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Political Correctness


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I was the person who posted the topic, and whilst I do agree with the sentiment, tell them to go forth and multiply when you have a wife, 2 children and a mortgage to pay, the risk of loosing your job because of racial hatred is a none starter. What bugs me is it seems to be one sided,formula 1 racing

driver being interviewed on T.V. when asked why he had been reprimanded more than any other driver, said probably because I am black, Premier league

football player got the job as manager did not last long, when asked why he got the sack replied probably because I am black. I am not a racialist in

any way, but it annoys me when the racist card is played. A close friend of mine got into a heated argument with a black person the police were called

he did say this black ******* at which point he was arrested and charged, now has a criminal record plus £150 fine.

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I agree with you, most of this stuff is made up by people just trying to get a reaction.




Is it made up that the childrens character Peppa Pig had to be re-done wearing a seatbelt after complaints or the Bobby Thompson dvd was redone and the cigarette in his hand is blurred out


Both PC or is it only certain subject matters that should be swept under the carpet as White lies


Certain specifics are probably not made up (usually driven by the Marketing Dept), but the wholesale examples given are not generally correct , like the banning of the word blackbird.

Mostly Urban Myths.

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Political correctness by its very nature is politically incorrect . History has show this as it is now common in school play grounds to hear the insult that some one is "special" , referring to pupils who have special needs due to physical mental or emotional needs , in stead of the now out dated terms such as " moron" . Which itself was a word invented by American Doctors in the early 20thC as a non derogatory term for people with emotional , physical mental or educational needs . A little like the people who insist on political correctness .

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A close friend of mine got into a heated argument with a black person the police were called

he did say this black ******* at which point he was arrested and charged, now has a criminal record plus £150 fine.

Good to know that justice does still work. He got what he deserved.

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During my employment with one of the London Boroughs the following memo was sent to all departments for immediate attention from senior executive, in future the following terms shall be used," manholes" new ref inspection covers (sexist) "blue prints" new ref engineers drawing (political connotations) the term "nitty gritty"

shall not be used because this originates from the days of the slave trade and is unacceptable today, black coffee shall be referred to as coffee without milk, failure to comply with this memo will result in reprimand or possible dismissal. The thought of it still bugs me.


Why would a senior exec send out a memo when such a thing would be done by the HR dept?


Any chance of seeing the original?

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I nearly bought a Malamute about 15 years ago. I was told if you let them off a lead - it would be the last you saw of them. We ended up with Akitas. I still like the look of "Spitz" type dogs.


You have a very good looking dog there. Do you race them?.

Yes, I did until me and the ex split, she still runs them, there are ten of them.


Husky are the same, like cats, don't care much for humans, especially as they ours are highly strung working dogs, they'd be in the horizon before you could blink!


Although when they have slipped the lead, running away from them or lying down normally brought them back into rugby tackle range.

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ps this is all ********! Find me any of these memos, any originals, not i heard from a friend of a friend etc this is nonsense of the highest order just like all the health and safety gone mad stories. Put down your Daily Mails and use a bit of brain power, all of these stories do nothing than distract you from the real behind the scenes corruption, while you're worried about what to call a black bag they are doing insider deals and feathering their nests while you lot get humpty because little Timmy had to wear goggles to play conkers (he didn't, a newspaper made it up!)

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