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I wonder why these idiots haven't targeted the real cause of the ills they claim the 'establishment' is responsible for, such as the present and prior parties and the bankers, rather than the figurehead of a party which has never held power but who was merely out having a meal with his family? Soft target? His summing up of those involved was an understatement in my opinion.

For a party which no one claims to take seriously, they receive some serious attention.

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Ferage again!!!!!!!!

no its left wing wing idiots who dont believe in democracy again.



Usual left wing loony rent a mob :/:unhappy:

wouldn't you just love to give them a smack of reality,



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I read the article with dismay. Regardless of what politics you follow a mob chasing a man and his family out a pub is nothing other than hooliganism.


I have no doubt they will feel it is some sort of victory which is all the more galling. Ignorant scumbags.

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It's classic. One of the loons was breastfeeding on his bonnet!

:yes: Exactly my point. Why didn't the breastfeeders target the hotel Farage was dining in at the time of the breastfeeding incident? After all, it wasn't Farage who complained, but it was hotel policy not to allow breast feeding in the restaurant; nothing to do with Farage at all if I recall. He was merely dining there at the time and was asked for his opinion, then next day it was all over the nationals! Conveniently overlooked by those who interrupted his meal today. Hilariously ignorant.

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One wonders why it might have been arranged ? The list of HIV activists, breastfeeding mothers doesnt somehow chime with Bankers being let off any hook by UKIP 'attacking immigrants' ?

Obviously a rent a mob but who paid for the disparate group of nere -do -wells to act as one ? Breastfeeding against UKIP ? Hiv against UKIP ? The more this goes on I am beginning to think I must vote UKIP if they are targeted in this way by the main parties.

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This is the groups description "a cabaret of diversity" it included migrants, HIV activists, gay people, disabled people and breastfeeding mothers.


I take it the police will be identifying those responsible charging them with threatening behavior and public disorder and looking at the migrants with a view to reviewing their fitness/ entitlement to remain? oh sorry just fanciful thought.



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Politics aside, I do like the way these sorts always manage to torpedo any serious point they are trying to make by giving it a name straight out of Modern Parents in Viz.

A "Cabaret of Diversity" no less. Dear oh dear.

I had forgotten about Modern Parents, your post just cheered me up :)

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