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shampoo for dogs

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Morning all.


I have a wire fox terrier that is my shooting partner hes a typical terrier that gets himself in some real dirty places and gets filthy at every oppertunity..


whats the best type of shampoo to keep him in good condition, what are you guys useing i like to give him a good scrub as often as i can but dont want to strip his natural oils in his coat,


he has a very light coat and scratches at himself from time to time so in the past ive used a anti fungal shampoo to stop him scratching at his feet and nibbling himself all the time..


any suggestions?



Edited by archie1234
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I have to wash my dog once or twice a week depending on how dirty and sweaty he gets. As he is a breed prone to skin problems as well. I used an aloe vera oatmeal shampoo. The vet originally gave me a bottle and said its perfectly fine to use up to twice a week if required.


Its gentle on sensitive skin and doesn't take too much moisture out of their skin. Instead of buying it from the vet. You can buy it from manor pharmacy for abit cheaper.


The one i use is called coatex.


Just a quick link i plucked off google



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I have to wash my dog once or twice a week depending on how dirty and sweaty he gets. As he is a breed prone to skin problems as well. I used an aloe vera oatmeal shampoo. The vet originally gave me a bottle and said its perfectly fine to use up to twice a week if required.


Its gentle on sensitive skin and doesn't take too much moisture out of their skin. Instead of buying it from the vet. You can buy it from manor pharmacy for abit cheaper.


The one i use is called coatex.


Just a quick link i plucked off google





Thanks for that Mate, will order a bottle later today..

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We tried a dog shampoo on our pup but he reacted to it, you could see small lumps under his smooth coat, so that went straight in the bin.


We use Johnsons Baby shampoo once a week and have not encountered any problems.

Edited by Cosd
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Don't use neat shampoo water it down, my partner uses a litre bottle a little like a catering sauce bottle with a couple squirts of shampoo in then filled with water and repeats bathing dogs twice. There's loads of shampoos out there, if you have a White dog or one with sensitive skin use a shampoo with aloe vera in it and less soap. If there ok use something like dirty beasty although it can be harsh it's one of the easiest shampoos to get hold of, or you could just use a baby shampoo

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I use a 'Horse Shampoo' got from Scats, it's about £6.00 a litre and is bio-degradable.

I let my dog swim in the river then get a small amount of shampoo on my hands then rub it into my dogs coat until it foams then either hose her down or let her have another swimm.

The soapy suds all disappear as soon as he goes back in the river and I'm told it is safe for the river environment so no problem there.



Edited by EMcC
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I know the feeling but the big difference is yours are in kennels all the time and no doubt you can't smell them from inside! My GWP gets washed very rarely it usually involves fox **** but its a rare thing as usually mud just falls off her once she is dry. If required she gets whatever human shampoo we have about and its rinsed off well.

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I know the feeling but the big difference is yours are in kennels all the time and no doubt you can't smell them from inside! My GWP gets washed very rarely it usually involves fox **** but its a rare thing as usually mud just falls off her once she is dry. If required she gets whatever human shampoo we have about and its rinsed off well.


No mine do come in for some social time, less so now admittedly that the numbers are increasing...


Fortunately none of mine have a penchant for rolling in **** but a house dog doing that would, fair play, need a dousing with something.


A clean kennel, ample opportunity to toilet outside the kennel and regular swimming and mine smell no worse than any other house dogs I've had.

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Mine aren't in the kennel full time either, whilst they don't get near the living room sofa they do have access to the house & do sleep inside. Normally when wet they go into the kennels where they have teabag material bedding to dry off in, 1/2 an hour in that & they're clean.

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I'm in the same boat as WGD Perce, dogs very rarely get washed if ever, A couple off occasions they were rolling in a dead sheep and where oily/fatty as well as stimking so i used Tomato suace and Vineagar and chucked them in the river. Seemingly thats wot americans use to get the smell off there dogs if they get skunked and it worked surprisingly well.

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My dog can find Fox **** from a thousand paces !! so the occassional shampoo is quite handy also the shampo I use helps keep flys, fleas and ticks off her.

Sometimes, when the wife isn't about, I let the dog have a free run of the house, so apart from the odd hair, there's no trace of her being inside when the wife comes home !!!!

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Tomato ketchup rubbed into fox poo gets rid of the smell completely so i'm told, however, when i need to wash mine down, i use a small amount of horse shampoo, does the trick with no issues.




Edit: might explain why they are so keen on eating horse manure!

Edited by AlistairB
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My Spaniel Finds Badger poo and other random stuff (sometimes is rubbing shoulder in whatever on a regular basis) Lives in the house ( Wouldn't leave it outside as Dog napping is common in the south) So gets a regular bath with a bulk shampoo that hairdressers use. Removes dirt, poo, random odours, grass seeds and leaves fur silky smoth. No reactions. Wife happy.

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I cant remember ever giving my dogs a bath and they have all been house dogs, if still muddy when we get home they get a hose down and during the winter its a watering can with warm water. My house probably smells of dogs but after 40 years we don't notice it :lol:

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