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Anyone got epilepsy? Missis's fac application


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Applying for an fac for the missis this weekend. Only problem is, she has quite bad epilepsy and I'm unsure if it'll cause a problem?


She has bi lateral, so it's both sides of the brain

She has Pettit mals, (blanks or vacant s) a lot

And once in a blue moon, a grand mal. (A drop)


However. When I spoke to Mary at syp, she was unsure and couldn't give me an answer over the phone.


So... Anyone living with epilepsy?

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If it was controlled shooting on a range that MAY make a difference, but i wouldnt know

Target shooting where you have range officers etc I don't see any issue. Is it controlled by medication? I work with a guy who is epileptic but its well controlled he drives and works normally but doesn't have FAC.

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Yeh her drops are controlled by kepra (meds) but she still has blanks all the time. (They last seconds to mins. Looks like someone presses pause)


The fac is for her to come shooting with me, she's felt the cold sexy steel of a 357 lbr tonight and wants one lol (I'm going to get her a .22lr and an fac first and take her out with me while we sort a club out for a pistol)


I'm sure iv actually met someone on here with it before, I just can't remember who! So if you do get a pm please don't be offended!

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You certainly need to be speaking to your shooting org on this one. The cops will fight shy of refusal unless they feel they have too, it could turn real bad if someone appealed under the disability discrimination act and won so the shooting orgs will be your best bet for evidence. Do you totally feel all will be fine with her? I once had to stop a guy from using certain machinery even though he said he was just fine because I witnessed one too many vacant wanderings, its not an easy one for the cops so respect that fact

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Yeh she will be fine with the shooting, the only measures to take would be standing behind or within 2-3 paces I case she had a nodding dog moment.


To the guy above, if he's been wandering while vacant, that's because his meds rant controlling it. He shouldn't have really been on site if he's still activly having seizures iirc?


I'll give basc a ring later, we're sending off for her an ordinary fac first to save wasting money joining a club :-)


Cheers guys.

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Yeh she will be fine with the shooting, the only measures to take would be standing behind or within 2-3 paces I case she had a nodding dog moment.


To the guy above, if he's been wandering while vacant, that's because his meds rant controlling it. He shouldn't have really been on site if he's still activly having seizures iirc?


I'll give basc a ring later, we're sending off for her an ordinary fac first to save wasting money joining a club :-)


Cheers guys.

The thing they may look at is if it happens at a loaded rifle a round could be sent over any backstop

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Yeh she will be fine with the shooting, the only measures to take would be standing behind or within 2-3 paces I case she had a nodding dog moment.


To the guy above, if he's been wandering while vacant, that's because his meds rant controlling it. He shouldn't have really been on site if he's still activly having seizures iirc?


I'll give basc a ring later, we're sending off for her an ordinary fac first to save wasting money joining a club :-)


Cheers guys.

They cannot grant an FAC without good reason - this means full member of a HO approved club

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Would be worth joining a local club together and then working your way through their probation period. The police always love to see this with any application but in this case it could be a good slug of evidence for you / your wife to show how you control these small incidents and how they don't pose an issue.


If during the course of the probation you experience some incidents that do cause a concern then at least you won't have gone through the process and expense of getting the FAC.

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They cannot grant an FAC without good reason - this means full member of a HO approved club


Iv got an fac already, we will be applying for here using my permissions. (Full bore clearance by the bobbies.) to get her ticket, then the ranges won't be a problem (just literally come off the phone to someone about it)

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I don't want to upset you but my wife has Epilepsy and the last thing I would want in her hand is a firearm. Her fits are regular and normally follow the same pattern but sometimes she is totally beyond control and it can take 3 of us to stop her smashing the house ,or herself, to bits while she is completely unaware of her actions ( doctor took a reading of just over 200 beats/min of her heart) -the time during a fit is not the dangerous bit-its just prior to and this moment is nigh on impossible to spot. I wish you both the best of luck with your quest-look after her :good:

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I don't want to upset you but my wife has Epilepsy and the last thing I would want in her hand is a firearm. Her fits are regular and normally follow the same pattern but sometimes she is totally beyond control and it can take 3 of us to stop her smashing the house ,or herself, to bits while she is completely unaware of her actions ( doctor took a reading of just over 200 beats/min of her heart) -the time during a fit is not the dangerous bit-its just prior to and this moment is nigh on impossible to spot. I wish you both the best of luck with your quest-look after her :good:

Took the words out my mouth sorry . Unless theirs no recent attacks.

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I don't want to appear pessimistic but a man in our club developed epilepsy after major surgery and the police pulled his licence. It wasn't quite as straight forward as it might appear.


Firstly, the BIG problem was the insurers of the range who said no way, he wasn't even allowed onto the premises in case he injured himself, a total over reaction.


So he lost his good reason. As the range was insured through the NRA the same would have applied to most other ranges. He was personally insured by the same company and epilepsy has to be declared to any insurer.


If they have an episode they lose legal possession of the firearm, so they can only shoot, and travel, with somebody who has that firearm on their FAC as well. In the case of a wife that could be easily arranged.


The problem as far as I can see is not the police, its the insurance. but good luck, SGC may be less complicated

Edited by Vince Green
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If she is going shooting with you every time why bother to get an FAC.

I was thinking this. Does FAC work the same way as a SGC with the whole licence holder supervising etc. if it did, is there any need for her to apply

Edited by Malik
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I don't want to upset you but my wife has Epilepsy and the last thing I would want in her hand is a firearm. Her fits are regular and normally follow the same pattern but sometimes she is totally beyond control and it can take 3 of us to stop her smashing the house ,or herself, to bits while she is completely unaware of her actions ( doctor took a reading of just over 200 beats/min of her heart) -the time during a fit is not the dangerous bit-its just prior to and this moment is nigh on impossible to spot. I wish you both the best of luck with your quest-look after her :good:


i was thinking this but did not want to say anything , but i have epilesy with in our family ( not me ) drop epilepsy is the worst kind i think .

3 of my family members have died during fits and i really sympathise with you but after seeing what i,ve seen , i would really think hard about what you finally decide to do.

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How does an "estate rifle" work then?

Anyone can use one of them

Parrently, it's different. Not my argument, just stating what I was told.


Like I said, her grand mals are sorted with meds. She just has blanks. Only dangerous if crossing the road/bathing/swimming/parachuting etc lol

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