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Have you ever seen a ghost?

English archer

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Walking home last night I saw a dead baby ghost on the pavement...Although on reflection it could have been a handkerchief and I had been drinking :yes:


Your picture looks like Gloria Gaynor's ghost!.....At first I was afraid......I was petrified.

Edited by The Ghost
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I reckon that's a smudge,on older cameras like the sony Ericsson with 0.3mp a small finger mark will show quite easily and the left edge has that distinct curve of a thumb edge.


I believed in ghosts twice,

First time i was in a trench in a forest in germany at 3 in the morning, i heard a noise and being the good soldier i looked and could see nothing, i shouted a challenge and nothing,i strained my eyes to see what was there but could see nothing, but the noise came closer very quickly,then out of the dark...........a large boar came straight toward me and jumped over my head and trench,i will be honest and say i nearly had to change my under crackers and my heart was going like the clappers.i had been looking in the dark for a human so had been looking above the boar for a face.


The second time was also in germany on an exercise,we were on achmer training area and had been going solid for a couple of days with no sleep,i was driving my APC across a wide open dust bowl in the middle of the night when a man in traditional german hunting clobber stood in the way of my APC,i stopped and my commander lenny asked me why i had stopped, i told him it was because of the bloke in front of me, he asked me what bloke,and i told him again,eventually lenny got off the APC and walked in front of it and the bloke disappeared.

Lenny never saw it and he told me to slow down on the coffee and pro plus,was it a ghost,it seemed very real at the time,but Lenny couldn't see it and i was very knackered,so was probably a hallucination.


No i do not believe in ghosts.

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This picture is 4 years old, our daughter used to talk to her grandmother, on the wifes side, but she passed away 10 years before our daughter was born.


We believe it to be my wifes mother sat with our daughter.





Heard Margaret Thatcher making a speech in the House of Commons ... Thought.....Christ she can't be for real !!

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Must be a poltergeist too judging by the mess :lol:

One of the funniest posts to date.

Nice one Gord.


I'm a believer, I took this of my lad, if you look very carefully to his left there is something in the image that resembles a 'ghost', there was nothing when I took the image, only afterwards once I'd downloaded it.


Freaked me out a little.















































Edited by kyska
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I believe. I have spent time on queens guard in the tower if London and there was some strange things going on there. Maybe that's just in the mind because of the location.


How ever I have had strange experiances at work. Where I'm based, we use the old ww2 air craft hangers as our places of work. While everyone was on summer leave I worked on my car in there and heard, saw and felt some strange things. Not going to go into the details because you had to be there to know what I'm on about

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I believe. I have spent time on queens guard in the tower if London and there was some strange things going on there. Maybe that's just in the mind because of the location.


How ever I have had strange experiances at work. Where I'm based, we use the old ww2 air craft hangers as our places of work. While everyone was on summer leave I worked on my car in there and heard, saw and felt some strange things. Not going to go into the details because you had to be there to know what I'm on about


I'm presuming you had the willies up you too?

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One of the cemetery's I work in is away out in the middle of nowhere and a few of the lads insist they have seen ghosts there and stuff like fuel cans moved when no ones been around. I don't believe In ghosts myself but sometimes you see movement and it catches the corner of your eye and when you look there's nothin there, and once I climbed up out of a grave and I could have sworn I saw a little girl peeping out from behind a yew bush but when I checked no one there the movements I always think is just maybe a sparrow hawk flitting between the hedges hunting as for the little girl? Maybe just my mind playing tricks or a trick of the light but at the time it was wierd especially to someone who don't believe in ghosts

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A couple of stories for you.


Many years ago, my mother (who was a very sane, intelligent, down-to-earth person) found an old white-haired woman dressed in brown, sitting at her kitchen table. Her dog saw the woman too and was very agitated, growling and snarling.


Mother lived not far from an old folks' home and immediately concluded that one of the old dears had escaped and wandered in off the street, so she said gently, "Excuse me, but what are you doing in my house?"


The old woman turned her head slowly, looked straight at my mother, and then seemed to break up like smoke and drift up through the ceiling. The dog went frantic.


My mother couldn't explain it and nor can I.


Second story is from years later. My mother had always been a very strong personality and a great organiser. In other words, bossy, but in the nicest possible way.


Even after she became terminally ill and lost her mobility (Motor Neuron Disease) she continued to rule the roost and so when any of the family were visiting she used her walking-stick to knock on the ceiling or wall every morning just in case we got five minutes too long in bed.


A week or so after she died my sister was woken one morning by knocking from our mother's old bedroom. We put it down to our distressed state at the time.


The house remained in the possession of the family; nothing was removed or altered. Some weeks later I visited with my daughter who was fifteen at the time, and her friend Lesley.


She came through the next morning to say that she could hear knocking from her granny's bedroom. I replied that it was just that this was her first visit to the house after granny's death, she was emotional, and she was hearing things. "Well", she said, "maybe I am hearing things, but Lesley heard it first and she never ever met granny and she's not emotional!"


Can't explain that one either.

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