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Dovey Sea Trout


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A Nice fresh 12lb seatrout caught by a mate of mine yesterday. Some big seatrout been caught this year again up to 19lb so iv'e been told.


The Dovey used to be a great Salmon + SeaTrout river years ago . Sadly not so now for many years some big fish, but not anything like the numbers of fish as years long passed post-40804-0-35151900-1402391393_thumb.jpghment=89937:10380643_10201881656954754_6989437764640815898_o (640x360).jpg]

Edited by eccles
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It was probably caught on a rapala type lure. They seem to be the in thing these days. Caught many myself on one,but most spinners will catch i used to like the toby in Black and gold for seatrout. A famous fisherman on the Dovey Harold Roberts used nothing but no 5 Mepp the one's with the orange and yellow beads,and he caught blinking hundreds on them.

I used to love fly be it night or daytime caught more than my fair share . :yes: atb Terry

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Never caught one, lovely looking fish :thumbs:


I am guessing spinner looking at the rod above it...

:sad1: They are great fighters :yes: hook a double figure one in daytime on a fly and single handed rod you will have one hell of a fight on your hands. IMHO a seatrout the same size as a salmon will give you more of a fight. :yes: Have caught myself a few hundred of double figure seatrout. My dad caught 1 of 21lb many years ago and i had to land it for him aged about 14 lol We could not fish the Dovey till 16 years old but made up for it later :yes: . My mums got a book with old photo's of fish caught will try to get pics added on here soon. atb Terry

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Thanks lads i will pass on messages when i see him. :good: atb Terry


I didn't realise you could spin on the Dyfi Terry, are there day ticket beats fella, I have had a few small ones from the sea whilst spinning for bass but would love the chance of fishing for the bigger ones in the river.

Hi Terry There are tickets available for the upper reaches , you can only spin or worm no other bait, when river is colored the head keeper put out a yellow fag at a few places to let us know when you can spin or worm. The main river the same i'll check i any places available for no locals . atb Terry

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I didn't realise you could spin on the Dyfi Terry, are there day ticket beats fella, I have had a few small ones from the sea whilst spinning for bass but would love the chance of fishing for the bigger ones in the river.

Terrific fish, In the mid seventies I worked on a sheep farm near Pontllyfni and used to watch the Seatrout making their way into the Llyfni ? swimming over the pebbly beach in inches of water, given a big tide and some floodwater I should think they would still be around, ( I had some cracking Bass from this area as well)

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I've caught a few seatrout up here on the fly,no rivers though so all caught around the shoreline, biggest wild seatrout up here was 11Ib,tastier than loch trout and fight like hell.

Yes they are very tasty , and they do fight like hell in daytime :yes: not so much at night not sure why . atb Terry

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That fish looks small to make 12lb am I missing something is the picture screened not of the 12 spoken of? Anyhow it is still a very nice fish but I should be surprised if the one shown made a double let alone 12 without a very unusual back width, was it just an estimate?


The Dovey is a cracking river and it also serves to deflect angling attention from some of the other great though lesser known / smaller waters round that part of the world, Wales really is world class in its sewin

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That fish looks small to make 12lb am I missing something is the picture screened not of the 12 spoken of? Anyhow it is still a very nice fish but I should be surprised if the one shown made a double let alone 12 without a very unusual back width, was it just an estimate?


The Dovey is a cracking river and it also serves to deflect angling attention from some of the other great though lesser known / smaller waters round that part of the world, Wales really is world class in its sewin

Hi Kent , John weighed it he does not tell porkies. Pic does not give true look at weight but if fresh as this one is sealice on fish can see 1 few inches from tail bet he is a fat one. If they have been in river a good few weeks then they get a lot slimmer this fish in 2 to 4 weeks would loss at least 2 lb . Caught 1 myself 2 years ago 161/2 lb looked about 13lb to 14lb till i weighed it, when fresh they are solid mate. atb Terry

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That's a beautiful sewin,went today for a couple of hours down the neath,don't know whats happening down there this year but its the worse iv seen it for a couple of years,lost one about 10 or 12lb on april the 12th,but its been dead since,well done butty. :good:


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