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Whats the weirdest or rarest gun you've shot?


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You fired a whole missile team? I bet they weren't happy about that, and appealed against your descision to put them out of work. The wierdest gun I've fired is erm, well, I haven't actually fired anything thats particularly wierd. Rarest would probably be a real old Webley airpistol. Can't remember the model but I'll find out.

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You fired a whole missile team? I bet they weren't happy about that, and appealed against your descision to put them out of work. The wierdest gun I've fired is erm, well, I haven't actually fired anything thats particularly wierd. Rarest would probably be a real old Webley airpistol. Can't remember the model but I'll find out.

opps ,should read ok now :D

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Mark Bivvy's .223


It was made TOTALLY from reclaimed materials!


The barrel was made from Mc Donalds Drinking straws


The Bolt was an old librarians book stamp handle


The scope was fashioned from an Kitchen roll tube


And the stock was a work of art and involved 2543 match sticks carefull glued together and took over a WEEK to make :yp:


Oh and the trigger was a moment of Genius he used a Ring pull from a can of Guiness :D


Its ALL true :no:



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The rarest gun I've fired wasn't that rare, but quite fun. It was a .577 snider enfield carbine, the first breech loading black powder rifle of the british army. It kicked like a mule, much harder than the .303 I fired the other week, and I couldn't see the target (a 25l oil drum) for some time due to all the smoke! I missed the drum completely, at 40m, and had a sore shoulder for a week. I was only about 14 at the time and it was the most fun thing I'd ever done in my life :no:



I had the pleasure of firing a Milan anti tank missile when whilst on exercise Many moons ago

Great fun at £12000 a pop

I'm jealous, seriously :D

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.177" gatt , knocked over a stampeeding bull at 275 yds, off hand single shot to the eye,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, got the gun off Aled the Welsh :D:no:


nothing to rare i dont think, lovely M1 Garrand WW2, GPMG, Bren, one of the guys here has an MG42 fully restored, had it in the shop till they shut him down :yp: worked as well, never got a go myself :angry::angry:



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The most unusual (so far): a 120mm rifled gun, from the warmth and comfort of a Challenger 2 at BATUS. The al fresco experience of firing a 105mm Light Gun is quite good fun, but not as much fun as a GPMG in sustained fire mode. That's very satisfying............


Any Crabs on here that can interrupt this willy-waving contest with tales of their mud moving exploits?

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Lots of cool stuff while in NI with the army, courtesy of the weapons int guys (tommy gun, barret, DshK, AKM, luger, walther p38, colt 1911, owen gun, sten, bren...the list goes on..


But the best by far...


Home made 9mm submachine gun "donated" by an IRA weapons cache in 1990.



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