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Moving microchip


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Anybody know if microchips sometimes move?


My pup was chipped by the breeder so not sure where exactly where on the body it was put.


But this evening I noticed that I could feel the chip near the front leg. Thought to myself that it was a strange place for it to be and assumed that it had moved there.


I will ring the vets tomorrow to be safe. But is this natural?


Thanks folks

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I've seen reports of chips moving in the past.


I've never known a quality chip fail or move that's been implanted properly by a professional.


There is an ever increasing number of poor quality 'cheap' chips available. I fear the numbers will increase when it becomes compulsory.


There was a recent case in the media of a lay person putting a chip into a dogs spine.


Pay the ~£20 and get a proper chip done by a professional.

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I've seen reports of chips moving in the past.


I've never known a quality chip fail or move that's been implanted properly by a professional.


There is an ever increasing number of poor quality 'cheap' chips available. I fear the numbers will increase when it becomes compulsory.


There was a recent case in the media of a lay person putting a chip into a dogs spine.


Pay the ~£20 and get a proper chip done by a professional.

I had a pup that chipped at the vets at 6 weeks of age. When it's new owners took it at 12 weeks it had to be chipped again as the original chip wasn't there.

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I have heard of them moving before, sometimes happens if chipped to young, ie spaniels after docking


Just wondering can the reader still pick up a chip in the belly? How far can they detect 1?


Not had my dogs chips read very often/ever,can imagine they will wave scanner about a bit which would prob detect 1 in the shoulder, but would it detect 1 in the belly?

How hard do u look for 1 if u get a stray/lost dog in?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have heard of them moving before, sometimes happens if chipped to young, ie spaniels after docking


Just wondering can the reader still pick up a chip in the belly? How far can they detect 1?


Not had my dogs chips read very often/ever,can imagine they will wave scanner about a bit which would prob detect 1 in the shoulder, but would it detect 1 in the belly?

How hard do u look for 1 if u get a stray/lost dog in?



I think the relevant ISO standard for microchips and readers (11784 and 11785) says they should be readable at 12cm. So the reader may need to be moved across the body to pick up a chip, but this shouldn't be too difficult for sub-cutaneous chips as implanted in dogs.

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