes involved you are seen as aggressive.. I would just apply. if it goes through happy days, if not tough shiite.

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Like I said on your post on the BBS you've shown poor judgement involving violence and weapons twice. This isn't really conducive to owning firearms. Personally from my point of view even though your not barred from applying I wouldn't be happy knowing that someone who has adapted a weapon and had a violance conviction owned guns. I also think its bad for the future of our sport as what happens when the media find out just makes a mockery of the licensing.

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Nobody can second guess this but for the ownership of firearms -no conviction is ever 'spent' and the police can, quite rightly, consider your convictions in the light of an application. You'd be better shooting clays and borrowing one. I would think twice about anyone who had 2 convictions for anything as serious as yours. Sadly it wasn't just the one instance when you were young and could possibly be excused. My guess would be - no chance.

Edited by Kes
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The first incident was a long time ago and not that serious, just immaturity. the second incident is the the one that will haunt you. Im afraid the world is turning gay, You cannot fight back these days in the eyes of the law, if you do and the plod becomes involved you are seen as aggressive.. I would just apply. if it goes through happy days, if not tough shiite.



Of course you can fight back, self defence is well covered under at least two pieces of important legislation everyone should know verbatim.


Unfortunately on this site we only ever get a few lines about how "I was nicked by the old bill a few years ago, but I'm totally innocent", not the full story which I imagine is totally different.


I hope the op doesn't get granted a cert.

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Of course you can fight back, self defence is well covered under at least two pieces of important legislation everyone should know verbatim.


Unfortunately on this site we only ever get a few lines about how "I was nicked by the old bill a few years ago, but I'm totally innocent", not the full story which I imagine is totally different.


I hope the op doesn't get granted a cert.


Always seems to be the case. Not saying that this is the case here as I don't know the ins and outs, but for some strange reason people seem to hold back from telling the whole truth in the hope that others will tell them what they want to hear. It was nothing to do with me. I wasn't throwing petrol bombs it was a bottle of vinegar that I was taking home for my chips etc. More details will enable people to give you a more accurate answer. As it stands, you will get a mixture of no's and go for it answers, but only you will know the details of what happened with the assault. A conviction for assault is a conviction for assault. There aren't different grades of conviction like A or B- etc for less serious assaults. The way things are going with firearms at the minute, it seems that any excuse will be used not to grant a certificate.

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Thanks for all the replies, positive and negative.


I call the firearms licencing depertment today, and had a chat with a very nice lady there.


She listened to my circumstances, she told me the convictions shouldnt be a problem, and she is sending me the forms to apply.



To all those that have criticised me, the modded torch, fair enough, i was an idiot, but as a security guard working alone, i felt safer with it.


As for the assult, who can honestly say, that when been attacked with a shovel, and faced with a non starting car, wouldnt push the other guy to the floor, to allow your escape from the situation? And yes i know you only have my side of the story, but as you have seen from my op, i am open and honest, and dont lie. My soliciter was shocked that my self defence claim was dismissed, but the fit agile 61 year old that attacked me, was a very different personality to the frail old man with a stick that shuffled into court.

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