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Are you funding the antis?

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Very interesting piece from The Field about the indirect funding of the ill-informed anti brigade


"The rural community has serious financial clout. Make sure you are not inadvertantly backing the opposition and the antis

Seven years ago, a call came in from a Master of Foxhounds in the north while I was in the Countryside Alliance press office. "I've had a letter from our local Land Rover dealer," he said. "It says that he isn't allowed to sponsor our point-to-point anymore because Land Rover has told all
its dealers they can't have anything to do with hunting."

In the midst of the hunting debate this was rocket fuel, so I was on the phone to a Telegraph journalist in a flash. He was equally excited until, that is, he made a call to the Land Rover press office. I have been involved in a few big stories but never have I known a single call create quite such a reaction. Land Rover immediately rolled out the full corporate crisis-management plan.

The journalist was bombarded with assurances and documents confirming that no instruction from Land Rover had ever been given about hunting, and the dealership was hauled over the coals and was issuing apologies and retractions within the hour.

The Alliance's chairman, chief executive and board members received calls from corporate PR contacts assuring them that there was no truth in the story and promising Land Rover's undying love. The story did not stand up, someone else got the front page, but we learnt a valuable lesson: the rural community has serious commercial clout. Land Rover was simply terrified at the thought of alienating the countryside and driving us into the arms of its rivals.

Strangely, it is the environmental and animal-rights movement and antis, rather than ourselves, that has attempted to use commercial pressure in the past. The boycott is a staple tactic of extremist campaigns, but their levels of support and commercial impact are nothing compared to those who support rural activities, as Land Rover was aware.

So the question is: how do we use that influence to the benefit of our campaigns?

Quite simply, we should not be spending any of our hard-earned cash with those companies that openly support animal-rights organisations and the antis cause.

Top of that list is the cosmetics firm Lush. At the behest of its owner, Mark Constantine, Lush gives money to a range of animal-rights organisations, including the Hunt Saboteurs Association for which it created a particularly revolting soap scented with citronella, the substance hunt sabs use to destroy temporarily hounds' sense of smell.

If you are in the market for a new hi-fi or flat-screen TV avoid high street and online retailer Richer Sounds like the plague. Owner Julian Richer has long supported the League Against Cruel Sports, of which he was a council member, and he is now a vice-president of the RSPCA. Richer's support for animal-rights organisations does not, however, stop him owning racehorses, which must get a mixed reception from some of his colleagues.

Then there is the Co-operative Group. Most of us have long known about the Co-op's stance on hunting and have avoided its shops. The Co-operative Bank is especially bigoted and in 2008 withdrew banking facilities for a riding centre in Berkshire that permitted a hunt to use its land on the basis that the hunt had failed to take steps to ensure foxes would not be hunted. It even has a written policy not to invest in organisations involved in "the use of ferrets to catch rabbits".

But you could, unwittingly, be doing business with the Co-op. In 2009, the Blencathra hunt was surprised to be contacted by its local branch of the Britannia Building Society and told it would have to close a Hunt Supporters Club account. The Britannia had merged with the Co-operative Bank, which had imposed its "ethical" policy of not providing banking for "bloodsports" organisations. The Co-op also owns Cleveland Finance and internet bank Smile.co.uk.

It has extensive interests in the travel industry through the Bourne Travel Group (not Bourne Leisure), Manchester Airport Travel and even a holding in Thomas Cook. The Co-op owns Somerfield Stores as well as its own branded shops, but most of all you must be careful not to let the Co-op profit from your death. Co-operative Funeralcare is one of the biggest undertakers in the country but also owns a dozen or more others, including Fairways, Anglia and Browns funerals. In fact, it is worth asking any firm you deal with whether it is owned by the Co-op.

We should all follow the lead of the keen beagler who rang the Alliance in the aftermath of the RSPCA's prosecution of the Heythrop.

"My caravan club membership magazine came today," he said, "with a feature about its partnership with the RSPCA. I rang immediately to resign and the membership department told me I was the fourth one who had left for the same reason that day." No business can ignore clients voting with their feet. We must be consistent and vocal about putting our money where our heart is."

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That's an interesting read.

I'm right behind you on this,imagine a Bank or Business loosing 1000+ accounts in one week?

Vote with your Wallets Fine Field Sporting People of England !

They would have to Toe the Line then !

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As above its very interesting reading !

I for one wont be using Co-op again, i didnt realise the above.


It would be good to have a name and shame "Stickie" of companys that are anti`s so we can all avoid them and spend our money with supporters or even those who remain nutral !





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As above its very interesting reading !

I for one wont be using Co-op again, i didnt realise the above.


It would be good to have a name and shame "Stickie" of companys that are anti`s so we can all avoid them and spend our money with supporters or even those who remain nutral !





Nor did I just canceled my club card and won't be going back I'd rather drive the 3 mile than walk the 200m

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I used to think of the CO-OP as a farmer / countryside friendly organisation, I shall never use them or the other named companies again........although i did buy some LUSH stuff for Mrs Livefast last Christmas :ninja: .......ah ignorance......if it's good enough for the Dubai 3.....

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I think a website with a full list needs to be set up.


Get BASC et al to look into it, then get all the shooting organisations to put the resulting information on their website about which companies are supportive of the antis and exactly what links they have to them.

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I heard that Peter Wilson asked Land Rover if they would like to provide him with a sign written Range Rover, and they refused as they do not want to be associated with shooting - which is kind of ironic if you look round the car park at any driven day.

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I do this all the time. At the minute I am boycotting all films with Jim Carrey, after his satirical(more like insulting) caricature of "rednecks" who love thier guns. Of course he has staed afterwards that he is not sorry and that he doesn't like guns, so why should I view that piece of ****'s movies?

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I heard that Peter Wilson asked Land Rover if they would like to provide him with a sign written Range Rover, and they refused as they do not want to be associated with shooting - which is kind of ironic if you look round the car park at any driven day.

Doubt this is true but if it were should we be surprised ? After all us gun toters are not exactly LR / RRs target audience these days are we ?

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I do this all the time. At the minute I am boycotting all films with Jim Carrey, after his satirical(more like insulting) caricature of "rednecks" who love thier guns. Of course he has staed afterwards that he is not sorry and that he doesn't like guns, so why should I view that piece of ****'s movies?


OMG someone who (now used to, (very well done fella)) watches Jim Carey movies...............can't stand the extrovertial (spelling) twit but did not know his stance re guns & country sports

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Well, I'll write off Lush and, TBH, I never did like Richer Sounds anyway. Neither is a great loss to me


As for the Co-op, this is old news from 2007 when hunting foxes with hounds was more of a political hot potato - see >>here<< . Can't really blame them for wanting to distance themselves from what was (and still is) an illegal activity. There is no mention in the article that banking services were offered to two other shooting orientated businesses, so it's amazing what spin people can put on an article.


For the record I buy my shooting mags from my local Co-op, and unless someone can come up with some real hard evidence of them being anti-shooting then I'll continue to shop there - my next nearest convenience store involves a 20mile round trip, so it ain't a decision I'm gonna make lightly!

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