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Amir Khan and Canelo Alvarez this Saturday.


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I am shocked. Khan gets hit, Khan gets knocked out. Who could have foreseen that - just about anyone on the planet except Team Khan.


He did better for the first five rounds than I thought he would, but sit back and wait for the stream of pathetic excuses. Humility will give way to delusion.

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More boxing last night with Derek Chisora losing a split decision to Pulev although him winning a scorecard was shocking.A very dirty fight and the ref had a shocker really with Pulev making it very scrappy.

Anthony Crolla had a great ko win and looks better with every fight.Very likable lad and old school fighter.

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How Khan has ever become a name is beyond me.


Dodged big hitters, then when he's made to fight them gets sparked out, please please disappear now!

trouble is as the norm with American as Mexican boxers they won't fight a good boxer in his weight

Khan went up TWO weights for this fight and the obvious happened

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Whatever grudging respect I had for Khan's performance disappeared when he started his mouth moving again.

The arrogant, chinny wonder told Alvarez that he had to take a risk and fight Genady Golovkin. This from the man who won't fight Kell Brook.

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Whatever grudging respect I had for Khan's performance disappeared when he started his mouth moving again.

The arrogant, chinny wonder told Alvarez that he had to take a risk and fight Genady Golovkin. This from the man who won't fight Kell Brook.


I'd fight Kelly Brook; I'd even let her win. :yes:

I have to say it was a cracking punch.

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It was a great punch, but it was always coming and also the subsequent knockout.


I suspect Khan would run scared of Kelly Brook. He is not the sharpest tool in the box.


I have no time for him, but does he need to fight on? He is not short of the money, but the adulation he seeks - not that he deserves any - is beyond him. He has fought once in a year and got flattened. I think Kell Brook would do the same to him, but quicker. The future does not look good.


I think he should seriously consider retirement, whilst he is still in one piece.

Edited by Gordon R
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Be nice if kell brook actually fought someone of any note pick me one fighter other than shawn porter he has faced of any note his resume is very poor.


Let's face it he has been champion now for nearly two years and has fought Jo jo Dan , frankie gavin and Kevin bizier at least Khan has maidana , zab Judah and Chris Algerii on his record all of whom have fought mayweather and pacquiao .


Ok he bit off more than he could chew here but I admire him for stepping up to face canelo would have been a lot easier to have stayed back at home and have a journeyman fighter in Sheffield arena like kell brook does all the time

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What a punch!! I think Canelo knew that's all it would take and was just looking for it the whole time making him look a bit ploddy.


I think he should call it a day now, cant see fighting Kell would do much for him and I dont think it would be a huge pay day either. Was dissapointed with Kell, i think he's great and could take on any of the big boys in the welterweight div, but lost all momentum after the Porter fight by fighting average opp.


Regarding GGG, I did hear Canelo used him as a sparring partner for the Rhodes fight. Apparently he was rocked a good few times and wincing under body shots from GGG, who looked to be holding back too. Im not suprised he's delayed the fight :lol:


But...it's time.

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I would honestly like views on where Khan goes from here. The local newspaper report is plastered with comments about Khan, which are mainly in poor taste - although some are accurate - suggesting he retires. They do not seem genuinely concerned about his health.


Khan's Facebook page is littered with supportive comments from his "friends" who don't seem to grasp how much punishment he is taking. They seem to be pressuring him into continuing to fight on. They seem blind to the severity of his knockouts.


Khan himself seems to have suddenly discovered an urge to get back in the ring with Danny Garcia to exact revenge. He talks about taking on the big fights - seemingly forgetting what happens when he does. He talks about how well he was doing until Alvarez hit him - a familiar story. He is in denial.


Kell Brook is wisely taking a step back. He wants Khan to be fully recovered before any fight between the two of them, but Khan says this will never happen. He has refused to fight Brook - ever. I believe Kell Brook would do what Alvarez did - possibly quicker.


My own opinion is that Khan should retire before suffering permanent damage - his thinking doesn't appear very logical at the moment.

Edited by Gordon R
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Khan was told before the fight by the WBC president that if he lost he would still be mandatory challenger for the WW title against Danny Garcia so he is guaranteed that gig if he wants.

Domestically Kell Brook would be a pretty big payday considering the PPV sums that have been made lately so he has options.

Apart from his health he hasnt dont that much damage by jumping up two division to fight at MW and losing a fight most folk knew he would lose.

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Be nice if kell brook actually fought someone of any note pick me one fighter other than shawn porter he has faced of any note his resume is very poor.


Let's face it he has been champion now for nearly two years and has fought Jo jo Dan , frankie gavin and Kevin bizier at least Khan has maidana , zab Judah and Chris Algerii on his record all of whom have fought mayweather and pacquiao .


Ok he bit off more than he could chew here but I admire him for stepping up to face canelo would have been a lot easier to have stayed back at home and have a journeyman fighter in Sheffield arena like kell brook does all the time


Excellent post Right there Fella.


Seems Khan is not the only deluded one..Brook now reckons he punches as Hard as Canelo..The MW division better take note..Watch out Canelo and Golovkin :rolleyes:


Just some after thoughts on the Mismatch that took place over the Weekend. I think De la Hoya should be ashamed of himself "Not that he will of course" For me Khan was led up the garden path here. It was like a script plucked right out of a Rocky Film. Big punching MW fights Super fast WW...The Power v the Speed..After the intial shock of when the fight was announced we where all sucked in.We all new what the outcome would be but the interest was still there and the money was payed to watch the fight. Thats what these promoters do. But it sickened me to watch De la hoya after the fight whilst Canelo was being interviewed, Standing all elated and grinning from ear to ear hardly able to contain himself As if his big punching Golden Boy had done something really special..When in reality all he done was knockout a smaller man two divisions below him. Was anyone really that surprised...I dont think So..!!


Like when Canelo went over and kneeled down deside Khan afer he KO'd him..Showing sportsmanship..? My ***.! Does anyone think if it had of been a MW,Say Triple G he would have done the same..? It was akin to the Big school bully hitting the smaller skinny kid and then feeling bad about it afterwards.


Of course Team Khan should take some of the blame.They should never have let this fight happen. Khan would never have Dreamt of taking this fight if Golden boy had not approched him with there Rocky script..They knew exactly what they were doing.I think its fair to say that we all know Khan is not the Sharpest tool in the box and has a tendency to get carried away with himself And I could just visualize Khan begging for the fight after the seed was planted in his Head.He would have been like a young Boy begging his daddy for a pup and being the spoiled boy he got his way despite his best interests at heart. Of course the 6m would have played a major role in the decision but I can Honestly say the I believe thats its not all about the money for Khan.


Poor Khan never gets a break..he gets criticzed for not attempting to avenge his defeats then when he says he wants to fight Garcia he is deluded..I guess its a case of damned if you Do and Damned if you Dont.


Should he retire..? Well we all may have an Opinion but the only Man than can decide that is the Man Himself..If he wants to hang up the Gloves then so be it and if he feels he has more he wants to do then best of luck to him.


Its Boxers like Khan that keep me interested in the sport.

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He has only really become interested in avenging one defeat - the others seem to have slipped his mind - after suffering a devastating knockout.


I don't believe he is thinking clearly enough.


I totally agree about "Team Khan" - although I cringe at the title.

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Excellent post Right there Fella.


Seems Khan is not the only deluded one..Brook now reckons he punches as Hard as Canelo..The MW division better take note..Watch out Canelo and Golovkin :rolleyes:


Just some after thoughts on the Mismatch that took place over the Weekend. I think De la Hoya should be ashamed of himself "Not that he will of course" For me Khan was led up the garden path here. It was like a script plucked right out of a Rocky Film. Big punching MW fights Super fast WW...The Power v the Speed..After the intial shock of when the fight was announced we where all sucked in.We all new what the outcome would be but the interest was still there and the money was payed to watch the fight. Thats what these promoters do. But it sickened me to watch De la hoya after the fight whilst Canelo was being interviewed, Standing all elated and grinning from ear to ear hardly able to contain himself As if his big punching Golden Boy had done something really special..When in reality all he done was knockout a smaller man two divisions below him. Was anyone really that surprised...I dont think So..!!


Like when Canelo went over and kneeled down deside Khan afer he KO'd him..Showing sportsmanship..? My ***.! Does anyone think if it had of been a MW,Say Triple G he would have done the same..? It was akin to the Big school bully hitting the smaller skinny kid and then feeling bad about it afterwards.


Of course Team Khan should take some of the blame.They should never have let this fight happen. Khan would never have Dreamt of taking this fight if Golden boy had not approched him with there Rocky script..They knew exactly what they were doing.I think its fair to say that we all know Khan is not the Sharpest tool in the box and has a tendency to get carried away with himself And I could just visualize Khan begging for the fight after the seed was planted in his Head.He would have been like a young Boy begging his daddy for a pup and being the spoiled boy he got his way despite his best interests at heart. Of course the 6m would have played a major role in the decision but I can Honestly say the I believe thats its not all about the money for Khan.


Poor Khan never gets a break..he gets criticzed for not attempting to avenge his defeats then when he says he wants to fight Garcia he is deluded..I guess its a case of damned if you Do and Damned if you Dont.


Should he retire..? Well we all may have an Opinion but the only Man than can decide that is the Man Himself..If he wants to hang up the Gloves then so be it and if he feels he has more he wants to do then best of luck to him.


Its Boxers like Khan that keep me interested in the sport.

Pacqiuao fought de la Hoya (ok Hoya was weight drained) and cotto who is a big puncher and both times made them look silly. So power v speed can work.

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Pacqiuao fought de la Hoya (ok Hoya was weight drained) and cotto who is a big puncher and both times made them look silly. So power v speed can work.


Of Course Speed can beat power..The Dogs in the street know that,but it was never going to happen in this Fight and Golden Boy knew that.


They Cherry picked Khan..The fastest hands in Boxing with a poor Defence and knew only to well his inability to take a good shot,Especially by a big hitter like Canelo.

Khan got knocked Sparko, like most knew he would...But My point is that de lay Hoya hpyped the fight up as it was 50/50 Chance for either the speed or power when in reality he didnt even believe himself what he was saying. He knew his Fighter had a 99% chance of knocking Khan out and the other 1% wasnt even Doubt but more Just in case a miracle happened and Khan went the distance..Hence the Rematch Clause if the Miracle did happen.


I liked de lay Hoya th Fighter, But as a promoter and after his Falsity in the build up and in the ring after the fight he comes across as a Don King type character.


He also says he doesnt see How Golovkin is an Animal and doesnt get why people think he is an Animal..does he really believe What he is saying..?


Well Oscar get your monster in the Ring with triple G if you really believe that and lets see how he fairs When They come a Little Bigger,Hit a Hell of a lot harder and Wont Run away.!

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Got to agree that De La Hoya knew that Khan had virtually no chance and it would just be another win on Alverez's record.


Khan - modest as ever - passing through Manchester Airport - repeating that he will never fight Kell Brook. The World and his wife know why.


Khan's insistence that he still merits the top fights and Kell Brook isn't good enough to meet him is delusional.

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I don't mind Khan but I do think he`s deluded and he`s to mouthy for his own good. It was nice to see him taken down harder but wish it had happened in the second round.

I look forward to seeing him return and hopefully win if he keeps his trap shut.





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As expected Alvarez wont be fighting GGG anytime shortly.

He has actually gave the belts away instead of taking the fight at MW so again all this "ill fight anyone" nonsense is just that and Dela Hoya is just your normal,cash cow protecting promoter.

Hes made a mockery of The Ring and become a bit of a joke in the boxing world especially after his drug taking and crossdressing episode which was pretty funny.


As said though,it seems to be the way with boxing now and he joins Frampton on the list lately who have rather ducked than fight the best.


Wee bit more info,Canelo has stated that he has told his team to still get the fight made but he didnt want "time restraints" forced by the WBC.Considering GGG is mandatory it would be the same timings as most other madatory fights so imo hes going to try and broker a deal for both men to come in at a CW below the MW limit.

Can still happen then,but vacating the title means he doesnt want any at true MW.

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