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Domestic threat accusations- guns taken by police- advice needed

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You should ensure that you keep the keys to the cabinet in a place where they can’t be found easily. Remember that YOU are responsible for the security of the guns, and letting people who do not have a certificate (including family members) know where the keys are, is NOT taking reasonable precautions to ensure that they don’t have access to the guns.






were the keys found "easily" :hmm:



The fact is that they were found. Whatever anyone's views are - some seem to think they have it covered - I have to disagree. Check with the Firearms Team. It's not a matter of whether you or I are right - their view is the one that could grant the return of the guns, or keep them away from the OP.


As a slight aside - I don't know the exact search powers in Scotland (they seem to be similar), but in England the OP or wife would have to have been under arrest at the time of the search or have a warrant issued by a Magistrate.




As the OP was on holiday at the time of the search, none of the exemptions would seem to apply.

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The fact is that they were found. Whatever anyone's views are - some seem to think they have it covered - I have to disagree. Check with the Firearms Team. It's not a matter of whether you or I are right - their view is the one that could grant the return of the guns, or keep them away from the OP.


As a slight aside - I don't know the exact search powers in Scotland (they seem to be similar), but in England the OP or wife would have to have been under arrest at the time of the search or have a warrant issued by a Magistrate.




As the OP was on holiday at the time of the search, none of the exemptions would seem to apply.

the keys being found does not mean any laws have been broken,even if the keys were in the house well hidden then if you look hard/long enough someone would eventually find them

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Just to add,


If I go out without the car ie someone picks me up then I take a door key, not the car keys (which also has a door key on it) so my cabinet keys would be hanging up beside the back door,


None of this matters of course because my cabinet keys are hidden in the house and more importantly I live on my own :)



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the keys being found does not mean any laws have been broken,even if the keys were in the house well hidden then if you look hard/long enough someone would eventually find them

Been there done that, get a lawyer who understands shooting and certs matters, had all of mine removed shotguns and rifles due to proceeding divorce 14 years ago, I knew the village policeman who took my weapons, just a precautionary measure and I would get them back no problem. I was lucky in that I had been deer stalking with a local lawyer before and I went to him. Well end result judge stated no case to answer and everything returned to the tune of £850 lawyers bill and I am afraid you may have to go down that route.


As for keys my best shooting friend past away at home in his chair, lived alone and the same local policeman had called me asking if I could assist taking his dog which I did, they asked me about his gun cabinet keys and if I knew were they where kept, all I could say was no even though I had a good idea of the place they may be kept. Well three days later they found them.


This was before Police Scotland was formed so good luck and a good lawyer is required.



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I explained it in my post.


Usually someone's car/house (let's just call them keys) go everywhere with them as they use them to lock their house when they're out.


I am surprised that you don't understand this. I can't tell if you're thick or just being awkward by making up examples of how this simple solution wouldn't work. I'll try to give you the benefit of the doubt though.


The fact that the police were able to access the ops cabinet by finding keys is not going to look good. If he had one key on his keys this wouldn't have happened.

I think you will find that most people will treat their keys(excluding their cabinet keys ) in either of two ways :


either keep all their normal keys in one bunch ,and are kept with them at all times along with phone wallet watch etc


or you get people who tend to keep their house & car keys on different bunches and tend to have a separate and somewhat communal place that they live in the home set of hooks a bowl or similar place .( this seems more prevalent when multiple people within the house use the same car/s etc.


I subscribe to the former method,having even suited the locks at my house so that i only have 3 keys and the car key on my keyring- ( incidently the car key is on a quick release fitment so if i am needing to leave the car key with a garage etc it detaches so i don't hand over the rest of my keys.) if you control your keys in this way do this i see no harm in your cabinet key being on the bunch if you wish


obviously if all the family keys are kept in a communal key rack/place/bowl then putting your cabinet key on your key bunch is a bad idea.

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For someone who used to keep his cabinet keys on his self whenever he was out, I now leave them in the house well hidden.


I spent the best part of three days re-tracing my steps over farm land looking for my keys, I eventually found them in the car, they must have slipped out my pocket...


Not only that I had a safe key on the same ring that I need to gain access to rifle bolts/ammo/mags...etc.


At least now if I cannot find them I know they are in the house, a bit easier to find.....

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Some years ago HM The Queen's solicitor a senior partner at Farrer and Co.was prosecuted by the police. They called to check his firearms certificate and his guns and his wife led them straight to the keys then the cabinet.

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Some years ago HM The Queen'Street solicitor a senior partner at Farrer and Co. Was prosecuted by the police. They called to check his firearms certificate and his guns and his wife led them straight to the keys then the cabinet.

I think there are several case of that happening J Dog..


My own regional Firearms Liason Officer tore me off a strip big time many years back when my then Wife opened the gun cabinet for him in my absence. blush.gif.pagespeed.ce.52mZp8Fmx9.gif oops!


The stern telling off was sufficient for me to be suitably chaste at that time.


I now have a digital locked cabinet and my certificate is locked inside the ammo compartment inside.

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Up date - Feo called me today to say he had the keys and would I like like them back.


Also he said he was concerned about the ease at which my wife found the keys, I think this is a bit double edged as he asked her to look for them after she said she didn't know where they were, when she found hem she didn't know what they were for or how to access our attic to get to the cabinet!


I took r opportunity to ask him why my guns had been lifted as the police haven't told me this directly- he said that was because a source said I had said I would shot myself. And that the source had said the guns were left out of the cabinet lying in the kitchen table.


This might be confused by my air field was out sitting in hallway after the domestic and could have been mistook for a shotgun- I suppose?


Totally confused what the actual allegations are. The Feo when asked about allegations pertaining to shooting of cats- denied this was a concern the anno called made. Which is conflicting what the officer told my wife.

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The whole situation seems rather bizarre, have you settled things with your wife and the person who made the allegation to the police?


I guess that if an allegation is made and then supported by your wife the Police must act upon that information and remove the weapons.


They would be in trouble if they didn't and a crime was committed.


A lesson to us all.

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What reason did they give for seizing the keys to tha cabinet.They took the guns so what harm would leaving the keys have?

The only things that should of been taken was your shotguns (they wouldnt take your carts as they dont require you to hold a cert).They would also take any rifles mods and bullets,leave a receipt of everthing seized and also revoke the certificates.But the keys seems really odd.

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