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Medical questionnaire at GP


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Hi! So, went to the doc with my back problem today. Not for the first time. Had a chat and he says to me to fill out this questionnare. Questions like: do You have depression because of the pain? Did You loose sleep because of the pain in the last two weeks? And a few more. 10-12 altogether. There was a scoring system in the answers. Disagree vs Agree. Has anyone else seen this? Was this beacuse I'm a licence holder and this information popped up on the screen? Or totally unrelated? Thx

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Hi! So, went to the doc with my back problem today. Not for the first time. Had a chat and he says to me to fill out this questionnare. Questions like: do You have depression because of the pain? Did You loose sleep because of the pain in the last two weeks? And a few more. 10-12 altogether. There was a scoring system in the answers. Disagree vs Agree. Has anyone else seen this? Was this beacuse I'm a licence holder and this information popped up on the screen? Or totally unrelated? Thx

A lad in our pigeon club told his doctor he was stressed out ,with the idea of getting time off work to go shooting and it was not long before he had his sgc and fac revoked, took him nearly 3 months to get them back , so be careful

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I wouldn't have thought so, just a general enquiry given the condition you present. A good few years ago I had severe back issues, the continuous pain can get you down and did me for a while.


Hi! So, went to the doc with my back problem today. Not for the first time. Had a chat and he says to me to fill out this questionnare. Questions like: do You have depression because of the pain? Did You loose sleep because of the pain in the last two weeks? And a few more. 10-12 altogether. There was a scoring system in the answers. Disagree vs Agree. Has anyone else seen this? Was this beacuse I'm a licence holder and this information popped up on the screen? Or totally unrelated? Thx

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There's a world of difference between depression and something getting you down. Depression as a term for generally just being a little fed up has become dangerously interlinked in recent times.

How on earth is a person supposed to diagnose themselves as having depression?

Most people who suffer from depression don't even know that that is what is wrong with them. Personally I'd refuse to fill it in.

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I had that when attending hospital due to my back issues,


Was a verbal questionnaire where she asked and wrote down the answers,


My reply to a very similar question was


"do I get depressed?, no, I get very frustrated at not being able to do the things I want/used to be able to do, but not depressed"



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Spoke to BASC since, they said it is normal, nothing to do with being a licence holder.

That's fair enough, but as I said, no person is qualified to diagnose themselves as suffering from depression. It may have nothing to do with being a license holder, but if you describe yourself as depressed to your GP, it will most certainly become an issue at next renewal.

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I had that when attending hospital due to my back issues,


Was a verbal questionnaire where she asked and wrote down the answers,


My reply to a very similar question was


"do I get depressed?, no, I get very frustrated at not being able to do the things I want/used to be able to do, but not depressed"



What he said :good:

Also, Scully is on the money with regards to depression - it's all too easy for people to say they're depressed, when really they're just sad for a day or so over something. My good lady had been on tablets for her depression (she needs the serotonin or something) and has been on them for 20+ years. People just say 'why don't you just cheer yourself up?' Yeah, like it's that easy!

Lastly, don't worry if you are prescribed an antidepressant like amitriptylene to help you sleep - it's not being prescribed as an antidepressant. Yep, I'm on them as well as oxycontin painkillers and others for my back issues. Having a bad back is ace.... ....not!

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What he said :good:

Also, Scully is on the money with regards to depression - it's all too easy for people to say they're depressed, when really they're just sad for a day or so over something. My good lady had been on tablets for her depression (she needs the serotonin or something) and has been on them for 20+ years. People just say 'why don't you just cheer yourself up?' Yeah, like it's that easy!

Lastly, don't worry if you are prescribed an antidepressant like amitriptylene to help you sleep - it's not being prescribed as an antidepressant. Yep, I'm on them as well as oxycontin painkillers and others for my back issues. Having a bad back is ace.... ....not!

I was on them to try and help me sleep, bloomin awful things, just felt like a zombie all the time, told doc I wouldnt take them anymore and he switched them for Tramadol, which did work, but after other operations and complications I was then switched to Oxycontin, and have this week been switched to Longtec 10mg modified-release tablets,



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I was on them to try and help me sleep, bloomin awful things, just felt like a zombie all the time, told doc I wouldnt take them anymore and he switched them for Tramadol, which did work, but after other operations and complications I was then switched to Oxycontin, and have this week been switched to Longtec 10mg modified-release tablets,



50mg ami per night to sleep! 've been on the 20mg mod release and can't hold a sensible conversation at the mo! Yeah, I know I struggle without, ha!

Trying to reduce the dose now back down to 10mg so I'm a bit more 'with it'. I don't know how some can take opiates for pleasure.

Oh, and for those who think 'I'm tough, I don't need painkillers' well, you ain't in pain mate!

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What he said :good:

Also, Scully is on the money with regards to depression - it's all too easy for people to say they're depressed, when really they're just sad for a day or so over something. My good lady had been on tablets for her depression (she needs the serotonin or something)....not!

True enough. Might it be Sertraline?


This sounds like PHQ9, Patient Healthcare Questionnaire 9. Did you have to score 0, 1, 2 or 3; 3 being constant, 0 being never? 27 questions? If so, it's just the way the docs' work out whether you're depressed, and if so by how much. I've done countless numbers of these and do them on and off as i have bouts of fairly/mejorly serious depression. (by bouts, we're talking months, not weeks!) It's no big deal. Basically it will easily rule out anyone who DOESN'T want to get diagnosed, so if you aren't depressed and tell the truth, you'll be fine.

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A lad in our pigeon club told his doctor he was stressed out ,with the idea of getting time off work to go shooting and it was not long before he had his sgc and fac revoked, took him nearly 3 months to get them back , so be careful


What about medical secret? NOBODY is supposed to know what you tell your doctor...

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does things like anxiety (which is under the depression umbrella) and been on prescribed meds (setraline) due to some tough going ons at work and finding out your dads got terminal cancer effect a SGC renewal? or is it down to the doctors report and the FEO stance, even if the help sought has got you back been ok

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does things like anxiety (which is under the depression umbrella) and been on prescribed meds (setraline) due to some tough going ons at work and finding out your dads got terminal cancer effect a SGC renewal? or is it down to the doctors report and the FEO stance, even if the help sought has got you back been ok

If you declare it on your renewal application licensing will contact your GP, and it will be brought up at renewal, but it's better to declare than not and then licensing finding out. If you're ok then your GP will state that. Length of time being prescribed will have some bearing.

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does things like anxiety (which is under the depression umbrella) and been on prescribed meds (setraline) due to some tough going ons at work and finding out your dads got terminal cancer effect a SGC renewal? or is it down to the doctors report and the FEO stance, even if the help sought has got you back been ok

What makes you say anxiety is under the umbrella of depression?


Do you mean medically or the Police would treat anxiety the same as clinical depression?


I think you'd need a Dr to explain why SSRI's have been prescribed, it would make any police force sit up that an applicant is taking anti depressants.


If it's just for anxiety, with no clinical signs of depression then it may not be an issue.


Personal experience I had my FAC granted whilst I was taking fluoxetine (prozac).

Depression is a terrible thing, My youngest brother took his own life just before Christmas due to it, The hospital where he had stayed for a month previous didn't really want to know :no:



John :|

Sad, sorry about your loss, it's a real problem in the male population. He must of been really unwell. Edited by kyska
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