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Cant get my Barrels clean past the chambers??


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Hi guys, I have had my shotgun a about a month or so now and love it, However I have noticed while cleaning the barrels that just past the firing chambers the bores are not shiny and reflective like the rest and on close inspection it looks like minor pitting? Looks all rough compared to the silky shiny look of the rest of the barrel. This is on a beretta silver pigeon O/U 12 bore about a year old but with just under 1000 carts through it, does have warranty so not too bothered if pitting just means the gun will be away for a while i suppose.


I cant get a picture of it as it is very minor, it is definitely not plastic from wadding, not sure if its a build up of spent powder but I cant shift it, have tried using napier gun cleaner, bisley bore cleaner and No.9 bore cleaner recommended by RFD and still won't budge with, bronze brush, bronze brush rapped in paper towel, really tight napier ultra clean on jag and the same with paper towel!


Any other ideas as to what it may be and how to budge it if not will take to RFD this week see what he can do but he did say first time it was spent powder.


Thanks in advanced Oli

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If your rfd says its spent powder I assume you bought it from him ask him to show you how to clean it out I'm sure he won't mind

You could just be looking at the forcing cone at the end of the chamber sometimes they are cut after chrome to regulate shot patterns

Just a thought on your problem

Hope you get it sorted

All the best


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If your rfd says its spent powder I assume you bought it from him ask him to show you how to clean it out I'm sure he won't mind

You could just be looking at the forcing cone at the end of the chamber sometimes they are cut after chrome to regulate shot patterns

Just a thought on your problem

Hope you get it sorted

All the best


I Believe that this is on the forcing cones just couldn't think of the word at the time, what is this regarding them being cut after chrome that could explain why they don't shine the same as the rest of the barrel?


thanks for all the help and advice, will try leaving a bit longer to work its way in and the drill method.


Thanks again Oli

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I would also put money on it being plasti, have the same issue with mine. Its clean but still a very slight show, been like it for years thats probably why i miss the targets then.

Im pretty sure its not plastic, I found that allot easier to remove, plastic is more in streaks or blobs when I have had it not like this. I will try again to get some pics for you but don't think it will show.



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Get ya self some hoppes no9 semi auto fluid soak a bit of kitchen roll with it push it through giving the barrel a good coating leave it for an hour then attach a bronze brush to a drill and give it a whizz Guarantee it will be mirror like I learnt this from putting thousands of plas wads through my auto and not much else would shift it

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I get it my guns now and again, it's quite easy to remove I'm betting it's some sort of plastic residue.

But anyway no need for different types of bore cleaners, just get some very fine wire wool and wrap some around the split jag or even and old bronze brush give it a shufty up and down the bores and that should do the trick :good:

If that doesn't work .....sell your gun :lol:

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I had this problem in the past, i tried several different cleaners etc, and the one i now use all the time is ' Eds red' as per video. use a bit of that let it soak brush it out, the acetone dissolves any plastic.

Great stuff, i made a couple of gallons of it a few years ago and it will prob last another ten years at least. Many many times cheaper than shop bought 'named stuff ' and in my opinion better.

If it's really, really stubborn use a brush in a battery drill.

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