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Couldn't do the rat race thing.


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That's a hell of a walk to cross the road.


You island people want to get with the modern world, I don't want to make you jealous but we get 3 busses a week here.

ha ha 3 buses a week and I bet they all come at the same time You do have to prepare to cross the road, as the lights change on monday and thursday and it attracts quite a crowd thats what the roundabouts for as the crowds can cause chaos, I like to get there early :)

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Au contraire, the busses are nicely spaced - but they go to 3 different towns, so if you miss the return bus you have to wait a week.



:) We lost our bus service in the late 70's early 80's, along with our NHS dentist but things have now slowly improved. We have a proper dental service and even an optician and now our bus service runs four times a DAY! It even returns! :yes:

The thing I love about my home town is that within 5 minutes walk I can be in the countryside. The nearest traffic lights are 13 miles away.

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10 months of the year very quite, we are a mile from Perranporth so fantastic walking, all we need in the village even in Janurary when the tat shops have shut for winter. Traffic is reported that Mr Tredunic's tractor is on the b3285, no motorways in the county either. Then you get to July and August, don't go out on a Saturday as it will take an hour to do a 10 min run, the A30 has 2 hour hold ups as it goes to single cartridge way both ways in and out of Cornwall and either you can't park anywhere or your charged £4 for all day but only want to nip in the shop so 10 mins would be fine. But without tourists the county would be dead and I would be broke so would most other people here.


I spent 13 years working around London based in Park Royal that is a life I hope I will never see again.

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Where would carp anglers be without the chod bucket. A little tip for you, line the bucket with a carrier bag. You can then deposit it at the next McDonalds. It'll feel at home there.


Traffics my dread after an 'incident' outside the Blackwell tunnel. Me and my GF were going to walthamstow resouvoirs last October as she was happy to come along so I can carp fish. It was about 6:30am and we just went past the o2 and I thought ohhh I need a dump but I thought I can hold out til we get there. Getting nearer tunnel and obviously the traffic started to slow and cue the worry and hot sweats and needing to go even more. I said to her I need a dump and she said oh no and started laughing which made me clench even more and being a concrete jungle and nowhere to go it was the most horrible feeling! Then I saw an exit and thought thank god so I came off and without taking enough notice I went round the roundabout and came BACK ON to the tunnel road and then I really panicked! I just didn't know what to do and I was chewing toffee. Getting close to tunnel entrance and the I saw a tiny lay by at the entrance (you've probably noticed it) and with no way was I going in that tunnel needing a pony, I pulled in in desperation. I was in my transit connect so I got out and opened the side door and grabbed my camo fishing bucket and with and office block over looking me,my GF screaming you can't do it here and traffic about 15 ft from van I unleashed in the bucket next to the van and because I had the side door open my GF copped the smell and starting gagging and nearly throwing up haha! So now I panic at the thought of traffic incase it happens again and the thought of it brings on a poo.

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Well, we're doing the rat race thing again. Loaded up at 0530 this morning and have been averaging around 30 mph since jct 28. Are currently passing jct 21 and are up to 55mph. 👍

Update! Approaching jct 19 at 80mph! Only 3 to go thankfully as my bladder is starting to complain.

Edited by Scully
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I can't believe I am reading this as there was a lad over on the rugby thread telling us how much us Scots were missing out not being in the big smoke!!! Seems like we are missing out on not very much, either that or he was just trying to be a Flash Man ;-)

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Too true! When I come back down from ST5, I use the Toll road now.

Never used it and never will, same as the tens of thousands who would rather sit in the traffic. They can keep their toll road and shove it where the sun don't shine :lol:

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Depends on what value you put on your time. I was losing an hour getting through Birmingham.

I don't care how long, I've already paid for the roads and I'm not paying again. I'll turn a job down before I pay again, I already refuse to work in London with all this congestion charge rubbish. Any work from there and they'll have to come to us, or go without :good:

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I couldn't commute if it involved a long drive. I just can't bear the inconsistency of it. An hour one day, two hours the next. Despite the trains being far from perfect the times are not too inconsistent. Says the man who now has a three hour commute each each way door to door. At least I can work, read, listen to music, sleep on the train.

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I couldn't commute if it involved a long drive. I just can't bear the inconsistency of it. An hour one day, two hours the next. Despite the trains being far from perfect the times are not too inconsistent. Says the man who now has a three hour commute each each way door to door. At least I can work, read, listen to music, sleep on the train.

Holy cow! 6 hours a day travelling is hardcore - unless of course you start at 11 and knock-off at 2.


I'm lucky enough to have flexibility so most days I can drop kids to school, pick 'em up and occasionally get some shooting in too. I'll never be rich though.

Edited by FalconFN
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I couldn't commute if it involved a long drive. I just can't bear the inconsistency of it. An hour one day, two hours the next. Despite the trains being far from perfect the times are not too inconsistent. Says the man who now has a three hour commute each each way door to door. At least I can work, read, listen to music, sleep on the train.

I drive from Leeds to Gerrards Cross most Mondays. Not fun and the roadworks on the M1 have added over an hour to the journey.

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