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where to put a gun cabinet

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My rifle is in my cabinet up in the farmhouse...


I live in the cottage. I moved 6 years ago (when brother got married) and FEO is happy rifle remained in farmhouse with only me having access... he and his wife now have 2 kids and as most of my shooting is at night - i think the time has came to move the cabinet.


Anyways... The only available built in storage space that would make it concealed is right beside the back door - so not suitable for placing the cabinet atall.


So in a small 2 bed cottage with no obvious place to put the cabinet - what do i do?


Only thing i can think to do it put it in one of the bedrooms, inside a wardrobe which has no back, and bolt it to the wall. Is that acceptable?

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The cabinet does not have to be "concealed" it just has to be out of sight of casual visitors , so anywhere in a upstairs bedroom fixed to a solid wall would be suitable .

You can always get a cabinet made to fit around it if you so wish to improve the look .

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Mine is in a wardrobe bolted to the wall, like you it was the only place it could go really or the loft but I'm not keen on keeping guns in the loft really as its a pain when you use them a lot....good luck with the missus it took me a while to convince mine to lose her shoe rack

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Loft is a no-go... hatch is directly above our bed!


If there was an upstairs the job would be grand - but a single story house where theres nowhere to hide is a pain!


She wont mind... she likes the rifle, has commented before she wants me to get a shotgun so she can do clays - shame, as i want another rifle... or two!

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Anyways... The only available built in storage space that would make it concealed is right beside the back door - so not suitable for placing the cabinet atall.

What makes you say it's not suitable at all? Sounds pretty good to me. I don't have rifles but for 6 or 7 years I had the cabinet right by the back door and in plain view. It was even visible through a window if the blind was open, which it usually was. Passed at least 3 inspections.


I only moved it to the cupboard under the stairs when we decided to redecorate.

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As I said Harry, I don't have rifles and that may make a difference and also the police interpret the law differently in different areas, but they do have some discretion as to placement. I've asked a couple of times and the answer is that they prefer it to be out of view but they don't insist on it.


What they do like is it tucked in a corner so that it's really difficult to break into.

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Ask your feo....... Its them that has to approve it.......... The cupboard near the front door will probably be ok, if you hide the caninet front from casual visitors with a well placed coat hook/curtain


I would go for the spare bedroom...... Then you don't disturb her when coming in late, besides geting in bed yourself

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