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Not reading too much into it, but there is always a big non-issue (not that this should be taken lightly) when there is something to hide!


IMO attention has been focused on this to detract from some other dodgy **** our government is up to

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Wouldn't it be good if the depth of feeling, passion and antagonism on all sides was directed at Westminster and the ruling elite who believe they're untouchable?

Thing is they are touchable via the ballot box. We live in a democracy and surely what happens in Westminster is down to the electorate. I know a lot of people only vote for who they do because they consider them the best of a bad bunch. The bottom line is who would want to do that job for the pittance they get paid. If any country really want top class people to manage it they have to be prepared to pay top industry equivalent remunerations

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This whole Oil thing is something that really annoys me I think that we do it properly the revenue that we get from the oil goes to help all of the people of the British isles unlike most of the arab countries where it just goes to the ruling class and there chums while the rest of the people live in poverty if we found oil by the isle of white we would not say its Englands oil we shear it out between all of the uk countries that is the British way of doing things.

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Thing is they are touchable via the ballot box. We live in a democracy and surely what happens in Westminster is down to the electorate. I know a lot of people only vote for who they do because they consider them the best of a bad bunch. The bottom line is who would want to do that job for the pittance they get paid. If any country really want top class people to manage it they have to be prepared to pay top industry equivalent remunerations

Sounds good but who are and where would you get these top class people, years ago MP's were pillars of the community who had the experience and background which enabled them to put something into the country, now we have a political elite that come up through the graduate route or via the law profession, and the need to be selected to stand means they had better toe the established party line, free thinkers need not apply! they are simply professional politicians who use the role to further their own aims hence the PC society that no one but them wants but we all have to suffer, diverse and inclusive my Harris whatever happened to fit in or ****** off? hence my pinning of hopes on nige :yes:






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Unfortunately people are now becoming career politicians,


They are in it for what they can get out of it, the expenses scandal proved that.


Billy Connoly got it right when he said


"The fact that people WANT to be politicians should preclude them from ever becoming one"


There is no easy answer,


Once they get their noses in the trough they become like all the others.


I would hate to think that if "Dave" decides to start giving more power to regions through regional government then it will just create another level of trough guzzlers.


I don't know what the answer is, if there is one :(



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Shame he never offered to go before the referendum if it was succesful and after the seperation was finalised, that could of made all the difference. Lot of folk in scotland not big salmond fans and he was in a different league to most other politicains in the country the now (inc most at westminster) would of been very hard to shift.


Shame he has gone, althou i didnae like him he was a shrewd operator

yeah i heard he wasnt liked by all but it was a Yes campaign and not an alex salmond or snp vote I suppose.

As I said, Im pleased with the result and think it has opened some pretty big doors for the rest of the UK to shake westminster up and for that I believe us english should be eternally grateful. I would also add that whenever you saw him on question time/tv debates or the like he was pretty impressive and for all he looks like a slug he had a lot of passion, was extremely intelligent and could be charismatic. Excuse me that I dont know many scottish politicians but ive not seen a better politician for many many years.

Anyways whats to stop the scots and the english (and welsh/NI) from pressurising westminster from here on in

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In Switzerland, the parliament only sits for a very short time so they only can deal with the important stuff. Also they don't pay them very much so they have to have a real job and are only doing it because they want to make a difference! I know about paying peanuts etc. but compared to the average salary it isn't peanuts and the attached gravy train is pretty good.



Edited by Kalahari
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I haven't followed this thread but no one that I have spoken to has been that interested in it all. only one person has spoken about it in passing at work. So are we all different zombies or is it a fact that most people couldn't give a monkeys about what happens up in scotland or anywhere else for that matter. Have we all become a population that has been switched off. And before someone suggests that I read the 50 pages of this thread I think that dog needs the rubish burdock and love hearts got out of her fur and the gun needs cleaning and then I've got to churn out some more 28 bore cartridges

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We touched on this in a previous thread so apologies if you have heard this before, but when you look at the political path in this country I believe it starts at local council level and those that have the correct credentials and motivation move on through their particular party groups, some making it to Westminster. If you look at your local councillors I wonder how many would actually impress you? We cannot and should not generalise because there are some good people out there who are really trying hard to make it better for us all. Now look at the selection process in a successful multinational corporation. They have programmes that are selecting individuals for higher development and control positions, competition is fierce and only the absolute best make it. Compare our political path with corporations and the rewards given to both groups, there is no comparison. We should be running our country like top corporation companies. Only then will we be maximising our countries potential.

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My local councillor lives next door to me,


He is old school labour,


I had never voted labour and still won't in a general election,


However I do vote for him at local level because he cares,


He goes round to the elderly if he hears they are sick/unwell,

Has an open door policy at home, if you have a question or problem, he tries his best to sort it.


Mind you we do have some lively conversations regarding the general elections


MP's used to be/should be like this,


We need carers not career politicians



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My local councillor lives next door to me,


He is old school labour,


I had never voted labour and still won't in a general election,


However I do vote for him at local level because he cares,


He goes round to the elderly if he hears they are sick/unwell,

Has an open door policy at home, if you have a question or problem, he tries his best to sort it.


Mind you we do have some lively conversations regarding the general elections


MP's used to be/should be like this,


We need carers not career politicians



I can't follow your logic, you won't vote for labour in a general election,yet you are happy to vote for a councillor who will push a labour objective in your local council affecting your town/county.

I understand that he may be a caring nice person who is very approachable but you are voting for labour!

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My local councillor lives next door to me,

He is old school labour,

I had never voted labour and still won't in a general election,

However I do vote for him at local level because he cares,

He goes round to the elderly if he hears they are sick/unwell,

Has an open door policy at home, if you have a question or problem, he tries his best to sort it.

Mind you we do have some lively conversations regarding the general elections

MP's used to be/should be like this,

We need carers not career politicians


I'm sure he is a very nice caring man, and I think that sort of demonstrates what I mean. Would he be the kind of guy that could successfully control a major corporation.

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Shaun, I am the same. I have voted for a labour local councilor because he was very active in engaging in local issues and genuinely did have the interests of his constituency at heart.


Sadly he died and my vote has moved, but in that case i voted for the man and the party politics didn't matter.


At the MP/MSP/MEP level i didn't vote labour and wouldn't vote labour either unless the individual could really demonstrate that they were passionate about local interests, but that in my experience is where the differences really show themselves.


There are some committed to their constituencies, but most are party political people.


Bill, my councilor, wasn't that type of man he would argue against his party if it was in the interests of the local area and i respected him hugely for that.


Regrettably every other person in my ward does vote labour at MP/MSP/MEP level because that is what they always do, but i content myself that they are all wrong and i'm not :)

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I can't follow your logic, you won't vote for labour in a general election,yet you are happy to vote for a councillor who will push a labour objective in your local council affecting your town/county.

I understand that he may be a caring nice person who is very approachable but you are voting for labour!

I don't see it as voting labour,


I voted for the person.


What you don't realise is that I live in an ex mining village so labour would get in even if they put a donkey up for election,


So I vote for him rather than some faceless candidate who lives outside the area (as many do up here)


In the general election people vote labour because Maggie closed the pits.



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cant remember it word for word but salmond said something along the lines of - no matter what the result i will abide by it etc etc, 2 hrs after the No vote he resigns. A man of his word ? Thank god that sense prevailed ( I'm not religious) but I'm ashamed of the British governments great giveaway and what it will ultimately cost. A clear cut case of heads we win tails you lose IMHO

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A hugely important point, not every MP needs to be a CEO, in fact i don't want them to be.

Which is what we have to a degree. Not every MP has to be a CEO, but every minister does. They have to manage their ministry exactly as a successful CEO would. It is because they haven't the ability to do so that we have the poor management of our systems that we experience and all complain about.

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