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How do they expect to sell cars with service like this


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I think the idea of a disabled person being able to have a funded car is a great idea, and i support it fully, i just made the mistake of suggesting a sensible cost effective compromise, by having a decent, serviced, fully checked over 3k motor. But this of course would never wash with those who detest someone who has a decent fair minded view, which would cause no hardship whatsoever. Sorry for daring to offer a democratic alternative.

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I think the idea of a disabled person being able to have a funded car is a great idea, and i support it fully, i just made the mistake of suggesting a sensible cost effective compromise, by having a decent, serviced, fully checked over 3k motor. But this of course would never wash with those who detest someone who has a decent fair minded view, which would cause no hardship whatsoever. Sorry for daring to offer a democratic alternative.

Sadly, it seems that some people just don't know when to shut up. Have you heard the expresion "opening your mouth and putting your foot in it"? Well, sir, your knee-cap is in close proximity to your teeth just now.

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PArt of the issue is many who qualify for motability cant drive, so "relatives" use the car to drive them around......and then to drive to work, the shops, holidays etc all without the qualifying person in the car.............

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there are millions who think like me........sadly :good:

I take it that you have empirical evidence that "millions" think like you? You'll have canvassed all these people for an opinion? Or is this just another off-the-top-of-your head assertion.....?


I think it more likely that there might be a very large number of people who would be offended by your ill-thought-out views.....

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I take it that you have empirical evidence that "millions" think like you? You'll have canvassed all these people for an opinion? Or is this just another off-the-top-of-your head assertion.....?


I think it more likely that there might be a very large number of people who would be offended by your ill-thought-out views.....

Its called 'synthetic indignation', and you sir have a large amount of it. It can only be this, as nothing in my post is offensive or restrictive to disabled people. Just a sensible alternative. I am now finished on the subject, but feel free to insult me, i can handle it! :good:

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If you have a disability you should have 1 of the little blue 3 wheelers for free as 20 yrs ago and be thankfull for it, after all its FREE !!!!!, see how many of the bad back brigade would drive one to skegvegas , that's why this country. Is on its arsss :( :( :(. (Genuine disabled exempt from my last observations and personnel feelings)

Edited by delburt0
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If you have a disability you should have 1 of the little blue 3 wheelers for free as 20 yrs ago and be thankfull for it, after all its FREE !!!!!, see how many of the bad back brigade would drive one to skegvegas , that's why this country. Is on its arsss :( :( :(. (Genuine disabled exempt from my last observations and personnel feelings)

perhaps you could change your occupation as you seemingly can determine the genuine disabled from a skiver at a stroke, the medical profession would surely welcome such an all seeing ability, save a fortune on MRI or cat scans.




Its called 'synthetic indignation', and you sir have a large amount of it. It can only be this, as nothing in my post is offensive or restrictive to disabled people. Just a sensible alternative. I am now finished on the subject, but feel free to insult me, i can handle it! :good:

your post was extremely offensive, the sad part is that you cant see that.



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If they can drive a free Kia they can drive a free 3 wheeler this would just prove that some claiming for disabilities are just sponging off the state ;)


perhaps you could change your occupation as you seemingly can determine the genuine disabled from a skiver at a stroke, the medical profession would surely welcome such an all seeing ability, save a fortune on MRI or cat scans.



your post was extremely offensive, the sad part is that you cant see that.



by the state of the country your right I probably could do a better job ;)
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Its called 'synthetic indignation', and you sir have a large amount of it. It can only be this, as nothing in my post is offensive or restrictive to disabled people. Just a sensible alternative. I am now finished on the subject, but feel free to insult me, i can handle it! :good:

I'm delighted to note that you are finished on the subject. Thank you for sparing me further exposure to your ill-informed opinions and pretentious expressions like "democratic alternative" and "synthetic indignation".


I'm afraid that I can't claim to fly at your heady intellectual altitude, as my response was occasioned simply by the fact that you have been posting offensive nonsense. If you read back, you may notice that I am not the only person to have tried to tell you so.


Oh, and I didn't insult you - I merely challenged you. Had I chosen to insult you, you would have known about it. Or there again, maybe not.....

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As others have said, main dealers sales staff often give out **** service to lease companies drivers as well, had this issue with a merc dealer until they realised I Worked for the leasing business. Discounts are high and margins are slim so to a point I can understand it at dealer level, whose sales staff often don't earn a great deal.


I do think a lot of people feel frustrated with relatives using free cars apparently free of any impairment, I would not begrudge the genuine case at all. Sit and watch the disabled parking bays at the supermarket, most appear in good health.

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As a member of my family has a mobility car I feel I can be forgiven for saying the scheme seems incredibly generous. The bar seems to be set far too low for who qualifies, he is literally one of the bad back of convenience brigade.


But its not just mobility people who get rubbish service. I have walked into a dealership to order a new van before now, literally cash in one had pen in the other and walked out again because nobody would take my order. That's the truth, it happened about five and a half years ago.


Salesman "I don't do vans"

me "So who does?"

Salesman "Hes not in today, you will have come back tomorrow"


So I went down the road to the Peugeot dealer and said I would like to have a look at the silver van on the front. Different again, couldn't do enough, threw in all sorts of extras free. Never liked Peugeots in the past but to be fair its been great

Edited by Vince Green
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A friend of the Wife's and I mean my wife,I can't stand the woman. laughs and jokes about all she has to do is cry about her bad back and hip, which I might add she hasn't got and they give her DLA. Which in turn gets her a Sprank new car. She thinks she is soooo clever.Now that disgusts me, that someone genuine that doesn't know the right thing to say or box to tick would have to do without. I think a genuine Disabled person deserves all the help they can get...

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A friend of the Wife's and I mean my wife,I can't stand the woman. laughs and jokes about all she has to do is cry about her bad back and hip, which I might add she hasn't got and they give her DLA. Which in turn gets her a Sprank new car. She thinks she is soooo clever.Now that disgusts me, that someone genuine that doesn't know the right thing to say or box to tick would have to do without. I think a genuine Disabled person deserves all the help they can get...

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Kdubya your comments today: We have crossed paths previously about some of the points we have both made. I want you and the others on this topic to understand that I think you are spot on with your comments in this thread sir and I support them 100% :good::good::good:


Pushkin B)

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As always, one system will not fit all, there are genuine cases just as there are the scummers. Sadly, a lot just do not have the morality to do the right thing.


Same with the blue badge abuse. When my aunty was still alive, her sons would go to get her shopping, note get, not take her but actually go and do the shopping and would use the blue badge to park as close as they could to the store.


Correct me if I am wrong but that's not the way it works.

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perhaps you could change your occupation as you seemingly can determine the genuine disabled from a skiver at a stroke, the medical profession would surely welcome such an all seeing ability, save a fortune on MRI or cat scans.




your post was extremely offensive, the sad part is that you cant see that.



You know you've dropped a b0ll0x when the monkey hanger's taking the moral high ground.


For the record, the Motability scheme was being abused, which led to a change of rules in 2011.

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& you can get in to over 200 places in the UK for free. ;)

leave this on the dash. wonder if the old warden would ticket you lol before anyone spits the dummy. i am joking http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GREEN-HI-VIZ-VEST-PRINTED-DOCTOR-ON-CALL-BRAND-NEW-/120837758291?pt=UK_BOI_ProtectiveGear_RL&hash=item1c227ddd53

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