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Are women ruder than men?


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Now I appreciate that this is not scientific proof, but I have been paying attention to this recently and have found the approximate figures:


If I stop and let someone pass in around 90% of cases men will give an acknowledgement compared to around 10% of women (maybe they think that as a man I should stop and let them through anyway).


If the obstruction is on their side and I have right of way, 80% of men will stop and wait compared to around 15% of women, who try to barge through even though they don't have right of way.


Anyone else noticed this


PS - not having a go at women in general, you just seem to be rude people :P:P:P

Your getting ther pal ;) ha ha

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We can only go by our own experiences, I agree a lot of it is about upbringing. I always open the door for an elderly gentleman and they usually then let me pass first and of course I thank them I have had older ladies give me road rage and push past me to get into a lift. I have had younger men open the door for me to which am always delighted and the best yet was a young boy of about 10 years old opening the door for me and winking at me lol


I think it can also be about your mood at that moment, I try not to let my mood affect the way I treat other people.


I was told to Eff off today by a customer and he called me a T=at as well, it actually upset me because I hadn't done anything wrong, he was annoyed because he thought he had ordered his sofa from me and I don't sell sofas, I got no apology, but I didn't let it control how I behaved for the rest of the day. he wasn't worth it, as people usually aren't or strangers should I say.

Did you tell him to 'shut your trap' ? Lol.

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In often stop whilste shopping to let anyone through a small gap were as my other half seems to just look at whatever it is she wants and push through, I think it depends we're you are, if your in tesco or primark then women are dreadful human beings! lol I'm the same when parking the car , my misses says I'm so rude and my reply is "it's dog eat dog world" and she's the same whilste shopping for clothes haha. Different situations.

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I like to think I always let people pass, hold doors for men and women etc etc and in the car I get just as wound up if I let people go and they don't acknowledge it.

The other day however, which I think was the first ever time, a man stepped off the pavement to let me and my friend walk past, I was very busy nattering away and we were in a rush, plus we were in a car park so I didn't really notice the fact that the man was stepping aside as people tend to walk wherever in a car park, but nevertheless I didn't say thank you. The man shouted back "it's okay ladies I only stepped out of your way for you" I turned around and immediately apologised I was absolutely mortified!!!

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I like to think I always let people pass, hold doors for men and women etc etc and in the car I get just as wound up if I let people go and they don't acknowledge it.

The other day however, which I think was the first ever time, a man stepped off the pavement to let me and my friend walk past, I was very busy nattering away and we were in a rush, plus we were in a car park so I didn't really notice the fact that the man was stepping aside as people tend to walk wherever in a car park, but nevertheless I didn't say thank you. The man shouted back "it's okay ladies I only stepped out of your way for you" I turned around and immediately apologised I was absolutely mortified!!!

If he had been a real gent he would not need thanks, just the satisfaction he had done the right/polite thing.There are gentlemen and there are the others.

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Recently I have noticed some rather weird behaviour! I walk along a path to meet SWMBO from work and I tend to stick to one side of the path! Now on a lot of occasions I see someone.walking toward me on the opposite side of the path! They clock me,.and then set themselves on a collision course? What the hell is that all about?


Cars! Don't get me started on ignorant morons! What happened to LANE disiplin? Courtesy? I think a lot of drivers need to come to terms they don't OWN the road!


I tend to let people out, or in if merging! But what really gets my goat is the ones who HAVE to get that little bit further :angry:


I have got to the point where I am sick of being bullied and now will NOT be pushed about. I stick to my lane and if they try cutting across the lane I am in I run right along side them and lay on the horn!


At work they flutter their eye lids and expect Me to help them out! If I am not busy then fair enough! But any other time they get told to get on with it themselves. One in particular took a job which involves heavy lifting! Then asks OTHERS to pick stuff up for Her? I told her to stuff off and get on with it! You wanted the job! This is what it's about.


I think the best EVER was a Woman driver who tried cutting me up in the town. She came blazing down a no car lane and then tried to push in front of me to get round the lights. I wouldn't give way! She became irrate and kept trying. I ended up going straight over nice and slow and She had to go further down to the next lights and turn around. She was hurling some very nasty language! I still can't understand why though? :lol:

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My wife worked in an all women group in the NHS until recently and the bitching, backstabbing and stitch ups were far worse than anything you would find with a similar group of men.


The thing I find with women drivers round here is that they are very status conscious, woman in big/expensive cars are right bitches, women in small cars are all smiles and thank yous.

Edited by Vince Green
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When I read the thread title I thought it referred to women swearing.

I have noticed that a lot of women swear more now, than I can ever remember before, and that goes for all ages.

I never swear during conversation but have been known to swear when I whack my thumb or some such similar accident.

The use of swear words seem to be interwoven during normal conversations with younger folk and used quite often by the more mature folk.

I even hear swear words used more now during TV programmes too.

Is it because they education system hasn't taught them enough civil English that instead of using verbs or adjectives they use swear words instead.

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I like it when they switch lanes on roundabouts with no indication, keeps you alert

that annoys the **** out of me! even worse when they approach a roundabout in the left hand lane, and just literally drive straight over, cutting anyone up on the inside lane. I had a woman in a range rover do this recently, very narrowly avoided a collision, after sounding my horn she just scowled at the me.

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that annoys the **** out of me! even worse when they approach a roundabout in the left hand lane, and just literally drive straight over, cutting anyone up on the inside lane. I had a woman in a range rover do this recently, very narrowly avoided a collision, after sounding my horn she just scowled at the me.

If you're going straight over a roundabout you're supposed to be in the left hand lane (or either the left or right its a 2 lane road & roundabout)? Do you mean she was in the left hand lane but turned right? That happened to me yesterday and i nearly put my hand through my steering wheel sounding the horn at the dizzy bint :innocent: Or do you mean they start in the left hand lane and then wander into the right hand lane as they cross? That also boils my p!$$!


The best ones are the ones that do something ridiculously dangerous, get honked etc and then just stare straight ahead pretending it didn't happen :rolleyes: At least respond man style either with an acknowledging 'apology' wave, or 2 fingers up! :lol:

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I've known some excellent female drivers, I would be perfectly happy to sit as a passenger with any of them. At the same time I've come across some total muppets.


Point in case recently, light controlled cross roads narrows in the centre, woman indicating to turn right and sitting waiting for a gap. Traffic filtering past on her left. My turn and she changes her mind and pulls away straight ahead, no signal nothing. Squeal of tyres later and blast on the horn, she makes some kind of gesture as if to say go away silly person??? Lights out crossed my mind.


Same junction different time, waiting at red; lights change I pulled away only to be almost t boned by a woman driver who passed a queue of cars in the inside lane and ran a red. Did not even see me, another tyre squeal but she was gone not even knowing what she had done. Guess what? she was wobbly gobbing to her female friend.

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If you're going straight over a roundabout you're supposed to be in the left hand lane (or either the left or right its a 2 lane road & roundabout)? Do you mean she was in the left hand lane but turned right? That happened to me yesterday and i nearly put my hand through my steering wheel sounding the horn at the dizzy bint :innocent: Or do you mean they start in the left hand lane and then wander into the right hand lane as they cross? That also boils my p!$$!


The best ones are the ones that do something ridiculously dangerous, get honked etc and then just stare straight ahead pretending it didn't happen :rolleyes: At least respond man style either with an acknowledging 'apology' wave, or 2 fingers up! :lol:

I think he was refering to the fact they just go in a straight line rather than follow propper lane dicipline! This happens with alarming frequency here! One would thing the wheel is just to hold onto and has no other purpose???

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Rudeness is on the rise in both sexes, it used to upset me but i try and accept that the march of the ignorants is well underway and the only thing i can do to slow it is not to join it. Rudeness is a symptom of modern life and its classless. I encounter it as much when i deal with the well heeled as i do with the scummers. They are all **** in my book but i just smile inwardly and hope i never see them again.

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I meet a lot people during my working day. You must realise these people are on holiday so should be relaxed and happy. Most are fine I have a chat with them all good enjoying themselves and Cornwall. Others you would think I was the devil himself, no time to talk (fair enough) no manners and extremely miserable. What must these people be like to live with at home when they are not on holiday? Unfortunately their children learn for their parents. I in the end just to annoy like to ask for the magic word from the kids as well as adults, very funny with a reception full of people.


Generally women are worse than men and make more mess in the shower blocks.

Edited by rimfire4969
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I haven't noticed a difference between men and women around here? If anything it's the blokes that seem rude and the women are generally quite pleasant.


When it comes to giving way I have a clear set of rules that work for me. I drive a lot at work and the bottom of our road is narrow with parked cars so giving way is a daily routine. I've got to know the pushers so now when I see one of them I just drive at them, make them stop and reverse if it comes to it because I'm not moving and that's that. I've even had other locals who I give way to on a weekly basis laughing at the complete change in character. I'm sure the few pushers have done the same to them and they're glad to see someone not standing for it.


One very funny instance that I do remember involving a woman was with an old chap I used to work for. We were working up a narrow lane and two mornings running we came face to face with a middle aged lady driving quite a fancy car. Two days running we reversed for her and got no thanks. On the third day she drove past a pull in to meet us not ten yards past it. We had a good 50 to go back so Mike stopped and waited. To our amazement she was gesturing for us to go back and shaking her head! This went on for about a minute and then came the funny bit - Mike switched off the van, slapped his newspaper on the steering wheel and started reading it! I went red as a beetroot - didn't know what to say or where to look! Needless to say she reversed, and we were on the move again with Mike saying "thank you kindly" in the poshest voice he could muster as we slowly passed her. As soon as we passed I burst out laughing. Never seen someone do anything like that before but it certainly did the trick! If I ever find myself in the same situation I can't think of a better way to get the point across!

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I think the reason a lot of women drive past pretending it didn't happen is because they are a bit wary of road rage drivers and don't want to provoke any one.

Don't you think just driving properly is the best way to avoid provcating other drivers?

not a personal dig Pinkella, you probably drive well, I wouldn't know.

I've noticed that its not just women who are less courteous, old men in expensive cars do a good job at winding me up. I sometimes wonder if they actually see me or think I'm just parked up!!


I have to say that my other half shows little in the way of lane discipline at roundabouts. Scares me to death sometimes but I think she actually checks her mirror first...Iassume this as she hasn't actually hit anyone yet!



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When I read the thread title I thought it referred to women swearing.I have noticed that a lot of women swear more now, than I can ever remember before, and that goes for all ages.I never swear during conversation but have been known to swear when I whack my thumb or some such similar accident.The use of swear words seem to be interwoven during normal conversations with younger folk and used quite often by the more mature folk.I even hear swear words used more now during TV programmes too.Is it because they education system hasn't taught them enough civil English that instead of using verbs or adjectives they use swear words instead.

This thread is going to get quite piggish if it is going to detail how women in this society aren't confirming to their proper traditional criteria! Men and women are equal now, remember that!

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