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Karma Weekend

pigeon controller

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Those who read my post weekly will know that I believe in Karma. This weekend put it to the test.

We had two calls on Thursday requesting our assistance in controlling the pigeons on the rape. So on Friday we headed out to the first farm to look at the situation and found not many birds about , we then moved to the other farm and it had about eighty birds down hard so we arranged to shoot it Satuday and informed the required parties. We returned to the first farm and obtained the key to drive down to the field to view it correctly and determine the best site for the hide. While we watched it we noticed no birds moving just sitting in trees around the edge of the rape , we waited for twenty minutes and nothing moved then a flock of about fifty stock doves came over and landed in the rape?. We estimated we had about two hundred pigeons in the trees static. So we set up on the basis it is a good shoot to us and they had requested us to shoot . We had the standard set up with two on the magnet. The first shot lifted everything and they all moved off the farm . We had a few pigeons return to the decoys then it went very quiet and a few corvids came over so we shot them and managed to call a few more in between the few pigeons who returned as well. We had started at approx11.00 and stopped shooting at 17.00 and managed to pick up fortyone pigeons and fortynine corvids. The farmer was happy and we had done our duty.


So Saturday we headed straight out to the farm we had arranged to shoot the day before , as we drove past the gate it had a vehicle parked up we proceeded down the edge of the field into the second field and we heard a shot whe we arrived at the field we intended to shoot we found two guys shooting from a hide. One walked up and we asked who had given them permission to shoot and they said the farmer but I had phoned the farmer prior to them talking to us and he had said that we were the only shooters he had given permission to shoot the pigeons. So to avoid confrontation we left and text the farmer that we had left and that they were still on his land. We were spitting feathers as we had complied to all the Game Shooters requests during the season and now we had this to contend with. We continued driving and found two other farms with birds down. We chose the easy option and set up against the railway with the wind off our back and put out twevle fresh birds from the day before with two on the magnet. it was now 12.00 and we shot till 16.45 as it started to rain we had some hectic shooting with DB using his three shot and acheiving a few three's and the final pick up was one hundred and twentysix. Karma had worked for us in that the field we intended to shoot did not have the number of birds we finally ended up with.










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Karma indeed, what an excellent bag off the rape!

No doubt very frustrating with the other shooters, but you must come across this situation a lot? especially after the game shooting has finished and all the 'pigeon shooters' come out!!

They only seem to come out in force when the shooting is easy on the stubbles round this way. Fair weather shooters!!

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Karma indeed, what an excellent bag off the rape!

No doubt very frustrating with the other shooters, but you must come across this situation a lot? especially after the game shooting has finished and all the 'pigeon shooters' come out!!

Yes we do but normally they will know if you are going to the farm as the farmer has requested us to go

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They only seem to come out in force when the shooting is easy on the stubbles round this way. Fair weather shooters!!

They are POSH shooters who do not want any of that dirty mud on the 4x4

ended up with 2 great bags in the end

very unusual shooting that many corvids on a rape field

Loads of slugs and worms on the surface , thats what the doves were eating as well

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Another fine result and the mention of the large flock of stock doves was interesting.

In the last couple of years we are seeing bigger flocks of stock doves appearing, some around 100-150 birds.

Previously a "flock"was 5-10 birds.

Population boom, migration, or just a redistribution of numbers , who knows, but they are soon going to become a pest again.

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Another fine result and the mention of the large flock of stock doves was interesting.

In the last couple of years we are seeing bigger flocks of stock doves appearing, some around 100-150 birds.

Previously a "flock"was 5-10 birds.

Population boom, migration, or just a redistribution of numbers , who knows, but they are soon going to become a pest again.

I think the flock of doves was the flock of pigeons the farmer had seen, when we mentioned it at the debrief with the farmer he questioned why we had not shot them, we informed him the were protected and they eat grubs and not rape.

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Surely those other shooters who were on the land without permission are looking for trouble. I think you did the right thing reporting back to the farmer and hopefully he will have resolved the problem for your next visit. I honestly can't believe that anyone would be so stupid as to venture on to land without the appropriate permission.

Great bags by the way, all credit to you after the earlier frustration.

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