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HAven't seen a thread on it yet so...Xmas dinner, what will it be?


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me an mrs beeredup will be dining on the breasts of my first pink footed goose i shot, i plan to stuff the breasts with shallots and smoked black pudding and then wrap the breasts in bacon and slow roast them and serve them with roast veg and my favourite sprouts and lardons glazed with honey.


breakfast will be the traditional (in fort wilson) smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on granary toast washed down with bucks fizz (i don't bother with the Oj in mine)


With you on the breakfast front, but with poached not scrambled eggs - stunning start to the day and alcohol !

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have done xmas dinner for the whole family plus both mine and wife parents for the last few years this year the mother in law asked if we would like to go to a very reputable restaurant for xmas day dinner her treat mmm let me think,

don't care what i have sure it will be nice but best of all no cooking and no washing up



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Poached eggs and bacon with a couple of slices of toasted tiger bread, a bottle or two of Buck's Fizz (extra special clementine one

From sainsberrys, the best Buck's Fizz I have ever had !!!) then prawn cocktail to

Start then a double turkey crown with a gammon joint. Roast spuds,assorted veg, pigs in blankets, carrot and Swede mash, sprouts with bacon etc..... With a couple of bottles of prosecco (you have to pop something at Xmas dinner) for dessert my girlfriends sister's making chocolate Brownings, they are bloody good !!!!! All the way through I will be drinking whine,disaronno,Jim beam red stag whiskey (so good) and of course it wouldn't be Christmas with out a couple of glasses of baileys !! MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!

Edited by rimmie
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turkey, pork (love crackling), pigs in blankets, duck fat roast pots, mash pots, carrots (Heston B way), veg, yorkies, lashings of gravy served with few cold beers and then a nice long snooze afterwards :)


hopefully not doing dishes as cooking for mother, aunt n uncle so gives them something to do while i snooze haha

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Homemade pate, meat and offal from my own Cornish Black Pigs.


Fore rib of beef, bought by my butcher on the hoof at the local prime stock show, hung for about a month. Painted with English mustard and roasted in the Aga to a beautiful rare bit of beef with yorkshires and trimmings.


Christmas pud, plus another pudding for the kids.


Lots and lots of cheese and biscuits.


Cornish beer, wine (red and white), port, sloe gin. (During all of above)


And sleep.

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hopefully win a turkey at alan`s this weekend but how i shoot i`ll miss all 100 clays :lol:

so find out where rimmie lives :good::lol:

Poached eggs and bacon with a couple of slices of toasted tiger bread, a bottle or two of Buck's Fizz (extra special clementine one
From sainsberrys, the best Buck's Fizz I have ever had !!!) then prawn cocktail to
Start then a double turkey crown with a gammon joint. Roast spuds,assorted veg, pigs in blankets, carrot and Swede mash, sprouts with bacon etc..... With a couple of bottles of prosecco (you have to pop something at Xmas dinner) for dessert my girlfriends sister's making chocolate Brownings, they are bloody good !!!!! All the way through I will be drinking whine,disaronno,Jim beam red stag whiskey (so good) and of course it wouldn't be Christmas with out a couple of glasses of baileys !! MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!




or it will just be twiglets :blush:

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Not sure yet, My Nan has just been taken into Hospital with a condition where here body attaks her own skin, she`s 89 so its not good.

Most years its a full Turkey christmas dinner, but I for one dont feel like it this year. It wouldnt be the same without her so I will prbobly just get a butty or something as visiting hours are 2pm till 4pm and I want to go and spend some time with her as she will of had christmas morning in hospital alone this year which is not nice for anyone.


I have though promised myself one day I will find a way to bag my own goose and have it for christmas dinner !





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