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Shooting Times


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Havent bought it for years,so I've been getting them for the last few months.

Have they turned it into Dog Magazine ?

This week they have an article on Pigeons with an Air Rifle from a hide ?

There are loads of Mags. doing Dogs,AirRifles etc.

Whats going on ?

I wont be buying another for a while.


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I've been buying it for a good few years now and while it probably could be better but in fairness there is only so much u can write about shooting. When i was a lot younger i used to buy Trout and salmon after a year or 2 u could almost predict the articles.


To be far to ST still miles ahaed of any other shooting mag, in my opinion. In fact most other ones are rubbish. I get sent that modern gamekeeper mag i do open it and then usually throw it striaght in bin, dunno who'd ever pay for it.


Been first time for a while been any mention of airguns in ST, and i would actually like more stuff about gundogs in the ST this week was only an extra 2 pages. Without dogs there wouldn't be much shooting


Wot other mag's are doing more stuff about gundogs? Might consider changing

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I still buy as I think as an all rounder it's better than the rest. The weekly change of writers such as Lindsey Waddell and Mike Swan give different perspectives on upland/lowland keeping which I find interesting.

On the old guys, Colin Willock (Town Gun) as well as John Humphreys were the first reads then the rest. Willocks books TOWN GUN and THE BEDSIDE WILDFOWLER are great reads.


I nearly stopped buying the mag when a certain writers rifle "barked" across the pages.

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I stopped reading Shooting Times after John Humphreys passed away. It was his articles that kept me buying it!




On the old guys, Colin Willock (Town Gun) as well as John Humphreys were the first reads then the rest.




Others if I remember correctly was Gough Thomas, & Geoffrey Boothroyd, who wrote some excellent articles between them.

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I've read them all over the years but ST is the only one I read on a regular basis.You can only read so much about pigeon shooting,ferreting,game shooting and wildfowling etc and it all gets a bit repetitive after a while.Enjoyed J. Humphreys and Colin Willock very much.I like ST for the up to date news items regarding politics etc,and 'sharpshooters' column,but apart from that its just more of the same.

Mate subscribes to Sporting Rifle which he then passes on to me.I just flick through it and hand it back to him more often than not.Very little in there to interest me I'm afraid.I'm not saying there's nothing to learn,it's just that I have no interest in big game hunting and reading about shooting foxes gets repetitive and boring also.

I think what I enjoyed about J.Humphreys writing was his descriptive powers of the flora and fauna surrounding his days out;how the sun looked,the wind felt,his grand sense of humour,the language he used from an almost bygone age and the way he could string a sentence together.He wrote with a fondness and affection that most nowadays can't emulate.

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Havent bought it for years,so I've been getting them for the last few months.

Have they turned it into Dog Magazine ?

This week they have an article on Pigeons with an Air Rifle from a hide ?

There are loads of Mags. doing Dogs,AirRifles etc.

Whats going on ?

I wont be buying another for a while.



The very reason I stopped buying it myself... Others should change their names to the Doggie Gazette.

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If you like Colin Willock's writing find yourself a copy of 'Landscape with Solitary Figure'.


I still buy as I think as an all rounder it's better than the rest. The weekly change of writers such as Lindsey Waddell and Mike Swan give different perspectives on upland/lowland keeping which I find interesting.

On the old guys, Colin Willock (Town Gun) as well as John Humphreys were the first reads then the rest. Willocks books TOWN GUN and THE BEDSIDE WILDFOWLER are great reads.


I nearly stopped buying the mag when a certain writers rifle "barked" across the pages.

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Not forgetting the evocative and wonderful BB (Denys Watkins-Pitchford).


For me it was at it's best before the shiny paper. As a child I used to eagerly wait for my dad to finish reading it so I could get my chance, BB, Country Gun and Town Gun's articles in that order, and then the rest.


Richard Prior seems to have been around for ever too.






Others if I remember correctly was Gough Thomas, & Geoffrey Boothroyd, who wrote some excellent articles between them.

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After subscribing to it for a few years, I rang up to cancel my subscription.


"Why?" I was asked.


I told her "I used to enjoy it."


Now that I have a kindle fire, I was going to subscribe electronicly but I bought a paper copy to sure before I committed to a tenner a month. After reading it, I didn't bother my ****.


I get much greater value and information (and entertainment) from PW and other forums.

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