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Best way to get shotgun experience


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I currently shoot rifles, but the land i shoot has crops on and is as suited for shotgun during the summer as it is for rifles but I have absolutely zero experience with a shotgun, I've never fired one. What is the cheapest way of getting experience? I dont know anyone that owns a shotgun, only rifles, and by the time youve been down to the clay shoot a couple times you soon start racking up the money. I know it's not a cheap sport to enter but is there a slightly more cost effective option? I need to know the very basics on cleaning and maintenance and a rough idea how to aim a bit more than "point and shoot" please :lol: without spending weeks practicing and spending a fortune with a clubs gun.

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have you got your sgc cert ??? . if you have then get a little coaching around the clays to experience lead etc, then get out with a few decoys and try your hand, its amazing just how much fun you can have on your own with pigeons screaming in at all angles lol


just get a few lessons then the world is your oyster


good luck mate, evo,


oh and if shooting crows and pigeons use NO6 carts 32gram they will do you no problem and half choke also, you will be told alsorts but that will shoot you pigeons no end


good luck mate cheers Evo (Bob)

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Nope haven't got my shotgun certificate. It would be an embarassment applying as I know nothing about shotguns. I'm not even sure that the choke is. I like the idea of taking someone onto my permission, I need to ask first as there is a shotgun on one small pocket of the land and I don't want to tread on their toes as they pay a good amount to be there. I shoot for free as I live there :D

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Oh and if someone could point me in the right direction of where I could take lessons? I live near Catterick, North Yorkshire. Things like firing ranges and clay shoots just aren't advertised as well as they could be, unless of course they're charging a fortune.

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Its a shame you are not closer to york as could of given you a hand as I work there during the week. Only clay shoots I know of are close to the M62 so a long way from you.

Agree with what others have said invite someone from here to shoot your permission in exchange for them explaning and showing you the ropes.

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What type of field would be best for decoying if i was to invite someone? There are only a couple of grass fields, one has highland and the other has dexter so I use these for the rifle. Neither of which would be good with shotguns. The others have crops which are due to be harvested over the next few weeks. One field which is due to be harvested is right next to a wood with **** loads of crows in.

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your local rfd should be able to give you details of local coaching grounds,and you do not need a license to take lessons they will be covered for that,you will have a few months to do this while waiting for your certificate,then go buy what you feel comfortable with and enjoy your shooting

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Gilsan Sports is a good shop in Richmond Simon will point you in the right direct Marne Bks clay club is fairly cheap to shoot at.


Also try the have a go thing the CPSA are running. A couple of lessons with a good instructor will help you no end and may not be a dear as you think try the APSI website to find free lance instructors generally cheaper than the ground prices. I for example have traps I take to people's permissions or shoots and teach there even run simulated shoots if that's what they want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your best bet is the clay club at Marne Barracks. Every other Sunday and every Wednesday afternoon. There are plenty there to give help and guidance. It is open to civilians. Explain to the guard at the gate that you are going to the clay club, carry identification eg driving licence and follow the signs into the training area.

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Get yourself down your local clay ground,you do not need a licence/gun,and have a lesson or 2.Once that is rolling and you know the basics apply for your sgc. At that point I would consider having someone experienced come out with you the first time you go after live quarry etc..

Your local rfd will know which grounds/local coaches to recommend to you.


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Oh and if someone could point me in the right direction of where I could take lessons? I live near Catterick, North Yorkshire. Things like firing ranges and clay shoots just aren't advertised as well as they could be, unless of course they're charging a fortune.

Look on the BASC, CPSA, APSI ICSI web sites for local coaches it will be money well spent

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HELP! I've googled them and found their website. I can't find a number to ring and when I try to enter my email address on their contact form it tells me "oops, your email address is invalid" but it's not! I've triple checked! I tried Facebook but they don't seem to have a page.


I can't just turn up on a Wednesday or Sunday because it says you need to bring your membership card or photo id to be allowed on (makes sense - army base).

And can't see anywhere where it says 50 clays for £10?

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Club Personalities: TONY MASTERS – Ground Manager DAVE IRWIN - Assistant Manager


Address: Marne Barracks, Catterick Villiage, N Yorkshire Postcode: DL10 7NP


Telephone: 01388 604110 or 01325 485397 Email: armysenrec.bishopauckland@acio.mod.uk



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Give them a whirl. I have been to many clay clubs over the country and a long period of time. I have never experienced another sport where so much help and advice is freely given.


Years ago, shooters have offered to let me have a go with their gun and provided a couple of shells. Not many sports where similar gestures are made.


I never forgot and have handed my gun to a few new shooters, put a few shells in their hand and let them have a try with a different gun - to help make up their mind when they took the plunge and bought their own. I only shoot trap guns - so if they don't get on with the barrel length or weight etc., they know what not to get.

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