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Outcome of the climate change meeting


The UK is "absolutely committed" to the Paris climate deal and will be "making sure we deliver on it", Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has said.


What she really means is we'll pay for it and everyone else will just ignore it :mad:

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Outcome of the climate change meeting


The UK is "absolutely committed" to the Paris climate deal and will be "making sure we deliver on it", Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has said.


What she really means is we'll pay for it and everyone else will just ignore it :mad:


Considering the way they're cutting renewable energy subsidies at the moment, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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You seem very certain SAM, do you have a access to information that the rest of the world doesn't?


I think also you may be confusing scientists with politicians, the former having no say over taxes and the latter no vested interest in making up anthropogenic climate change. Incidentally, do you actually know what % of our tax burden is related to climate change? I would think it is quite a long way from the hilt, and barely touches the tip..

Edited by FalconFN
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Because global warming is not man made! Therefore those that claim it is are only interested in keeping themselves in employment and all of us taxed to the hilt.



You might be joking but it's a multi billion international 'venture'.


Was it > £1 trillion a year?


There are a _lot_ of people with fingers in the pie with vested interests in keeping it going.

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You seem very certain SAM, do you have a access to information that the rest of the world doesn't?


I think also you may be confusing scientists with politicians, the former having no say over taxes and the latter no vested interest in making up anthropogenic climate change. Incidentally, do you actually know what % of our tax burden is related to climate change? I would think it is quite a long way from the hilt, and barely touches the tip..

The rest of the world only pays any attention to the thesis/theories that Climate Change Scientits publish.

Those who publish thesis/theories that happen to disagree with the prevailing current (ie we are screwed so tax people) are threatened with funding removal, their theories are refused peer reviews and do not make it into the media.

Consequently you have people using models that are made with theoretical fudge factors (the EAA Climategate emails proved this unequivocally) that would have the science homework of a teenager given an F grade! They could not get the models to predict what they wanted, so they just kept rewriting the data until it did. This is not science, it is peeing about with statistics to keep yourself employed.

They said that Britain was going to be a desert like land a few years ago, since they issued that warning we have had some of the wettest years on record, they said England would be lucky to see snow, shortly before the damned cold winter of 2010! Climate Change Scientits have been proven to get things wrong on such an epic scale I would not believe them if they said the sun was going to rise tomorrow!

Edited by secretagentmole
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There is no definitive proof that we are in any way affecting the climate and correlation does not prove causation. Would it not be reasonable to conclude that if there was a definitive link between mans behaviour and the climate these experts and scientists would have found it by now? ( after all they have sunk enough time and money into researching it haven't they) These people still can not yet accurately forecast the weather in Watford next Friday yet people believe believe they can tell us what we are doing to the planets climate. Man made climate change belief requires "faith"akin to that of religions in the face of lacking scientific proof, its better to believe in it and be wrong than not believe in it and be right from most people's perspective though, after all the world did turn out to be flat, thalidomide and Valium were safe drugs after all and statins weren't just a big worthless money making opertunity either ( you can extend your life by a whole 4 days if your internal organs don't fail in the meantime apparently)

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People are saying that the floods in Cumbria are worse because of global warming, the highest in history they say. Floods in the 1800s were higher.....


We need to be aware of our planet and wind and tidal have their place, but we are walking into the biggest con ever.. Too many now committed politically and financially.

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How many cars boats and planes were there when we had an ice age and what about when the north sea was a plain where mammoths and other stuff walked. The sea fishermen regularly pull up big bones from out of the north sea and when there was that much foliage out there to create oil fields. the planets and climate change. cars and industry are having an impact on our planet but its happened before.

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The rest of the world only pays any attention to the thesis/theories that Climate Change Scientits publish.

Those who publish thesis/theories that happen to disagree with the prevailing current (ie we are screwed so tax people) are threatened with funding removal, their theories are refused peer reviews and do not make it into the media.

Consequently you have people using models that are made with theoretical fudge factors (the EAA Climategate emails proved this unequivocally) that would have the science homework of a teenager given an F grade! They could not get the models to predict what they wanted, so they just kept rewriting the data until it did. This is not science, it is peeing about with statistics to keep yourself employed.

They said that Britain was going to be a desert like land a few years ago, since they issued that warning we have had some of the wettest years on record, they said England would be lucky to see snow, shortly before the damned cold winter of 2010! Climate Change Scientits have been proven to get things wrong on such an epic scale I would not believe them if they said the sun was going to rise tomorrow!



:good: :good: :good:

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How many cars boats and planes were there when we had an ice age and what about when the north sea was a plain where mammoths and other stuff walked. The sea fishermen regularly pull up big bones from out of the north sea and when there was that much foliage out there to create oil fields. the planets and climate change. cars and industry are having an impact on our planet but its happened before.

And it will happen again, no matter whether we interfere of not

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Interesting reading in this thread and the carbon footprint one. Fairly polarised opinions too, which isn't surprising, especially for PW :)


For certain the world's climate has changed and it will continue to do so and in many respects I think it is massively arrogant that we somehow believe that we can control things in order to suit the lifestyle that we have chosen to create.


People complaining that much of the populated east coast of the US or low lying islands may become lost to the sea I think fail to recognise that the world has changed massively and if we choose to locate major population centres in vulnerable, albeit convenient, places then they might be lost to the environment. I think it is staggeringly arrogant that we believe that we should be able to stop natural forces on a global scale.


An immediate example springs to mind is the Japanese building coastal defences out of concrete that are 15 metres wide by 15 meters deep to protect them from tsunamis, yet the subsea earthquake that caused the devastating boxing day tsunami moved, I think, 700 miles of the earths crust 200 metres, against that scale a wee bit of concrete is insignificant.


However, I also do believe that we are contributing to a level of change in the environment that we can and should influence, whether that can limit global temperature increase to less than 2'c I don't know (I don't think anybody does), but we can stop massive pollution of water courses, deforestation, wildlife habitat destruction, etc.


On a micro level we can also make a personal difference in reducing food waste, reducing food miles, use seasonal produce, reducing the level of landfill waste, etc.


Will those things make a difference to a change in global climate, most likely not a bit, but it will make a difference to the local environment and that has to be a good thing.

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Certainly locally we can make small differences to our environment but really our biggest problem won't be related to air miles and carbon footprints, it will be large scale food and water shortages fuelling war, not to mention disputes over dwindling oil reserves, so an unprecedented global effort is needed. To counter your first point, could it not be seen a supremely arrogant to think we can, in a blink of an eye, unlock billions of tonns of carbon that was laid down over many millions of years, without causing some fundamental atmospheric changes?


But then again, PW says that's all fine so why worry. :lol:


Science has suffered from poor communication for decades as scientific papers are, quite frankly, dull and those that report on findings often look for an exciting hook to hang a story from, even if the conclusions get missed. Unfortunately it is rare in science to predict outcomes, it is usually expressed in specific terms that have a basis is probability not a black and white result (remember the BBQ summer we were 'promised'? That was poor reporting from a long term forecast that said there was a 60% chance of goid weather - not great odds!). I think many people expect far too much from climatologists, exacerbated by poorly written 'shock' stories in newspapers where possible outcomes based on [one of thousands of] computer models suddenly become 'predictions'. It is anything but simple to predict even modest changes is weather over short periods but climate isn't weather, it is a long term average trend of weather patterns.


All science is based on probabilities from given data sets (educated guesses), but as climatic changes involve many massively complex systems, predictions are only very general (and may prove to be entirely wrong) but there will be no conclusive smoking gun. At present the best guesses, using the best data and most up to date theories are all pointing in one direction. Until we have sound evidence that climate change is nothing to do with carbon emissions then what else can the world's governments do but to persue their current path?

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