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Am I getting old!


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Am I getting old or is this just a ridiculous idea, I cannot see how a 5 year old can be asked such a question, let them be kids and stop putting more and more pressure on them, 80.000 children in the UK are estimated to suffer from severe depression.http://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2016/04/19/brighton-and-hove-schools-ask-three-year-olds-what-gender-if-any-they-identify-with/

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All part of the all inclusive, politically correct wonderland that we now live in.


Am I getting old or is this just a ridiculous idea, I cannot see how a 5 year old can be asked such a question, let them be kids and stop putting more and more pressure on them, 80.000 children in the UK are estimated to suffer from severe depression.http://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2016/04/19/brighton-and-hove-schools-ask-three-year-olds-what-gender-if-any-they-identify-with/

Edited by Penelope
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Depressed bloody hell if you ask any child after you tell them no your not getting an ice cream new toy etc. The mealy mouthed do gliders would say they are depressed.


All a load of tosh,give them a thick ear and tell them to get out and play.


Better yet ask them if they want a clout to give them something to be sad about.

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Depressed bloody hell if you ask any child after you tell them no your not getting an ice cream new toy etc. The mealy mouthed do gliders would say they are depressed.


All a load of tosh,give them a thick ear and tell them to get out and play.


Better yet ask them if they want a clout to give them something to be sad about.

You had that line as well did you? Stopped many a tantrum in it's tracks that infamous line "If you don't shut up I'll give you something to cry about..."

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You had that line as well did you? Stopped many a tantrum in it's tracks that infamous line "If you don't shut up I'll give you something to cry about..."

What i could never figure out was that my dad said it after giving us a crack! hold on dad... im crying because you just.... haha, never did us any harm and we all turned out ok (i think)

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Yes when I went home and told my mother that I had been given the strap, her reply was .... where is it.

Never understood hitting children, I see it as no different from any other assault.


A parent hitting their kids is a parent who has lost control of the situation.

Edited by kyska
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Never understood hitting children, I see it as no different from any other assault.


A parent hitting their kids is a parent who has lost control of the situation.

Times change smacking was quite normal when I was a kid, under the age of ten I was often caned at school, twice on each hand, didnt do me one hapeth of good :)

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Times change smacking was quite normal when I was a kid, under the age of ten I was often caned at school, twice on each hand, didnt do me one hapeth of good :)

Before I became a dad I was not against smacking and like many I had the occasional well deserved clout, but as soon as my eldest was born I knew I'd never raise my hand to them, and I never have. Mind you, in the last 12 years I've never asked my kids which gender the most associate with either.


Why the council need to know what gender a child feels closest to is beyond me. In the unlikely event that a 4 year old, or the family, have any gender issues then surely it's better to let them talk to the school themselves and not via some impersonal form.

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