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dog attacked my granddaughter


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my youngest granddaughter was pulled out of her high chair by her face last august by one of my sons staffies . it had got through the stair gate they had on the dinning room door.it was left open by his misses grandmother ? she was just sat eating her tea it just shot in and jumped up and pulled her over and out by her face my son got the dog off and through it outside .she was days away from her second birthday and she is so tiny and petite she had 64 stitches to the out side of her right cheek and under her chin and many more on the inside she is now scared for life and will need more treatment i have tears in my eyes as i type this. the the dogs where all put down. if my son had not been in the room when this happened i dread to think he says they had always be great with his three children .no warning it just attacked so let this be a warning to us all watch your dogs around kids and your kids around dogs . i have three dogs myself you can not trust them 100% just a snap might lead to a serious injury or worse .they spent many days in hospital with her and while they where there another child came in that had been bitten in the face and was sadly blinded in one eye . me and my son dont get on very well these days ?

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That is so sad.I can imagine emotions have run high and things said in the heat of the moment that if given time would never have been said. I hope the little one makes a great recovery (and lives a life loving dogs, they are far from all bad though you won't be feeling this at this time.) and you and your son bond once more.


atvb Paul.

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So sorry to hear what's happened.


Many years ago I had an 18mth old Black Lab Dog. He was a good family dog and very well trained.I had two girls and a boy.


When my youngest was five years old her friend from next door, who was the same age, came round to play. Everything was fine but suddenly my Lab challenged the little girl which frightened the life out of her. He backed off immediately on command.

The vet said that because the girl was about the same size as the dog then he challenged her the same as he would another dog. The vet said that if he chopped his nuts off then there'd be an 80% chance it would calm him down.

There was only one way that I would know if the 20% was still dangerous and I decided that I couldn't take the chance.


I'm always wary of any dog around small children regardless of breed.


I hope she's able to overcome what happened.

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That's Horrendous.


I've had dogs all my life apart from when my children were very small and one thing I have learned is that dogs and very young children just don't mix and they should never be left alone in the same room even for one second no matter what the breed.


Any dog will "challenge" each member of its family until it either establishes dominance over one or more of the others or it reaches the lowest level of the pack hierarchy. This is what happens in the majority of cases of child attacks... the dog is just doing what its been genetically evolved to do.


There are also cases of severe jealousy with dogs, even the most docile of breeds will recognise attention is being diverted from themselves to another dog or child and if it senses that dog or child is below it in the ladder will attack it too. As I suspect has happened with the attack on that poor baby in Wales.


Nothing personal to your son or his family and I sincerely hope your Granddaughter makes a full recovery ....but some young couples should consider seriously if they want to raise a child or a puppy, not both. Dogs can always come along later.

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I have had dogs all my life but they have alway lived in pens outside and only come out when the kids are not here we have a staff that is a irish blue / grey and its scared of it own shadow

but that could change tomorrow you always have to be aware


I hope the little girl recovers and doesn't remember this

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That must have been horrendous.Kids are resilient little things and although lots of hugs and kisses wont go amiss the chances are the scars will heal completely.

I remember when my OH left her Mothers to move in with me. She left her Border terrier with her Mother, and although saw them both on a regular basis after my first child was born told my OH she would have to watch the dog when she took our daughter through to see her grandma. The Border had previously been banned from obedience classes as all it wanted to do was fight with other dogs, regardless of size, so I was quite concerned. As it turned out the dog used to lay beside my daughter in her cot and growl if anyone came near her! You never can tell.

Your son now has to live with this on his conscience; hope you get things sorted.

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thanks for the replys to this it sad very sad and in my eyes and my wife's eyes this WAS avoidable. my son shroud not have had three staffies two dogs one bitch around his children at all we told him and his misses many time but did they listen NO . sorry for not replying till today it upsets the hell out of me and my wife and my two daughters thanks linny

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Yeah but you have to let stuff like this go or it will eat at you like a cancer.


His son and his wife will carry this one around with them forever anyway.


I've done plenty of daft things, and I've seen plenty of daft things - none amounted to anything serious only because of luck.


On another note, there's call again for certin dogs to be banned etc based on the most recent child dog death. However, whilst only 18 children have died because of dogs in the last decade (apparently) I reckon the number sustaining injuries is enormous and unnoticed.

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Yeah but you have to let stuff like this go or it will eat at you like a cancer.


His son and his wife will carry this one around with them forever anyway.


I've done plenty of daft things, and I've seen plenty of daft things - none amounted to anything serious only because of luck.


On another note, there's call again for certin dogs to be banned etc based on the most recent child dog death. However, whilst only 18 children have died because of dogs in the last decade (apparently) I reckon the number sustaining injuries is enormous and unnoticed.

It will do nothing but shift it to another breed, it isn't the breed its the owners. Collies have always been among the top biters, GSD topped the lists in the 70's it about two things statistically the numbers of the breed in the country and the type of person who tends to be attracted to that breed. Ban the breed and transfer the problem to another breed, lets face it the APBT was banned about 20yrs ago

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It will do nothing but shift it to another breed, it isn't the breed its the owners. Collies have always been among the top biters, GSD topped the lists in the 70's it about two things statistically the numbers of the breed in the country and the type of person who tends to be attracted to that breed. Ban the breed and transfer the problem to another breed, lets face it the APBT was banned about 20yrs ago

it could have been any type of dog but when it is a fighting type things are often more than a nip. not that a nip is expectable he just should not have got that thing.it was a large male 4 years old and they had only had it a few months.we said to them why get another dog but he came out with a stupid answer ITS MASSIVE so what i said. my fool of a son sad to say is the type of person who tends to be attracted to that breed.

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it could have been any type of dog but when it is a fighting type things are often more than a nip. not that a nip is expectable he just should not have got that thing.it was a large male 4 years old and they had only had it a few months.we said to them why get another dog but he came out with a stupid answer ITS MASSIVE so what i said. my fool of a son sad to say is the type of person who tends to be attracted to that breed.

Well done on being so brave as to post it and to talk about it, got to be hard. Time is a healer as well as any medicine, and hopefully one day your son will mature and get himself on the path to reconciliation

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i speak as i see it it gets me in trouble some times but i was brought up that way. as for him maturating we can but hope he is nearly 30. it is hard to talk about this but it happened just reading about the baby that was killed brings it all back and i thought that might have been us back in august

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