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japan dolphin slaughter


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Come on, we are all involved in killing, the BIG DIFFERENCE is that we try to despatch our prey with as little suffering as possible, what sort of excuse is "Differnt Culture", don,t matter who you are, what colour or religion, if you want to kill something it should be done as instantley as possible, and with todays technology, and the Japs being as clever as they are, no excuses can justify killing in that manner.






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i signed,just cos i loves dolphins and the way they kill them is just sick really,understand the point they need culling,but surely they could kill them humanely and not in public with kids seeing it.seen a program a while back ,where they were cooking dogs ...eewww strange people the japenese <_<;)

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Come on, we are all involved in killing, the BIG DIFFERENCE is that we try to despatch our prey with as little suffering as possible, what sort of excuse is "Differnt Culture", don,t matter who you are, what colour or religion, if you want to kill something it should be done as instantley as possible, and with todays technology, and the Japs being as clever as they are, no excuses can justify killing in that manner.






>>no excuses can justify killing in that manner<< thats the point, would be acceptable if the dolphins had at least been stunned before having their guts spilled, very nasty business :(

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no i think they should at least stun the dolphin before stickinng a knife through its throat, our sloughter house stun each and every animal before its bled, i dont agree with the way they are doing it, and for the poeple on her who said its not difrent to our slaughter houses, should go vist one!, a hunter or slaughter house worker has a duty to kill the animal with out pain! potition signed !

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ED even slitting it's throat is better than slitting it's belly, or dragging it down the road, it's just not right, I feel sorry for those who can not draw a line between what is humane and inhumane, how many threads do we read on here and else where in which the poster is after advice on what cal is best for foxes, what cartridge for this or that, and why, cos we want to be effective and not cause unnecessary suffering. There is a big difference, rant over! <_<

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I concur!


Sad aint it!

No definatly not!!


I have always said that we hunters have more respect for animals than most because of what we choose to do, and the way we strive to make the kill as quick and humane as possible.


Like most have said before, i don't have a problem with anyone hunting or culling anything as long as its done in a humane way which that certainly isn't ;)


So then rarms what if that had been a springer just like yours in Korean market being strangled or boiled alive just to make it taste better! before ending up on a plate? who cares? after all its only a dog <_<

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Is it any different to the catching and killing Tuna, or any Fish commercially?

Dolphin's not a fish, it's a mammal and surprisingly very intelligent.



I think a lot of people on here should join PETA. ;)



I concur!


Sad aint it!

we all like hunting,killing things,but dolphins are intelligent animals ,not fish.nothing deserves to get treated that way.theres a lot of members here with less brain than these dolphins.someone needs to teach the japs the proper way to kill animals of all types. <_<

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Whether or not you all think its inhumane is of really little consequence - the Japs aren't going to listen to you.


If 500 Japs had signed a petition against fox hunting when it was still legal and sent it to the british government we would have shoved it right back where it came from. So why after one wee (obviously biased and designed to play on the emotions) video is everybody losing their sense of perspective and thinking they have the right to tell the Japs what to do?? Its not like they're coming here and doing it on our doorstep - they're doing it in the waters which belong to them!


By the way - for those of you who think it would be such a great way to stun them - do you really think its safe to be using high voltages with all that water around? Ever heard of electricity jumping? <_<

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Whether or not you all think its inhumane is of really little consequence - the Japs aren't going to listen to you.


If 500 Japs had signed a petition against fox hunting when it was still legal and sent it to the british government we would have shoved it right back where it came from. So why after one wee (obviously biased and designed to play on the emotions) video is everybody losing their sense of perspective and thinking they have the right to tell the Japs what to do?? Its not like they're coming here and doing it on our doorstep - they're doing it in the waters which belong to them!


By the way - for those of you who think it would be such a great way to stun them - do you really think its safe to be using high voltages with all that water around? Ever heard of electricity jumping? <_<



your probably right,wont make no difference if we sign or not,but id rather sign and hope it helps ,than ignore it,like i signed the petiton against hunting ban,and one against taxing cars by the milage, better than ignoring everything saying it wont make no difference.bottom line is,the japs are ut of order killing things the way they do,someone needs to teach them modern ways of killing things .. ;)

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>So then rarms what if that had been a springer just like yours


Difference being I haven't got a pet Dolphin <_< , Perhaps my post was a little rash, but you will never get a true story from the media.



When fish are caught commercially they drown in air, in a freezing hold. No stunning, no instant death. Why is there no uproar about that? Do people consider a fish to be less worthy than a dolphin?


Pigs are meant to be intelligent animals, we eat them.

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no wont sign it mate as they will have there reasons for culling them


best to leave them to it imo!



you wouldnt like it if they started a sign up to bann your sport


cheers kirky

its not the culling its the way they go about it, i don't think there is any one on here that's against the cull just the method <_< all life deserves respect

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What most of you people who disagree with the method used to kill the Dolphins forget is, they are not human; they live in a world where it is kill or be killed. Do you think that the Dolphins that are being despatched are suffering any the less than the ones that are attacked and killed and in most cases, eaten while still alive by sharks every day? Or they are suffering any the less than the fish that they feed on. Take a good look at this. There is nothing more natural in the world than that pack of Wolves feeding on the Moose, but to some, it is gruesome to look at. But it is the natural order of life and death.

Animals do not think or have emotions like humans. Their brains cannot cope with the complex social structure that we take for granted and use every day. Interaction between animals is purely for survival. Every part of animal behaviour is geared for the survival of the species from the simple higher achy of pack animals to the shoaling of fish.

Animals do not feel compassion they are incapable of it. It is kill or be killed and the way of the death matters not one iota. Most of the people on here under the age of 50 will have been subjected to the anthropomorphism of Disney cartoons, Watership Down, Wind in the Willows etc. Well sorry I have a shock for you, animals do not behave or have emotions like that.

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As far as I know the way all animals are killed for the Halal method is just to have their throats slit, no stunning involved, and that is happening in this country with all the various species that are killed that way for religion

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Some of the replies I have read in this topic have been truly shocking. Watching that video made me feel nauseous. I can not beleive that anyone would subscribe to this being an acceptable method of culling. From start to finish there is absolutely no consideration for the quarry what so ever. The Japenese do have a different beleif and culture but it doesnt mean that I have to accept it.

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Some of the replies I have read in this topic have been truly shocking. Watching that video made me feel nauseous. I can not beleive that anyone would subscribe to this being an acceptable method of culling. From start to finish there is absolutely no consideration for the quarry what so ever. The Japenese do have a different beleif and culture but it doesnt mean that I have to accept it.






It appears that many members of the forum feel obliged to blindly support any and all blood sports / forms of slaughter in order to be seen to be support and 'protecting' their own chosen sport.


Is culling dolphins the same as UK farmers shooting foxes to protect livestock? Maybe, but I don't give two monkeys about the Jap fishing industry and I would be surprised if any forum members were Japanese fishermen - however, we have got plenty of farmers on here though.


Whilst I shoot pigeons, foxes, rats, squirrels, magpies and crows and I eat meat and wear leather I would choose not to eat whale, dolphin or dog if it were available to me. Everyone has their own set of standards and their own line they won't cross - it's all down to personal choice and not everyone is the same.


The bandwagon is out of control when "choosing" not to support dolphin bashing apparently makes me a member of PETA.

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Before the emotional flaming takes over this thread, I would like to re-iterate that it is not the culling that bothers myself....or most people on here, I think......it is the method shown in the video.


As I said before, before voting to ban something based on some video footage research needs to be done to see who took that footage. As I also stated before, one of the princepal pieces of video that had the Canadian Seal hunt banned was staged and shot by the antis and then released to the media.


These people payed others to make the bloodiest, cruelest killing video of seals that they could, and the unresearched world bought it.


Do some research and if this type of killing is the norm than lobby to have the methods changed to meet a humane handling code, but dont just jump on a BAN THE DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER band wagon, as it sound all to reminecent of the BAN THE SEAL HUNT platform of the 70s.


OH and one more thing, the word Jap is considered a major insult to these people....kinda like calling the entire English populace WHORE. So please show them the respect they deserve and call them what they are JAPANESE. <_<



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Your all welcome to sign if you want to, its just the strange logic I can't understand.


Japanese telling Brits fox hunting is bad due to cruelty to fox=how dare they


Brits telling Japanese dolphin hunting is bad due to cruelty to dolphin=we need to put them right





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