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Happy St George's day!


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Someone will be along in a minute ranting on about not being able to put 'English' as their nationality on some application form...;)

I've always put down English as my nationality on forms - never been picked up on it yet ;)

I'm not Welsh, and have as much Swedish as Scots ancestry, so English is probably closest.

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Go on and slot a dragon but don't offend anyone with your English heritage!

He's our patron saint and not an Englishman and has little to do with our heritage except to be chosen to be the patron saint of the royal family more than a millennium after his death (he was a Palestinian with Greek parentage employed by the Roman army who slayed a dragon, possibly in Africa).


We do celebrate it in an English way - quietly with a cup of tea, whereas the other nations celebrate their own saint's days in their own ways (Irish get tanked-up, Scottish renew their hatred for the English and the Welsh probably sing a bit and wave daffodils - I'm guessing)


Happy St George's Day!

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Possibly because St George is the patron saint of England?

So I can't have a day off with the rest of you because I live over the border. It's not unusual for quite a few Englishmen to take St Patricks day off.

Edited by r1steele
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