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The ole hedge creeper

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Just had a look at "the ole hedge creepers" facebook page. My own view is that there is something a bit weird going on when you have an "official fan page" of yourself. I mean, how full of ones self deluded importance can one get? :no:

Hahahaha I've seen it as well, very strange person!!! Seems some of his vids on YouTube have been removed for reasons unknown...

Edited by Archie-fox
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a few questions for those of you who are slating him on here...


when was the last time you actively went out of your way to arrange open days for familys to participate in fieldsports activities?


when was the last time you put the majority of your time in to non profit orgonisation to actively pass on fieldsports heritage to the younger generation?


what gives you the right to look down your nose at someone who does the above?


say what you like about rob, but what he is trying to do is excellent imho.

and if you put less effort nto slating him and more into helping organisations like 'pass it on young sports' then maybe we wont lose our rights and heritage so easily when we are too old to fight for them...


just my opinion though, which im sure wont matter a dime to certain people on here...

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Now i don't know the bloke from Adam, so i'm not the best informed, but in all the promotional stuff for pass it on young sports, there seem to be little or no young sports involved and with a few "repetitive" children that i assume to be sons/daughters.


Seems a little sad as, if anything, it's a great opportunity missed.


Think it's all rather more self promotion than anything else. If you link it all in the with the Woodspring Pigeon Shooting, there's bundles of web pages and sponsorship which presumably make it all worthwhile.



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  • 3 months later...

Just seen this thread after looking up the ole hedge creeper, we have some fines on our shoot like shooting a henbird missing a fox etc

And at the end of the season we ended up with £200 so thought we'd donate it to a shooting charity and pass it on young sports seemed ideal, however I looked into whether it was a charity and it turns out to be a ltd company of which rob collins is a director, no problem there really but after liking his facebook page it seems that although the money goes into taking out young sports its quite clear its the same kids who I presume are his children or nephews, im all for getting the youngsters out but getting sponsorship etc to take your own kids out isnt my idea of charity

very disappointed really as its an opportunity missed.

also his articals are quite self promoting

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Just seen this thread after looking up the ole hedge creeper, we have some fines on our shoot like shooting a henbird missing a fox etc

And at the end of the season we ended up with £200 so thought we'd donate it to a shooting charity and pass it on young sports seemed ideal, however I looked into whether it was a charity and it turns out to be a ltd company of which rob collins is a director, no problem there really but after liking his facebook page it seems that although the money goes into taking out young sports its quite clear its the same kids who I presume are his children or nephews, im all for getting the youngsters out but getting sponsorship etc to take your own kids out isnt my idea of charity

very disappointed really as its an opportunity missed.

also his articals are quite self promoting


no, it isnt just his kids that go. he runs open days up and down the country to which anyone can attend (and there is always a lot of public footfall to the events). i've not been to one but i keep up to date with whats going on as a friend of mine is the north cornwall ambassador for pass it on young sports.

so..... before passing remark you need to realise that yes, his facebook page is full of pictures of his daughter and nieces and nephews, but who's isnt?

alot of people dont particulary want pictures of their kids plastered all over a facebook page after they have attended a pass it on day.


the self promotion thing is mostly down to the fact that he writes and sells alot of books. advertising isnt cheap, but self promotion through social media is, and it works. rob himself is the sole biggest contributor to pass it on, with the majority of money thats used coming from the sale of his books.


just out of interest berniebear, did you contact rob at all and put your questions/concerns to him? or did you just make a decision based on what you saw?

Edited by brett1985
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My own view is that there is something a bit weird going on when you have an "official fan page" of yourself. I mean, how full of ones self deluded importance can one get? :no:


We had a 'member' on here a few years ago like that, many long serving members will remember that one, some even shot with him....

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Im sure you can see why I asked as donating money (other peoples money) should always go to the right cause, and having to show the syndicate where it went I thought id look up the reg charity number lets be honest it is made out to be a charity for young shots but the first thing that came up was companys house director check.

so you can see why I ask as it says all money goes to pass it on young sports including book sales which sounds ideal but im not sure putting it into a ltd company is what were looking for.

obviously your a good friend of p.i.o.y.s and know plenty more than I do about it so I do appreciate your feed back.

I shall have a look online at the young sports opendays etc

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I've had a look at the youtube vids and decided to give the money to another cause, I know brett above pointed out a few plus points but the thing that niggles me is no mention of it being his own ltd company.

as I said before theres nothing wrong in that but if your a ltd company the rules do state that you have to display on all letters-order forms-websites that your a ltd company and supply your registration number and registered address.

those are the reasons I'll stay clear and the fact that everything ive read is a case of blowing your own trumpet

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think he just blows his own trumpet to make any money he can whilst coming over as the friend of the shooter.


looking at his website all most of the pics are of the same 4 kids one of those is his daughter..so it looks like all the sponsership money is going on taking his daughter out and friends of the family...

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Is this the same bloke who was on Field sports channel pigeon decrying, off about himself and foolishly talking safety in the hide with his thumb over the barrel lol.And before anyone says it wasn't loaded,1 we don't know and 2 even if it was its still bad practice especially when you have a film crew on you.

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Is this the same bloke who was on Field sports channel pigeon decrying, off about himself and foolishly talking safety in the hide with his thumb over the barrel lol.And before anyone says it wasn't loaded,1 we don't know and 2 even if it was its still bad practice especially when you have a film crew on you.


yea thats the guy...


go on you tube, hes doing something called "tales from the truck"... its really really odd, creepy in fact,



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