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TICK removal


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Love the right tool, but not in Northalerton till Saturday thinking jollies might have one, Want to tryu and get it off him tonight if i can.

Have you tried the vet, I bought both mine of the vet and the nurse even removed the tick my dog had to show me the correct removal method.

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Cotton bud...Meth spirit..

+1.. last year it felt like almost every evening he got one.

I used this method:

Whitespirit/meths and a pair of tweezers.

Put ghe spirit on with a cloth and give the tic time to

Loosen a bit. Use the tweezer to pull out firmly but carefully. As said, don't leave the head in and don't crush the body..

Round the eyes is awkward. Not much depth of skin to part the hair to get at it plus

You have to hold the dogs head tightly enough and carefully enough not to poke the eye.

I put the tic after removal into the tub of white spirit to kill it and avoid any infection being passed on.(don't crush it asthe blood could go all over the


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+1.. last year it felt like almost every evening he got one.

I used this method:

Whitespirit/meths and a pair of tweezers.

Put ghe spirit on with a cloth and give the tic time to

Loosen a bit. Use the tweezer to pull out firmly but carefully. As said, don't leave the head in and don't crush the body..

Round the eyes is awkward. Not much depth of skin to part the hair to get at it plus

You have to hold the dogs head tightly enough and carefully enough not to poke the eye.

I put the tic after removal into the tub of white spirit to kill it and avoid any infection being passed on.(don't crush it asthe blood could go all over the


Edited by subsonicnat
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I was referring to using a proper £4 tool to remove the tick instead of using something like meths which causes regurgitation and possible infection.

The Meths is just to make it release its jaws were it is locked on,Teasing the Tic offshould be done slowly,,if you leave its head in,yes you will probaly have infection.

Slow teasing and applying more meths gently,take your time,,get it Right..

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Use OTom tick removers. You will get them on line or at pet store or vets.


Never ever put any cream , ointment , heat , squeeze a tick. When a tick is feeding with its head parts in the skin it breathes through its back. Any additional covering causes the tick to choke into the blood stream significantly increasing the chance of the host contracting a tick Bourne disease , lymes or borrealis.


Tick borne diseases are on the increase in humans and dogs.

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Use OTom tick removers. You will get them on line or at pet store or vets.


Never ever put any cream , ointment , heat , squeeze a tick. When a tick is feeding with its head parts in the skin it breathes through its back. Any additional covering causes the tick to choke into the blood stream significantly increasing the chance of the host contracting a tick Bourne disease , lymes or borrealis.


Tick borne diseases are on the increase in humans and dogs.

That's the point I was trying to make spend £4 get the correct tool and do the job properly.

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If you can't get hold of a tick puller then I've used a piece of cotton thread. make a single knot in the thread and tighten until it is just bigger than the tick, slide over and gently tighten around the head, then keep the pressure on and ease it out. It has worked well for me if the area isn't too hairy (ooh-err).

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Had the Tom o'tick tool but was given one of these and imo they are much better...........with the added advantage of being larger and less easy to misplace!!


Just press the top to release the noose, hook it over the tick and release button then twist it anti clockwise............i read somewhere the tick screws itself into the skin, whether it is true or not i'm not sure

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Met and elderly friend today and was genuinely shocked at how lymes disease had affected his life for the last few years. Ticks are not to be taken lightly. Do dogs get affected the same as people can?

I was told they do, one of the reasons i wanted it off my dog as soon as. Same bloke who told me this mentioned some tv angler who filmed with John willson martin somebody he got ill with a tick apparently.

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Martin Bowler, it knackered him. Still affects him now.


I was told they do, one of the reasons i wanted it off my dog as soon as. Same bloke who told me this mentioned some tv angler who filmed with John willson martin somebody he got ill with a tick apparently.

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