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Today's early morning treat.


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Yes I know what you are thinking but it's not that, not yet anyway.


Out early with the dogs I was serenaded by a chorus of birds this morning including sky larks, meadow pipits, linnets, goldfinches, wrens and hedge sparrows. I also saw a bull finch.


However the star of the show was a corn bunting sitting on a bush no more than six metres from me and singing it's heart out. What a wonderful sound to lift my spirits on yet another dull morning.

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Morning JD,

I'm in Orkney at the moment. Yesterday I was on the isle of Egilsay and the sky larks we're going bananas. The birdsong is quite overwhelming by comparison to the shrieking of green parakeets I have to endure in London!


Have you heard a Corncrake yet? There are supposed to be a few on that island.

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I've been listening intently for the 'crex crex', but I'm blowed if I can hear it over the racket of the skylarks, and the hundreds of oystercatchers sounding off (they are either very loud, or the cry is just particularly distjnctive).


The other things here in droves are lapwing (green plovers), but they don't seem to make much noise.



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I've been listening intently for the 'crex crex', but I'm blowed if I can hear it over the racket of the skylarks, and the hundreds of oystercatchers sounding off (they are either very loud, or the cry is just particularly distjnctive).


The other things here in droves are lapwing (green plovers), but they don't seem to make much noise.




They usually make plenty noise and have a lovely "peewee" call.

Hence their nickname of peesies.

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Ive been out rabbiting quite a bit lately late evening, and the warning cries from gulls, peewits, redshanks and the worst offenders oyster catchers are making it almost impossible to get near a rabbit :unhappy: but I wouldnt have in other way :good: one thing that was a real pleasure to see was a jack snipe with chicks they looked like hairy brown table tennis balls :)

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My early morning treat at the moment is being awoken my the local mosque at 4am , when they are "calling to prayer ".

Bird life wise there seems to be lots of crows some pure black but mostly a light grey in colour , numerous magpies too.

I have also seen Eagles of some description along with several Owls and plenty of songbirds I have no idea of type , some seem to be a Lark of some type though.

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My early morning treat at the moment is being awoken my the local mosque at 4am , when they are "calling to prayer ".

Bird life wise there seems to be lots of crows some pure black but mostly a light grey in colour , numerous magpies too.

I have also seen Eagles of some description along with several Owls and plenty of songbirds I have no idea of type , some seem to be a Lark of some type though.

geez Wisbech has changed a lot since I was last there :|

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Yes I know what you are thinking but it's not that, not yet anyway.


Out early with the dogs I was serenaded by a chorus of birds this morning including sky larks, meadow pipits, linnets, goldfinches, wrens and hedge sparrows. I also saw a bull finch.


However the star of the show was a corn bunting sitting on a bush no more than six metres from me and singing it's heart out. What a wonderful sound to lift my spirits on yet another dull morning.

At 9am this morning we were on our way to Lincoln, grey, drizzling, overcast. Plenty of damned magpies though!

Edited by secretagentmole
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My early morning treat at the moment is being awoken my the local mosque at 4am , when they are "calling to prayer ".

Bird life wise there seems to be lots of crows some pure black but mostly a light grey in colour , numerous magpies too.

I have also seen Eagles of some description along with several Owls and plenty of songbirds I have no idea of type , some seem to be a Lark of some type though.



i would have difficulty of putting up with that....................

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