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Certificate in Knowledge of Policing (CKP)


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I know the Met police have this in place, South Wales have also implemented this, has your local authority implemented such a scheme ?


Essentially from what I can gather , you pay £1,100 to do a course about Policing, just so you can APPLY for a job in the force.


Personally I think it's just wrong, as people who are poor and from harsh backgrounds struggling to make ends meet can't even apply now, but someone who is well off and less suited for the job can :no:


Any opinions ?


(This thread isn't to bash the police as a whole, so lets be civil and not get it locked ey :good: )

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Is it a mandatory requirement for an application?


The IT industry has been littered with stuff like this for years, people pay a fortune to get certification in the promise that it somehow sets you apart from the rest, but sadly the rest have also done the same thing so it is nothing other than a money making venture for the people offering the ticket.

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Saw a bit about the met asking for this on tv,to be honest I think it may be a step backward, for years they have tried to diversify and recruit all members of society,and in one move have created a slightly elitist entry criteria.Where some one from an estate in hackney might have applied in the past they will now probably reconsider because that is a lot of money with no guarantee of a job at the end of it.

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A lot of forces now will also only recruit those that are Special Constables or PCSO 's.


South Wales is same pal, only recruit PC's from internal applicant's, eg PCSO's or Police staff, I have no issues with this as there is progression etc, but am dissappointed to see that poorer people are being priced out of the job by having mandatory certificated that are fairly expensive

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Already in existence are loads of colleges offering courses in "public service" broader I know but there is a trend. I guess the police course is cheaper, faster and targeted at police jobs.


From my work with the police (all-be-it many years ago) there were a high number of new recruits trained who then promptly left .... lets park the reasons why for now.


The new course can weed out unsuitable or help kids get an insight into the actual day-to-day work of the police. I am sure there were many kids who had a romantic idea of the work which quickly went causing some to resign just after considerable sums were invested in police training. If this new "filter" works then the fully trained up retention figures will go up ..... saving taxpayer a decent sum of money.


it may not be 100% the right way but there is some sense.

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It does sound elitist, but many people pay for further and higher education to enable them to get work/career, sounds cheap compared to say a doctor who could have debts of 20/30 thousand when qualified.

Cheaper than. Degrees (batcholers), HNd, HNC, and trade qualifications electrician, plumber etc for arguably a better career path!


So looks pretty good value, none of the above garuntee employment either although some funding may be available.

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I know the Met police have this in place, South Wales have also implemented this, has your local authority implemented such a scheme ?


Essentially from what I can gather , you pay £1,100 to do a course about Policing, just so you can APPLY for a job in the force.


Personally I think it's just wrong, as people who are poor and from harsh backgrounds struggling to make ends meet can't even apply now, but someone who is well off and less suited for the job can :no:


Any opinions ?



(This thread isn't to bash the police as a whole, so lets be civil and not get it locked ey :good: )


I have, you will see more of this sort of thing as educational standards to grades continue to drop and funding from further education is cut in POLITICALLY motivated diversion and protection in the failing school system. It all costs, just who you pay to do it and were the money comes from (either way no Government wont play ball)To busy giving out cash for votes you see. Think I am wrong? explain how the failing school system can insure Britain's future over and above Further education establishments. Our future is in high level manufacturing Schools cant give us that and the FE places have to spend time and money they don't have (in favour of the more politically sensitive school system) bringing even the so called good students up to scratch on basic Maths and English.

Lets face it its better than getting a load of coppers into training with degrees in zoology!

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Is it a mandatory requirement for an application?


The IT industry has been littered with stuff like this for years, people pay a fortune to get certification in the promise that it somehow sets you apart from the rest, but sadly the rest have also done the same thing so it is nothing other than a money making venture for the people offering the ticket.



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