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The end of Cinema?


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Went into a local TV dealer today and was amazed at the quality of the pictures on todays TV's. There was one of those new Panasonics with the curved screen and we were watching the gymnastics on it in the shop. The detail was pin sharp and truly impressive, but then he turned on a 4k he had in another room and I was astounded. At 3 grand it's not cheap but the quality was better than anything I'd ever seen. He put on a clip of a football match in which the detail was truly unbelievable, much better than 3D, and if my son had been there to see the picture quality when 'gaming' I may have been in serious trouble! I understand there are no programmes for this TV at the moment, but they're coming, as is a 10k, I believe, still in development. Impressive stuff indeed.

I like the experience of cinema, but technology such as this available to view at home, may spell the end, sadly.

Edited by Scully
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Our local cinema only caters the Silver pound now. All the films they show are just for the old folks and it costs a fortune to get in and buy a drink.


Wanted to see Begin Again with Keira Knightley but they only had it on for 1 day but Marigold Hotel an Quartet were on for months 3 times a day.


Can't beat sitting on the sofa at home watching on a quality screen.

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Have just been talking to my local TV bloke who often goes to visit his son in Dubai. He said there was a TV screen on one of the beaches as big as an artic trailer, and even the beach was air conditioned!

I'll still go to the cinema for as long as they're open; there was a campaign some years ago to keep my nearest one (20 minutes away) open after being threatened with closure for lack of attendance. Seems to be thriving now but the hot spell according to staff 'is killing us'. Sure enough when I went to see the latest 'apes' film there were about 20 folk in.

The good thing about the 4k is that in a couple of years the price will be about half what it is now. Better get saving!

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yeh ,snacks ,drinks and food at the price of gold.idiots on their mobile and people ******* talking and getting in the way of a good film .some experience .surround sound and your own comfortable sofa with no teenage t..... spoiling it :good:


Quite right, either i'm becoming a grumpy old man, or too many idiots in the cinemas these days. I'd rather watch it at home.

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I wouldn't want to see cinema's disappear but they long since got rid of the 1s 9d's. Our local Imax and Vue can charge fifteen quid and more a seat. So, it isn't a cheap night out any more compared to buying a blu-ray latest release for about £12.

Last time I went with the missus and my two daughters I got ripped to the tune of about seventy quid after lollies and jelly babies.And we saw possibly the worse film ever made, Keith Lemon: The film. :rolleyes:

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It's a funny one really, in actuality I remember seeing 10k at an industry show about five years ago, it's the old slow trickle of technology to make us buy new sets every few years.


The main danger with cinema is the complete monopoly of the big studios who own most cinema chains, everyone is looking at telly now - longer runs, bigger stories, what used to be seen as the lesser medium is now destroying cinema and rightly so, big explosions do not always make good stories. 4k, 10k or a million k doesn't matter if the story is awful.


Spielberg was quoted a few years ago saying cinema will become an event like theatre, much less films and much higher ticket prices and I think he's probably right

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Mighty Prawn remember D-VHS and EuroHD broadcasts ? The next big thing often isn't...... Cinema is a lot more than a big screen and the fact the sound in TV's has got progressively worse over the last few years it means the cinematic experience is lost. Despite the larger higher res screen...

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We went to see the new planet of the apes in 3d on saturday £15 each *** £30 to sit there and watch a film for 90 minutes

It will be the last time we get ripped off .


I wouldnt mind but there were only about 18 people in the whole cinema.


From now on we will watch it on pir.te bay or similar


no wonder people dont go they simply can't afford it, cinmeas need to wake up ,either reduce the costs or show a matinee film before the main picture like they did years ago

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Mighty Prawn remember D-VHS and EuroHD broadcasts ? The next big thing often isn't...... Cinema is a lot more than a big screen and the fact the sound in TV's has got progressively worse over the last few years it means the cinematic experience is lost. Despite the larger higher res screen...

I totally agree the next big thing is generally marketing only, 3D is in its third go round and is dying a death as the novelty wears off, it's really hard to do well and adds very little to the experience. Regardless of the quality, or how many dimensions it's in there's a reason old black and white 4:3 conversions of classics are still popular and that is purely good story.


I'd disagree with the sound in tv being bad, it's technically about the best it's ever been, the issue is usually a myriad of sources all trying to do something different and the telly doing a best average ie talk shows are very middly, music and action films are very bassy and kids shows are very toppy, without constantly changing the levels the overall is not good.


We went to see the new planet of the apes in 3d on saturday £15 each *** £30 to sit there and watch a film for 90 minutes

It will be the last time we get ripped off .


I wouldnt mind but there were only about 18 people in the whole cinema.


From now on we will watch it on pir.te bay or similar


no wonder people dont go they simply can't afford it, cinmeas need to wake up ,either reduce the costs or show a matinee film before the main picture like they did years ago

90 minutes? I take it you skipped the last forty five minutes then? (Joking!) regards to B movies before films, this was a remnant of much shorter films, the average is now well over two hours, even for family films so another film would IMHO be madness, prices are too high though but budgets have gone way up so cash has to be recovered somewhere. What we need is more lower budget films that can hopefully make profit and bring those prices down. There's a weird anomaly nobody can explain where films under ten million will average out in profit, films from ten to one hundred million all bets are off, films over a hundred nearly always at least break even! Nobody really knows why but current thoughts are when the studio are in that much for a film they work harder to promote it and so it will get an audience regardless of how good it is, but in that middle bracket they tend to cut their losses if the damnable focus groups say it doesn't rank with their group - I hate focus groups!

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I can't argue with much of what's been said, both pro and con. Yes , it is expensive, but I'll still go for the experience, and my local cinema is 13 miles away and very basic; the nearest VUE is 32 miles away. I love CGI and all manner of SFX but as a movie fan I would still go to watch an old black and white classic ( watched Great Expectations this afternoon.... working from home :whistling: ) even subtitled.

I sincerely hope home technology doesn't mean the end of cinema, but with the quality of the 4K, and better to come, plus streaming latest releases via the 'net, it can't be doing it any favours.

Our cinema doesn't even have a balcony anymore, and dropping saliva softened Maltesers over the edge onto those in the stalls below can't be done at home.

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yeh ,snacks ,drinks and food at the price of gold.idiots on their mobile and people ******* talking and getting in the way of a good film .some experience .surround sound and your own comfortable sofa with no teenage ****** spoiling it :good:


Yep same here, cinema died for me when mobile phones caught on, I bought a good screen, amp and speakers and now don't have any movies spoilt by idiots talking or texting, you just can't beat a home cinema

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We went to see the new planet of the apes in 3d on saturday £15 each *** £30 to sit there and watch a film for 90 minutes

It will be the last time we get ripped off .


I wouldnt mind but there were only about 18 people in the whole cinema.


From now on we will watch it on pir.te bay or similar


no wonder people dont go they simply can't afford it, cinmeas need to wake up ,either reduce the costs or show a matinee film before the main picture like they did years ago

My local cinema charges £7.50 each. £15 is mad and I can see why you would not go.

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I refuse to go now due to the prices. Time and money to get there, park, squabble for the right seats, watching the excessively tall bloke walk in and even after muttering "please god no, no, no!!" to yourself he still sits in the seat right in front. Then the adverts. I enjoy the trailers but i can watch them at home as well.


Ive found an android app that allows me to download brand new movies and tv series' at the touch of a button. Couple of minutes to download on the wifi, flick it to the tv in front the sofa and grab a beer from the fridge, heaven.

If anybody is interested a google search of "show box app" might yield a good result :whistling:

Edited by spiceychilli57
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