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Cartridge suitable for simulated days and pigeons

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Please can anyone recommend a cartridge size and make that might be suitable for shooting both clays on a simulated day and pigeons. By suitable I mean one that will carry a load heavy enough to kill pigeons responsibly and ethically but not so heavy that I will require a new shoulder having shot 500+ on a simulated day.


I realise its more about where you put the lead than the amount of it, I'm not a professional marksman, I'm a responsible amateur, so really I'm after a general cartridge that should do the job rather than a really light one that a seasoned veteran might feel happy using safe in the knowledge all his shots will be perfect (however unlikely that might be).


I was thinking Hull Comp X 28g 7.5s maybe? But 28g might get a bit sore on the shoulder after loads on the sim day. Unsure.


If not possible then no worries, just thought I'd ask what members though as some must have been on sim days as well as their usual pigeon days. This wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to buy 1000 of the blighters as I will inevitably have a load left over.


If not, any tips on the cheapest carts I can go for for the sim day? And best size baring in mind I'm of average amateur shooting ability on clays.



Edited by OJW
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Thanks Fenboy, I read a review that said Hull carts handle the recoil well hence why I thought I would give them a go. Suppose if you put 500 of any cart through the gun your going to notice it.


Just not sure if the recoil would be significant enough when shooting that amount of carts to warrant going down to 21g or around there; which is a load I wouldn't feel comfortable using on live birds. Would certainly be best financially to find a cart I can use for both but not if it means I don't get the most out the sim day because Im knackered.


I will check out Fiocchi, Rio, NSI and RC tomorrow. Cheers.

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Crikey I've done some sim days and never shot 500 in a day 270 was the most and I was knackered.


I would use a small load like 21 or 24 gram 8s for the sim day and a dedicated pigeon cart for pigeons. Don't worry about loads and speeds being different you won't notice barring recoil.


If you must use the same cart for your own reasons hull Superfasts come in 27g 7.5 for clays and 29g 6 for pigeons.


Hull also do Imperial game in shot size 7, 26g or 28g smooth on shoulder and used a lot for sim days especially with the sxs boys as loaded in a 65mm cart.



Edited by figgy
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Crikey I've done some sim days and never shot 500 in a day 270 was the most and I was knackered.


I would use a small load like 21 or 24 gram 8s for the sim day and a dedicated pigeon cart for pigeons. Don't worry about loads and speeds being different you won't notice barring recoil.


If you must use the same cart for your own reasons hull Superfasts come in 27g 7.5 for clays and 29g 6 for pigeons.


Hull also do Imperial game in shot size 7, 26g or 28g smooth on shoulder and used a lot for sim days especially with the sxs boys as loaded in a 65mm cart.



Why not just use the hull superfasts 7.5 for both?
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Crikey I've done some sim days and never shot 500 in a day 270 was the most and I was knackered.


I would use a small load like 21 or 24 gram 8s for the sim day and a dedicated pigeon cart for pigeons. Don't worry about loads and speeds being different you won't notice barring recoil.


If you must use the same cart for your own reasons hull Superfasts come in 27g 7.5 for clays and 29g 6 for pigeons.


Hull also do Imperial game in shot size 7, 26g or 28g smooth on shoulder and used a lot for sim days especially with the sxs boys as loaded in a 65mm cart.



Hi figgy

Just shown your post to the shoot kids (work party) there comments

Cor he must av shot like a gent

Is he really old like you


Did his gun break


They all had a Simo day 2 weeks ago all fired in excess of 600 cartridges


So with this in mind I think if your up for a day out you'd better come on our next one


All the best


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He wanted something that would kill clays and pigeons. They should do perfectly well in killing both.

Considering 7.5s are only used for pigeons based on their cheapness and that Proper cartridges don't appear to charge a premium for no6 shot the answer is clear. Same cartridge but appropriate lead size inside.

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Appropriate shot size is one that works , 7.5 works fine for both clay's and pigeon .

Last week Motty and myself shot together , he used 28 gram 7.5 and I used 32 gram 6 he killed just as many birds just as cleanly and just as far out as I did.

I had more winged birds the other week using 5.5 shot than I have ever had using 7.5, I believe a good pattern is far more important than shot size.

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Considering 7.5s are only used for pigeons based on their cheapness and that Proper cartridges don't appear to charge a premium for no6 shot the answer is clear. Same cartridge but appropriate lead size inside.

There is nothing inappropriate in using 7.5 for pigeons. I've shot enough pigeons with them to know that. If I had a choice between an ounce of 6 and and ounce of 7 for pigeons (if price was the same) I would choose the 7.

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There is nothing inappropriate in using 7.5 for pigeons. I've shot enough pigeons with them to know that. If I had a choice between an ounce of 6 and and ounce of 7 for pigeons (if price was the same) I would choose the 7.

Folk buy clay cartridges for pigeon because they are cheap, no other reason.

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Folk buy clay cartridges for pigeon because they are cheap, no other reason.

I don't doubt this for a second. It's why I buy them.

Why would I, for instance, pay £5 a box for 30gm 6 when I can get a 28gm 7.5 (English 7) for £3.80 a box and get pretty much the same level of stopping power.

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Picked up a slab of Eley First fibre in 7.5 this morning. They killed well out to 40 yards or so, and at £40 a block I shall be using these in future.


He wanted something that would kill clays and pigeons. They should do perfectly well in killing both.

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My usual cartridge has been Express pigeon special in 2 1/2", 1 1/16oz (30gm) 6's (£57-250). Today using the Eley First 7.5's I had far less cripples, one out of 11 in fact, as opposed to 5 out of 14 last Sunday. Same field, same hide position, same ranges. Admittedly, my performance could have been the variable instead of the cartridge.


Appropriate shot size is one that works , 7.5 works fine for both clay's and pigeon .

Last week Motty and myself shot together , he used 28 gram 7.5 and I used 32 gram 6 he killed just as many birds just as cleanly and just as far out as I did.

I had more winged birds the other week using 5.5 shot than I have ever had using 7.5, I believe a good pattern is far more important than shot size.

Edited by Penelope
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I have used Eley Olympics 28gm 7.5 for clays & pigeons for a long time , however when my local gun shop ran out I tried Trust cartridges 28gm 7.5 instead , and I was very impressed.

I also agree with Motty, I have shot enough pigeons with no 7 shot that I would not pay extra for a heavier game load for pigeons , when 7s do a fine job.

I also use 1/2 & 3/4 choke combination.

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