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Nuclear warhead convoy


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I once caught up with a nuclear convoy heading north on the A1 through north Yorkshire and followed a sensible distance behind it for a little while out of curiosity, it was absolutely brilliant as the police had cars stationed on every bridge crossing the road and once the convoy passed under they romped ahead to the next one, it was very slick.


After a few miles i got bored and decided to overtake and when passing the police were giving it the big hurry up sign so i gave it a bit of welly, they were not in the least interested that i was doing around a ton, they just kept waving to hurry up. I kept the hammer down for a few miles after and was still overtaken a few times by the rozzers moving on to the next bridge over the road.


My dad was a chief fire officer in Fife and on the very rare occassion that they moved nuclear weapons to either the naval armament depot just outside Rosyth or to RAF Leauchars that they would phone the local emergency services just before entering the region giving details that a hazardous shipment would be passing through in case of an incident that they had to respond to. As the convoy progressed they would update with precise details of timings, etc. All planned and executed brilliantly.

Yep, quite often the convoys called in RAF Leeming as a rest point.

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Before the UK had Trident as a nuclear deterant it had the V Bomber aircraft and all the RAF stations where these aircraft were based had nuclear weapons storage areas. Nuclear weapons convoys were not uncommon then up and down the A1 for Cottesmore and Wittering, in Lincolnshire for Waddington and Scampton and in Norfolk and Suffolk for Marham and Honington.


The one at Waddington in Lincolnshire is still visible south of Lincoln and east of the airfield along side the A15.



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Simply because I used to work in this field and know what they carry, I love all the conjecture. :yes:

What?, conjecture on here? Making two and two add up to 694? Surely not on PW? :lol::lol:


Ted Heath guilty and most of the house of commons has been the best so far...all quiet on that now.


It's one of the reasons i love PW :lol:

No not any more, they have up graded to massey 135s and an old flat bes trailer. TIGHTCHOKE, I'm only going on what I read on the internet. How close to the mark is it?

I think on average, 10% on t'web is true. Look at the one of the current threads about the man taped to the tree.....


Anyway, i though they were little grey fergies.

Edited by keg
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Slightly off topic but when I started driving HGV's I noticed a number of battleship grey trailers and tractor units all over the place, Mainly M62 M6 A1


Like this thread my imagination ran riot as to what they were.......


I eventually found out when I started working for said company.


Warburtons the Bakers :no:


They didn't want the general public at the time to know they were shipping bread products all over the country as they were "local" bakers. (small sales vans were in company colours)


Eventually some bright spark told the bosses of all the free advertising they were missing out on,


Bloomin great orange things all over the place now


We live and learn, I was convinced it was something sinister



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Haha, we say the Nuke people are sad for following Nuke convoys about... And yet we follow flocks of pigeons about and sit in bushes for hours on end.


Pot. Kettle.Black.


I was told it was the Marines who guard them, think they also guard some nuclear facilities and call it "going behind the wire" because they can't leave the facility for the length of their deployment.

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Don't want to **** on anyone's chips but why would we be moving nuke warheads to Marham? Think about it. The UK deterrent is submarine based. Not many of them in Norfolk. We have not had an air launched capability for a good few years. Just saying.....

Don't the Americans though and hence why I mentioned Lakenheath. But would the UK transport US nukes?

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Not many bases left now but, back in my day, they had teams on standby whenever any movement took place in their area in case of an incident.


I had a particularly galling episode because I was on one of these teams. I was within three days of demob when we had an excercise kick off. My squadron would disperse to Norway for a week as part of this so it was accepted that I would not go on the detachment and, as soon as all the aircraft had dispersed then I could take my time doing my demob clearance and foxtrot oscar.

Well, the aircraft went and we cleared up then I went to see the shift chief to let him know I was off. Oh how I laughed when he told me he'd put me on the movement team so I had to stay on camp and in contact for the next three days. It was a command duty so nobody was allowed to stand in for me.

The biggest irony was that he'd stayed behind too because he was getting demobbed the same as me so he'd just put any old names forward because he couldn't be bothered to check.


When I left the RAF I settled locally, as did he, and about six months later I saw him in a local pub and we had a good old chat about old times :rolleyes:

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