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Anyone out this weekend?


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yes i will be out tommorow for the first proper day in a long time. i will be shooting over 1" tall peas.

not massive amounts of birds, but those that i walked off today 50 or so seemed keen enough to come back :) .

the pigeons are starting on the barley here too, so hopefully will get a go on those this week aswell.

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Spring rape is a possibility for tomorrow, but how to shoot pigeons and watch the Lions in Australia is the conundrum.

if you have pigeons to go at jdog its a no brainer the rugby can wait :yes:

I,m off out looking at birds on clover at a dairy farm found them last sat a good 100 on the deck and a good flightline coming in, had an hour on them managed 10 but only set up very late, planning getting there in good time tomorrow to get at least 4 hrs on em if the birds are there that is

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The pressure is on me for next weekend, weather permitting. I just wonder why you feel the need to swap from one crop to another?

Morning Jdog

my permission has four large fields- 2 x rape and 2 x peas at present so I set up in the most appropriate place for that day (even if there is nothing about...50 min drive so I would rather set up and chance it...still enjoy it if they don't turn up).


No decent bags here yet..but they will come

don't worry my PB is only 7 :sad1: so no pressure.. :good:

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Was shooting over rape today on one of Mick Morton's permissions. Was using a magnet with 8 shell decoys No 6.. 30 grams

Wind was high which was bringing them in fast..

Mick was shooting fair top on other side of field, which was sending some my way.. I could see Mick was hitting the pigeons on the other side of the hedge as they where coming through like tennis balls.

Total bag 110 Good days Shooting

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