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How to tactfully complain about Hampshire firearms dept?


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Im getting pretty frustrated with Hampshire firearms department now, this is the background -




The FAO visit was set up in good time and all went well, but I still don't have my licence yet? Up until I reached the magical 42 day I would get reminded of their target and I had no reason to call. After their target time failed I would get given excuses of staff shortages, three weeks ago which is over double their time frame I was told that they are catching up with their backlog and my application is two weeks away from being processed. I called them on Monday and in short was given no answers, just that they would let the manager know that I'm still waiting with no explanation.

I am getting so frustrated about the department and the fact that I'm missing out on guns that come up that I would want but can't purchase because of the lack if a licence. I have friends in the force and they won't even get involved because it may make the situation worse by stepping on their toes...

So would anybody be able to point me in the right direction of how I can hurry them up in the process without them possible delaying my application further by going even slower, if that's even possible.....

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You've been waiting since April ?! I really can't fathom nor understand why we should have to put up with this appallingly abysmal service. They complain the process leaves them out of pocket, that they don't have the staff to administer the process, yet resist all attempts (as far as I know) to relinquish control of licensing.

I know there's nothing they can do, but have you tried your shooting organisation? Contact your Police commissioner and tell him/her you wont be voting for them again, or complain to your MP. Anything, but keep complaining.

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Contact your Police commissioner and tell him/her you wont be voting for them again, or complain to your MP. Anything, but keep complaining.


Politely but firmly point out that a department for which he is responsible appears to be not fit for purpose and as you are a client could he explain what action he intends to take to rectify it.

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You do not say how many times you have contacted them. It sounds like quite a few. In their shoes, I might get frustrated that you seem to be on their case.


That said, you have options:-


1. Complain to the Chief Constable. It might speed things up or it might have the opposite effect.


2. Sit tight and wait.


3. Ask to speak to the Manager face to face to discuss the problem.


You say that friends in the Force do not want to get involved, nor should they. I don't agree with queue jumping.


Personally, I would take option three.

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Thanks for all the replies, the big issue is that I want to complain to hurry things up as it's an unacceptable delay. But as was mentioned that here could be the flip side of it being delayed more if I'm hassling them, that's the last thing I want. If they gave me clearer responses, perhaps explaining the situation and then giving a realistic timeframe, not the seemingly standard "it will be done in a couple of weeks"

I have had a response on Facebook just to contact them via email as they know of no particular reasons of delays but they do know there is a backlog.

With regard to my friends in the force, that wasn't to queue jump. That was to find out the truth I what is going on, is the department in turmoil or was my application a genuine error and was overlooked and they are embarrassed? In the eyes of the PCC when I spoke to them they were under the impression that the department is running as it should now with applications rarely going over 42 days.

I'm drafting an email to the firearms department so that will be ready for them tomorrow, but the issue needs to get raised back up to the PCC for the future. Or they need to recalculate the timing to get a licence, I would hate to think if mine was a renewal....

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There is the right and wrong way to complain.


Posting on social media is will do you no favors whatsoever.

As has been suggested, your complaint should be directed to the CC, PCC and Licensing Manager.

I would hate to think if mine was a renewal....

Renewals and variations, quiet rightly, take precedence over applications.

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Chief constable was a decent understand guy when I wrote to him about 18 months ago to complain it had taken them 2 month to renew my RFD he wrote a very apologetic letter and it was sorted within 56 hours of his involvement.


They also want 42 days to do a 1 4 1 variation, please remember this the force pushing hardest for the massive increase in licensing fees!!!!


I think they are trying to make a point!!!

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Takes about 5 months on average I appreciate its frustrating for you have you tried giving them a ring

Ask if you have made a error on the paperwork that is causing the delay

I've always found them slow but helpfull its a big county with a lot of gun owners

Personally I would give them a ring and be nice another letter just increases the paper mountain your moving through

All the best


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There is the right and wrong way to complain.


Posting on social media is will do you no favors whatsoever.

As has been suggested, your complaint should be directed to the CC, PCC and Licensing Manager.


Renewals and variations, quiet rightly, take precedence over applications.

The social media aspect was if they knew of major setbacks on the department, and if there was anything I could do to help. With the example of my application in question. I am new to the licensing politics and I may be naive in thinking that I would be able to help the situation by getting issues out in the open. Could it be there are a lot of renewals and that is the delay? I'm glad that renewals take priority as they should.

Edited by Jacks1342
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The operational efficiency of the various police licensing departments around the country, with a few glaring exceptions is clarified by the American military acronym SNAFU which describes the current situation perfectly!

As to what you can do about it they have one for that too, BOHICA, enjoy! :whistling:

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The operational efficiency of the various police licensing departments around the country, with a few glaring exceptions is clarified by the American military acronym SNAFU which describes the current situation perfectly!

As to what you can do about it they have one for that too, BOHICA, enjoy! :whistling:


Ha ha brilliant :)

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Staffs is 5/6 weeks and 4 days for a 1 for 1 which is excellent but the last time I was waiting 2 weeks for my cert I rang them as I thought it might be lost. They said they'd been waiting for me to ring them after they sent an email? I never received any emails and then she didn't even know about my 22lr I'd bought 2 weeks previous ??? Even though it was in the same letter as my cert which they had received .


My Feo tho is excellent and very knowledgable

Edited by team tractor
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Staffs is 5/6 weeks and 4 days for a 1 for 1 which is excellent but the last time I was waiting 2 weeks for my cert I rang them as I thought it might be lost. They said they'd been waiting for me to ring them after they sent an email? I never received any emails and then she didn't even know about my 22lr I'd bought 2 weeks previous ??? Even though it was in the same letter as my cert which they had received .


My Feo tho is excellent and very knowledgable

Trust me you don't know how much better Staff are compared to Hampshire.

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I popped my renewal in 2 weeks ago (Hampshire) and had mine back within a week.


I imagine a new application will take a lot longer due to the nature of the beast.


Give them a ring and ask again what's holding it up, If the answer is the same I would just sit tight and wait.


If you feel the need to complain then I would also write a letter to the chief constable but try to steer away from using social media to do so.


42 days for a new application isn't particularly long for Hampshire, I would hope you have it soon.

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If you have a serious complaint in any government body, write (a polite letter clearly and concisely stating the facts and why you are complaining) to the senior person (in this case the Chief Constable) and copy your M.P.


M.P.s are there to represent our interests at government level - but need to be made aware when their constituents have concerns. Most M.P.s hold 'surgeries' and you could request a 'face to face'. With an election coming soon, they should be vote hungry ......

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