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New Labour promise on apprentices


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Pitt the even younger ( Miliband if you never watched Blackadder) has promised an uk apprentice for each foreign worker if he gets into power.


1. It was the previous muppets in his party that allowed unbridled immigration as a social experiment.


2> How do you define a uk citizen, the person could have been a foreign worker up to the day before in theory.

Edited by keg
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It is all to late, they have all ready done irreversible damage with immigration, the real question that our younger and older English citizens need to answer is , do you want to stay and put up with what this country has become, or do you want to set up some ware else on the globe.


Hang on, am I missing something? I am struggling with the logic.


Immigrants have already done irreversible damage to the UK and so the only solution is to reestablish your life in another country? Or to put it another way, the only way to beat the immigration issue is for you yourself to become an immigrant somewhere else?

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The less bright MiliBLAND brother is one of the best things that could be helping LIEbour NOT get in to power at the next General Election!!!!!



Backed up by the VERY appropriately named Ed BALLS!!!!

I'd go one step further and refer to him as MEGABLAND. "Mili" suggesting just a small level of blandness?? ;)


Isn't the party referred to spelt LIE BORE ?

Edited by old rooster
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It has taken him a long tome but at least he is trying to come up with some ideas its a start with the apprentice thing and I for one like the idea of revercing the bedroom tax the reason that old people live in big houses is the stupid governments of all types did not have the common sence to build small houses and bungalows for people to downsize in to.


if someone has lived in a council house for thirty years the rent that they have been paying has paid for that house several times over and I should add that most people who live in council houses work and pay the rent something that lots of people cannot get in to there heads.

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It has taken him a long tome but at least he is trying to come up with some ideas its a start with the apprentice thing and I for one like the idea of revercing the bedroom tax the reason that old people live in big houses is the stupid governments of all types did not have the common sence to build small houses and bungalows for people to downsize in to.


if someone has lived in a council house for thirty years the rent that they have been paying has paid for that house several times over and I should add that most people who live in council houses work and pay the rent something that lots of people cannot get in to there heads.



If you work and pay the rent theres no bedroom tax to pay

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If you work and pay the rent theres no bedroom tax to pay

you may find it hard to beleve but some people do get old and if they have been working doing low paid jobs then they will probably not have the luxury of having a privet pension even good hard working people get made redundant when there jobs are sent off to countries that pay slave labour wages also jobs do not grow on trees in large parts of this country.

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It has taken him a long tome but at least he is trying to come up with some ideas its a start with the apprentice thing and I for one like the idea of revercing the bedroom tax the reason that old people live in big houses is the stupid governments of all types did not have the common sence to build small houses and bungalows for people to downsize in to.


if someone has lived in a council house for thirty years the rent that they have been paying has paid for that house several times over and I should add that most people who live in council houses work and pay the rent something that lots of people cannot get in to there heads.

Seeing as the rent for council houses is subsidised and is less than paying a mortgage,i cannot see how you reach that conclusion,most mortgages are over 25 years.

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you may find it hard to beleve but some people do get old and if they have been working doing low paid jobs then they will probably not have the luxury of having a privet pension even good hard working people get made redundant when there jobs are sent off to countries that pay slave labour wages also jobs do not grow on trees in large parts of this country.

If you are a pensioner you do not have to pay for any spare rooms you have.

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you may find it hard to beleve but some people do get old and if they have been working doing low paid jobs then they will probably not have the luxury of having a privet pension even good hard working people get made redundant when there jobs are sent off to countries that pay slave labour wages also jobs do not grow on trees in large parts of this country.


Is that anything like a hedge fund??

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How much do you think it costs to build a house not the stupid prises that people pay for them.

The price of building a house is not the point,virtually no one pays the build price,otherwise we would all have mortgages half the price.A council house is subsidised social housing for people on low pay,or is supposed to be,it is not a right it is a privilege,if that makes me sound up my own **** then so be it,


Why don't people who live in council houses just go and build their own,after all it would be a lot cheaper.

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The price of building a house is not the point,virtually no one pays the build price,otherwise we would all have mortgages half the price.A council house is subsidised social housing for people on low pay,or is supposed to be,it is not a right it is a privilege,if that makes me sound up my own **** then so be it,


Why don't people who live in council houses just go and build their own,after all it would be a lot cheaper.

Doesn't sound like you are up your **** at all. Seems to make perfect sense to me. Sadly, we are a " I have my rights" society.

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Seeing as the rent for council houses is subsidised and is less than paying a mortgage,i cannot see how you reach that conclusion,most mortgages are over 25 years.

This is the thing if you buy a house at the start you may well be paying more that someone renting a council house but your payments will stay the same or at least follow the interest rate up or down council house rents go in one direction and that is up also councils can borrow money much cheaper that you or I.


so they can charge less rent although council houses rents are still not cheap then you get the buy to rent people who buy houses with tax inducements and then expect people to rent the house so that in the end they end up with a house for free nice work if you can get it.


The truth of the matter is we have to many people in this country and to few houses when I was young it was posable for a single person with a resonable job to buy a three bed semy now you will need two people both in well paid jobs that is not and never can be rite.

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Pitt the even younger ( Miliband if you never watched Blackadder) has promised an uk apprentice for each foreign worker if he gets into power.


Who does he think is going to to pay for these apprenticeships?


Do most companies that _need_ apprentices not already have them?



They really don't understand how the real world goes round (that's all politicians).

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Pitt the even younger ( Miliband if you never watched Blackadder) has promised an uk apprentice for each foreign worker if he gets into power.


1. It was the previous muppets in his party that allowed unbridled immigration as a social experiment.


2> How do you define a uk citizen, the person could have been a foreign worker up to the day before in theory.

Wow that would solve the youth unemployment problem overnight provided he includes the illegal migrants............Oh sorry Miliband (or Cam the man) can't, they don't know how many 100,000s there are, or where they are.


Wonder how he would do it though, think most employers if they needed apprentices would have them.

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Millibellend will say just about anything to get in power just like the naties and there independence up here.


Im pretty low on the income scale and I know the coalition is bad but Labour will be the end of this Country for sure. I also felt that when Labour was in last time tax went up more than now.

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This is the thing if you buy a house at the start you may well be paying more that someone renting a council house but your payments will stay the same or at least follow the interest rate up or down council house rents go in one direction and that is up also councils can borrow money much cheaper that you or I.


so they can charge less rent although council houses rents are still not cheap then you get the buy to rent people who buy houses with tax inducements and then expect people to rent the house so that in the end they end up with a house for free nice work if you can get it.


The truth of the matter is we have to many people in this country and to few houses when I was young it was posable for a single person with a resonable job to buy a three bed semy now you will need two people both in well paid jobs that is not and never can be rite.

Sorry but you seem to be going off on all sorts of tangents,the fact remains that council rents are cheaper than mortgage payments on like for like houses.

If you think council rents are to high,then get a mortgage,and take all the worry that comes with it.

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